Given "I am on the homepage" do visit "/" end Given "I am on {string}" do |path| visit path end When "I reload the page" do visit page.current_path end When "I fill in {string} with {string}" do |field, value| fill_in field, with: value end When "I attach the file {string} to {string}" do |path, field| attach_file field, Rails.root.join("features/support/fixtures/#{path}") end When "I attach a file of type {string} to {string}" do |extension, field| path = Rails.root.join("features/support/fixtures/empty.#{extension}") FileUtils.touch(path) attach_file field, path end When "I attach the following files to {string}:" do |field, table| files = { |path| Rails.root.join("features/support/fixtures/#{path}") } attach_file field, files end When "I follow {string}" do |link| find_link(link).trigger "click" end When "I press {string}" do |button| click_button button end Then "I should see {string} filled in with {string}" do |field, value| expect(find_field(field).value).to eq(value) end Then /^I should see "(.*?)"$/ do |text| expect(page).to have_content(text) end Then /^I should not see "(.*?)"$/ do |text| expect(page).to_not have_content(text) end Then "I should see the {string} image" do |filename| expect(page).to have_css("img[src$='/#{filename}']") end Then "I should not see the {string} image" do |filename| expect(page).to_not have_css("img[src$='/#{filename}']") end Then "I should see a preview of {string}" do |filename| expect(find("uploaded-file")[:filename]).to eq(filename) end Then "I should not see a preview" do expect(page).to_not have_css("figure") end Then "I should see an upload progress bar at 100%" do page.document.synchronize 5, errors: [Capybara::ElementNotFound, Ferrum::JavaScriptError] do expect(page).to have_css("progress-bar[percent='100']") end end Then "the {string} bard-file should have a validation error containing {string}" do |field, message| messages = bard_file_validation_messages(field) expect(messages).to include message end Then "the {string} bard-file should have no validation errors" do |field| messages = bard_file_validation_messages(field) expect(messages).to be_empty end def bard_file_validation_messages field field = find_field(field) bard_file = field.find(:xpath, "..") [bard_file, *bard_file.all("uploaded-file input")].map do |e| e.evaluate_script("this.validationMessage") end Then "debugger" do debugger end