#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'optparse' options = { :env => 'development' } optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = < [options] Options: BANNER opts.on( '-i', '--driver DRIVER', 'Driver to use') do |driver| ENV["API_DRIVER"] = driver end opts.on( '-r', '--hostname HOSTNAME', 'Bind to HOST address (default: localhost)') do |host| ENV["API_HOST"] = host end opts.on( '-p', '--port PORT', 'Use PORT (default: 3001)') do |port| ENV["API_PORT"] = port end opts.on( '-e', '--env ENV', 'Environment (default: "development")') { |env| options[:env] = env } opts.on( '-h', '--help', '') { options[:help] = true } end optparse.parse! if options[:help] puts optparse exit(0) end unless ENV["API_DRIVER"] puts "You need to specify a driver to use (-i )" exit(1) end ENV["API_HOST"] = "localhost" unless ENV["API_HOST"] ENV["API_PORT"] = "3001" unless ENV["API_PORT"] puts "Starting Deltacloud API :: #{ENV["API_DRIVER"]} :: http://#{ENV["API_HOST"]}:#{ENV["API_PORT"]}/api" puts dirname="#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/.." platform = RUBY_PLATFORM[/java/] || 'ruby' if platform == 'java' require 'rack' # We can't chdir with webrick so add our root directory # onto the load path $: << dirname # Read in config.ru and convert it to an instance of Rack::Builder cfgfile = File.read(File.join(dirname, 'config.ru')) inner_app = eval("Rack::Builder.new {(" + cfgfile + "\n )}.to_app", nil, 'config.ru') app = Rack::Builder.new { use Rack::CommonLogger # apache-like logging use Rack::Reloader if options[:env] == "development" set :root, dirname # Set Sinatra root since we can't chdir to ../ run inner_app }.to_app # There's a bug with string ports on JRuby so convert to int # http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-4868 port = ENV["API_PORT"].to_i puts "=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server" Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run(app, :Host => ENV["API_HOST"], :Port => port, :AccessLog => []) else require 'thin' argv_opts = ARGV.clone argv_opts << ['start'] unless Thin::Runner.commands.include?(options[0]) argv_opts << ['--address', ENV["API_HOST"] ] argv_opts << ['--port', ENV["API_PORT"] ] argv_opts << ['--rackup', 'config.ru' ] argv_opts << ['--chdir', dirname ] argv_opts << ['-e', options[:env] ] argv_opts << ['--threaded', '-D', '--stats', '/stats'] argv_opts.flatten! if options[:env] == "development" use_rerun = false begin require "rerun" use_rerun = true rescue # Do nothing end end if use_rerun argv_opts.unshift "thin" command = argv_opts.join(" ") topdir = File::expand_path(File::join(File::dirname(__FILE__), "..")) rerun = Rerun::Runner.new(command, :dir => topdir) rerun.start rerun.join else thin = Thin::Runner.new(argv_opts) begin thin.run! rescue Exception => e puts "ERROR: #{e.message}" end end end