if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" require 'csv' end begin # require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' require 'active_support/inflector' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions' rescue Exception => e begin puts e.to_s require 'active_support' rescue Exception => e puts e.to_s require 'activesupport' end end module Chas @adding_morph_method = Hash.new {|hash,klass| hash[klass] = false } unless defined?(@adding_morph_method) @morph_methods = Hash.new {|hash,klass| hash[klass] = {} } unless defined?(@morph_methods) @morph_attributes = Hash.new {|hash,klass| hash[klass] = [] } unless defined?(@morph_attributes) @listeners = {} def self.register_listener listener @listeners[listener.object_id] = listener end def self.unregister_listener listener @listeners.delete(listener.object_id) if @listeners.has_key?(listener.object_id) end def self.morph_classes @morph_attributes.keys end def self.add_method klass, symbol if adding_morph_method?(klass) @morph_methods[klass][symbol] = true is_writer = symbol.to_s =~ /=$/ unless is_writer @morph_attributes[klass] << symbol @listeners.values.each { |l| l.call klass, symbol } end end end def self.remove_method klass, symbol if @morph_methods[klass].has_key? symbol @morph_methods[klass].delete symbol is_writer = symbol.to_s =~ /=$/ @morph_attributes[klass].delete(symbol) unless is_writer end end def self.morph_attributes klass if klass.superclass.respond_to?(:morph_attributes) @morph_attributes[klass] + klass.superclass.morph_attributes else @morph_attributes[klass] + [] end end def self.morph_methods klass methods = if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" @morph_methods[klass].keys.sort else @morph_methods[klass].keys.map(&:to_s).sort end if klass.superclass.respond_to?(:morph_attributes) methods += klass.superclass.morph_methods end methods end private def self.adding_morph_method? klass @adding_morph_method[klass] end public def self.start_adding_morph_method klass @adding_morph_method[klass] = true end def self.finish_adding_morph_method klass @adding_morph_method[klass] = false end def self.add_morph_attribute klass, attribute start_adding_morph_method(klass) klass.send(:attr_accessor, attribute) finish_adding_morph_method(klass) end def self.morph_method_missing object, symbol, *args attribute = symbol.to_s.chomp '=' if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" attribute = attribute.to_sym end if Object.instance_methods.include?(attribute) raise "'#{attribute}' is an instance_method on Object, cannot create accessor methods for '#{attribute}'" elsif argument_provided? args base = object.class add_morph_attribute base, attribute object.send(symbol, *args) end end def self.argument_provided? args args.size > 0 end def self.convert_to_morph_class_name label name = label.to_s + '' name.tr!(',.:"\'/()\-*\\',' ') name.gsub!('%','percentage') name.strip! name.gsub!(/^(\d)/, '_\1') name.gsub!(/\s/,'_') name.squeeze!('_') name end def self.convert_to_morph_method_name label convert_to_morph_class_name label.to_s.downcase end end module Morph VERSION = '0.5.0' unless defined? Morph::VERSION class << self def classes Chas.morph_classes end def register_listener listener Chas.register_listener listener end def unregister_listener listener Chas.unregister_listener listener end def generate_migrations object, options={} options[:ignore] ||= [] options[:belongs_to_id] ||= '' migrations = [] name = object.class.name.demodulize.underscore add_migration name, object.morph_attributes, migrations, options end def from_csv csv, class_name, namespace=Morph objects = [] if !(RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9") begin require 'fastercsv' rescue LoadError puts "\nYou need to install the fastercsv gem to use Morph.from_csv() with Ruby 1.8" puts " gem install fastercsv\n" end end csv_utility = (RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9") ? CSV : 'FasterCSV'.constantize csv_utility.parse(csv, { :headers => true }) do |row| object = object_from_name class_name, namespace row.each do |key, value| object.morph(key, value) end objects << object end objects end def from_tsv tsv, class_name, namespace=Morph lines = tsv.split("\n") attributes = lines[0].split("\t") lines = lines[1..