--- # Here's an example workflow that's going to get ya the list of filters available # ```bash # spin up storefront-renderer # spin ssh # cd storefront-renderer # bundle exec rake console # ``` # ```ruby # Pathname(ENV["HOME"]).join('filters.yml').write(YAML.dump(Liquid::StrainerFactory.global_filter_names)) # ``` # ```bash # exit # scp $(spin show -o fqdn):/filters.yml . # ``` # The list of filters is now in a file named filters.yml in your $(pwd). # Note that it'll probably need a bit of massaging before including here... Liquid::StandardFilters: - times - h - uniq - compact - url_encode - escape - escape_once - url_decode - base64_encode - base64_decode - base64_url_safe_encode - base64_url_safe_decode - truncatewords - strip_html - strip_newlines - replace - remove - sort_natural - replace_first - replace_last - remove_first - remove_last - newline_to_br - upcase - downcase - capitalize - divided_by - minus - at_most - at_least - size - last - split - append - reverse - concat - prepend - join - strip - lstrip - rstrip - sort - where - map - default - first - slice - modulo - abs - date - ceil - round - truncate - plus - floor FormFilter: - payment_terms - installments_pricing - default_errors - payment_button DateFilter: - date I18nFilter: - translate - time_tag - sentence - t - date - app_block_path_for - dev_shop? - app_extension_path_for - global_block_type? - app_block_path? - app_extension_path? - app_snippet_path? - registration_uuid_from - handle_from UrlFilter: - stylesheet_tag - script_tag - img_tag - link_to - shopify_asset_url - payment_type_img_url - payment_type_svg_tag - placeholder_svg_tag - img_url - asset_url - asset_img_url - global_asset_url - file_url - file_img_url - product_img_url - collection_img_url - article_img_url - image_url - preload_tag JsonFilter: - json ColorFilter: - color_mix - color_contrast - color_difference - brightness_difference - hex_to_rgba - color_to_rgb - color_to_hsl - color_to_hex - color_extract - color_brightness - color_modify - color_lighten - color_darken - color_saturate - color_desaturate MoneyFilter: - money - money_with_currency - money_without_currency - money_without_trailing_zeros StringFilter: - md5 - camelcase - format_code - handle - camelize - handleize - url_param_escape - url_escape - encode_url_component CollectionFilter: - sort_by - within - link_to_vendor - link_to_type - url_for_type - url_for_vendor TagFilter: - link_to_tag - highlight_active_tag - link_to_add_tag - link_to_remove_tag CryptoFilter: - hmac_sha1 - hmac_sha256 - md5 - sha1 - sha256 CustomerAccountFilter: - customer_login_link - customer_logout_link - customer_register_link - recover_password_link - delete_customer_address_link - edit_customer_address_link - cancel_customer_order_link CurrencyFormFilter: - currency_selector PaginationFilter: - default_pagination WeightFilter: - unit - weight - weight_with_unit TextFilter: - pluralize - highlight - format_address - paragraphize - excerpt - pad_spaces FontFilter: - font_face - font_url - font_modify DistanceFilter: - distance_from MediaFilter: - external_video_tag - video_tag - model_viewer_tag - media_tag - image_tag - external_video_url ThemeFilter: - theme_url - link_to_theme - _online_store_editor_live_setting MetafieldFilter: - metafield_tag - metafield_text DebugFilter: - debug