Then /^a README should not be generated$/ do step %(the file "tmp/newgem/README.rdoc" should not exist) end Then /^a README should be generated in RDoc$/ do step %(a file named "tmp/newgem/README.rdoc" should exist) end Then /^the README should contain the project name$/ do step %(the file "tmp/newgem/README.rdoc" should match /newgem/) end Then /^the README should contain my name$/ do step %(the file "tmp/newgem/README.rdoc" should match /Author:: YOUR NAME \\\(YOUR EMAIL\\\)/) end Then /^the README should contain links to Github and$/ do step %(the file "tmp/newgem/README.rdoc" should match /\\\* \\\{Source on Github\\\}\\\[LINK TO GITHUB\\\]/) step %(the file "tmp/newgem/README.rdoc" should match /RDoc\\\[LINK TO RDOC.INFO\\\]/) end Then /^the README should contain empty sections for common elements of a README$/ do step %(the file "tmp/newgem/README.rdoc" should match /^== Install/) step %(the file "tmp/newgem/README.rdoc" should match /^== Examples/) step %(the file "tmp/newgem/README.rdoc" should match /^== Contributing/) end