(lines.length-1)] objects = [] lines.each do |line| values = line.split("\t") object = object_from_name class_name, namespace attributes.each_with_index do |attribute, index| object.morph(attribute, values[index]) end objects << object end objects end def from_xml xml, namespace=Morph hash = Hash.from_xml xml from_hash hash, namespace end def from_json json, root_key=nil, namespace=Morph require 'json' unless defined? JSON hash = JSON.parse json hash = { root_key => hash } if root_key from_hash hash, namespace end def from_hash hash, namespace=Morph if hash.keys.size == 1 name = hash.keys.first case hash[name] when Hash object_from_hash hash[name], name, namespace when Array objects_from_array hash[name], name, namespace else raise 'hash root value must be a Hash or an Array' end else raise 'hash must have single key' end end def script_generate morphed_class, options={} name = morphed_class.name.to_s.split('::').last name = yield name if block_given? generator = options[:generator] || 'model' line = ["rails destroy #{generator} #{name}; rails generate #{generator} #{name}"] morphed_class.morph_methods.select{|m| not(m =~ /=$/) }.each {|attribute| line << " #{attribute}:string"} line.join('') end def included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.send(:include, MethodMissing) end private def add_migration name, attributes, migrations, options migration = "./script/generate model #{name}#{options[:belongs_to_id]}" options[:belongs_to_id] = '' migrations << migration attributes = [attributes] if attributes.is_a?(String) attributes.to_a.sort{|a,b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s}.each do |attribute, value| case value when String attribute_name = attribute.to_s unless options[:ignore].include?(attribute_name) type = attribute_name[/date$/] ? 'date' : 'string' attribute_def = "#{attribute}:#{type}" migration.sub!(migration, "#{migration} #{attribute_def}") end when Array options[:belongs_to_id] = " #{name}_id:integer" migrations = add_migration(attribute, '', migrations, options) when Hash options[:belongs_to_id] = " #{name}_id:integer" migrations = add_migration(attribute, value, migrations, options) when nil # ignore else puts 'not supported ' + value.inspect end end migrations end def class_constant namespace, name "#{namespace.name}::#{name}".constantize end def object_from_name name, namespace name = Chas.convert_to_morph_class_name(name).camelize begin type = class_constant namespace, name rescue NameError => e namespace.const_set name, Class.new type = class_constant namespace, name type.send(:include, Morph) end type.new end def object_from_hash hash, name, namespace object = object_from_name(name, namespace) add_to_object(object, hash, namespace) end def objects_from_array array, name, namespace if array.size > 0 && array.collect(&:class).uniq == [Hash] name = name.to_s.singularize array.map! { |hash| object_from_hash(hash, name, namespace) } else array end end def add_to_object object, attributes, namespace attributes.each do |name, value| name = name.to_s if name.is_a?(Symbol) attribute = name.gsub(':',' ').underscore value = value.to_time if defined?(XMLRPC::DateTime) && value.is_a?(XMLRPC::DateTime) case value when String, Date, Time, TrueClass, FalseClass, Fixnum, Float object.morph(attribute, value) when Array attribute = attribute.pluralize object.morph(attribute, objects_from_array(value, name, namespace)) when Hash object.morph(attribute, object_from_hash(value, name, namespace)) when NilClass object.morph(attribute, nil) else raise "cannot handle adding #{name} value of class: #{value.class.name}" end end object end end public module ClassMethods def morph_attributes Chas.morph_attributes(self) end def morph_methods Chas.morph_methods(self) end protected def method_added symbol Chas.add_method self, symbol end def method_removed symbol Chas.remove_method self, symbol end end module MethodMissing def method_missing symbol, *args is_writer = symbol.to_s =~ /=$/ if is_writer Chas.morph_method_missing(self, symbol, *args) else super end end end # # Set attribute value(s). Adds accessor methods to class if # they are not already present. # # Can be called with a +string+ and a value, a +symbol+ and a value, # or with a +hash+ of attribute to value pairs. For example. # # require 'rubygems'; require 'morph' # # class Order; include Morph; end # # order = Order.new # order.morph :drink => 'tea', :sugars => 2, 'milk' => 'yes please' # order.morph 'Payment type:', 'will wash dishes' # order.morph :lemon, false # # p order # -> # # def morph attributes_or_label, value=nil if attributes_or_label.is_a? Hash attributes_or_label.each { |a, v| morph(a, v) } else attribute = Chas.convert_to_morph_method_name(attributes_or_label) send("#{attribute}=".to_sym, value) end end def morph_attributes attributes = self.class.morph_attributes.inject({}) do |hash, attribute| unless attribute =~ /=\Z/ symbol = attribute.to_sym value = send(symbol) value.each do |key, v| value[key] = v.morph_attributes if v.respond_to?(:morph_attributes) end if value.is_a? Hash value = value.collect {|v| v.respond_to?(:morph_attributes) ? v.morph_attributes : v } if value.is_a? Array value = value.morph_attributes if value.respond_to? :morph_attributes hash[symbol] = value end hash end end end