(import [symbol quote deref name keyword unquote meta dictionary pr-str] "../src/ast") (import [dictionary nil? str =] "../src/runtime") (import [read-from-string] "../src/reader") (import [list] "../src/sequence") (def read-string read-from-string) (print "name fn") (assert (identical? (name (read-string ":foo")) "foo") "name of :foo is foo") (assert (identical? (name (read-string ":foo/bar")) "bar") "name of :foo/bar is bar") (assert (identical? (name (read-string "foo")) "foo") "name of foo is foo") (assert (identical? (name (read-string "foo/bar")) "bar") "name of foo/bar is bar") (assert (identical? (name (read-string "\"foo\"")) "foo") "name of \"foo\" is foo") (print "read simple list") (assert (= (read-string "(foo bar)") '(foo bar)) "(foo bar) -> (foo bar)") (print "read comma is a whitespace") (assert (= (read-string "(foo, bar)") '(foo bar)) "(foo, bar) -> (foo bar)") (print "read numbers") (assert (= (read-string "(+ 1 2 0)") '(+ 1 2 0)) "(+ 1 2 0) -> (+ 1 2 0)") (print "read keywords") (assert (= (read-string "(foo :bar)") '(foo :bar)) "(foo :bar) -> (foo :bar)") (print "read quoted list") (assert (= (read-string "'(foo bar)") '(quote (foo bar))) "'(foo bar) -> (quote (foo bar))") (print "read vector") (assert (= (read-string "(foo [bar :baz 2])") '(foo [bar :baz 2])) "(foo [bar :baz 2]) -> (foo [bar :baz 2])") (print "read special symbols") (assert (= (read-string "(true false nil)") '(true false nil)) "(true false nil) -> (true false nil)") (print "read chars") (assert (= (read-string "(\\x \\y \\z)") '("x" "y" "z")) "(\\x \\y \\z) -> (\"x\" \"y\" \"z\")") (print "read strings") (assert (= (read-string "(\"hello world\" \"hi \\n there\")") '("hello world" "hi \n there")) "strings are read precisely") (print "read deref") (assert (= (read-string "(+ @foo 2)") '(+ (deref foo) 2)) "(+ @foo 2) -> (+ (deref foo) 2)") (print "read unquote") (assert (= (read-string "(~foo ~@bar ~(baz))") '((unquote foo) (unquote-splicing bar) (unquote (baz)))) "(~foo ~@bar ~(baz)) -> ((unquote foo) (unquote-splicing bar) (unquote (baz))") (assert (= (read-string "(~@(foo bar))") '((unquote-splicing (foo bar)))) "(~@(foo bar)) -> ((unquote-splicing (foo bar)))") (print "read function") (assert (= (read-string "(defn List \"List type\" [head tail] (set! this.head head) (set! this.tail tail) (set! this.length (+ (.-length tail) 1)) this)") '(defn List "List type" [head tail] (set! this.head head) (set! this.tail tail) (set! this.length (+ (.-length tail) 1)) this)) "function read correctly") (print "lambda syntax") (assert (= (read-string "#(apply sum %&)") '(fn [& %&] (apply sum %&)))) (assert (= (read-string "(map #(inc %) [1 2 3])") '(map (fn [%1] (inc %1)) [1 2 3]))) (assert (= (read-string "#(+ %1 % %& %5 %2)") '(fn [%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 & %&] (+ %1 %1 %& %5 %2)))) (print "read comments") (assert (= (read-string "; comment (program)") '(program)) "comments are ignored") (assert (= (read-string "(hello ;; world\n you)") '(hello you))) (print "clojurescript") (assert (= 1 (reader/read-string "1"))) (assert (= 2 (reader/read-string "#_nope 2"))) (assert (= -1 (reader/read-string "-1"))) (assert (= -1.5 (reader/read-string "-1.5"))) (assert (= [3 4] (reader/read-string "[3 4]"))) (assert (= "foo" (reader/read-string "\"foo\""))) (assert (= ':hello (reader/read-string ":hello"))) (assert (= 'goodbye (reader/read-string "goodbye"))) (assert (= '#{1 2 3} (reader/read-string "#{1 2 3}"))) (assert (= '(7 8 9) (reader/read-string "(7 8 9)"))) (assert (= '(deref foo) (reader/read-string "@foo"))) (assert (= '(quote bar) (reader/read-string "'bar"))) ;; TODO: Implement `namespace` fn and proper namespace support ? ;;(assert (= 'foo/bar (reader/read-string "foo/bar"))) ;;(assert (= ':foo/bar (reader/read-string ":foo/bar"))) (assert (= \a (reader/read-string "\\a"))) (assert (= 'String (:tag (meta (reader/read-string "^String {:a 1}"))))) ;; TODO: In quoted sets both keys and values should remain quoted ;; (assert (= [:a 'b '#{c {:d [:e :f :g]}}] ;; (reader/read-string "[:a b #{c {:d [:e :f :g]}}]"))) (assert (= nil (reader/read-string "nil"))) (assert (= true (reader/read-string "true"))) (assert (= false (reader/read-string "false"))) (assert (= "string" (reader/read-string "\"string\""))) (assert (= "escape chars \t \r \n \\ \" \b \f" (reader/read-string "\"escape chars \\t \\r \\n \\\\ \\\" \\b \\f\""))) (print "tagged literals") ;; queue literals (assert (= '(PersistentQueue. []) (reader/read-string "#queue []"))) (assert (= '(PersistentQueue. [1]) (reader/read-string "#queue [1]"))) (assert (= '(PersistentQueue. [1 2]) (reader/read-string "#queue [1 2]"))) ;; uuid literals (assert (= '(UUID. "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000") (reader/read-string "#uuid \"550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000\""))) (print "read unicode") (let [assets ["اختبار" ; arabic "ทดสอบ" ; thai "こんにちは" ; japanese hiragana "你好" ; chinese traditional "אַ גוט יאָר" ; yiddish "cześć" ; polish "привет" ; russian "გამარჯობა" ; georgian ;; RTL languages skipped below because tricky to insert ;; ' and : at the "start" 'ทดสอบ 'こんにちは '你好 'cześć 'привет 'გამარჯობა :ทดสอบ :こんにちは :你好 :cześć :привет :გამარჯობა ;compound data {:привет :ru "你好" :cn} ]] (.for-each assets (fn [unicode] (let [input (pr-str unicode) read (read-string input)] (assert (= unicode read) (str "Failed to read-string \"" unicode "\" from: " input)))))) (print "unicode error cases") ; unicode error cases (let [unicode-errors ["\"abc \\ua\"" ; truncated "\"abc \\x0z ...etc\"" ; incorrect code "\"abc \\u0g00 ..etc\"" ; incorrect code ]] (.for-each unicode-errors (fn [unicode-error] (assert (= :threw (try (reader/read-string unicode-error) :failed-to-throw (catch e :threw))) (str "Failed to throw reader error for: " unicode-error)))))