require_relative '../helpers/base_actor_helper' module CapistranoMulticonfigParallel # class used to display the progress of each worker on terminal screen using a table class TerminalTable include CapistranoMulticonfigParallel::BaseActorHelper attr_reader :options, :errors, :manager, :position, :job_manager, :terminal_rows, :screen_erased delegate :workers_terminated, to: :manager delegate :condition, to: :job_manager def self.topic 'sshkit_terminal' end def initialize(manager, job_manager, options = {}) @manager = manager @position = nil @terminal_rows = nil @cursor = @errors = [] @notifications = 0 @options = options.is_a?(Hash) ? options.stringify_keys : options @job_manager = job_manager @screen_erased = false rescue => ex puts ex.inspect rescue_exception(ex) end def default_heaadings ['Job UUID', 'App/Stage', 'Action', 'ENV Variables', 'Current Status'] end def run subscribe(CapistranoMulticonfigParallel::TerminalTable.topic, :notify_time_change) end def notify_time_change(_channel, message) table = 'Deployment Status Table', headings: default_heaadings) jobs = setup_table_jobs(table) @cursor.erase_screen if && @job_manager.checked_job_paths.size > 0 && jobs.find{|job_id, job| job.bundler_check_status.present? }.present? @notifications=@notifications+1 display_table_on_terminal(table, jobs) signal_complete end def rescue_exception(ex) log_to_file("Terminal Table client disconnected due to error #{ex.inspect}") rescue_error(ex, 'stderr') terminate end def fetch_table_size(jobs) job_rows = jobs.sum { |_job_id, job| job.row_size } (job_rows + 2)**2 end def display_table_on_terminal(table, jobs) table_size = fetch_table_size(jobs) @position, @terminal_rows, @screen_erased = @cursor.display_on_screen( "#{table}", @options.merge( position: @position, table_size: table_size, screen_erased: @screen_erased ) ) print_errors end def print_errors puts(@errors.join("\n")) if @errors.present? && @options.fetch('clear_screen', false).to_s == 'false' && development_debug? end def setup_table_jobs(table) jobs = managers_alive? ? : [] jobs.each do |job_id, job| table.add_row(job.terminal_row) table.add_separator if jobs.keys.last != job_id end jobs end def show_confirmation(message, default) exclusive do ask_confirm(message, default) end end def managers_alive? @manager.alive? end def signal_complete if managers_alive? && @manager.all_workers_finished? && workers_terminated.instance_variable_get("@waiters").blank? condition.signal('completed') if condition.instance_variable_get("@waiters").present? elsif !managers_alive? terminate end end end end