# encoding: utf-8 require './test/helper' require 'paperclip/attachment' class Dummy; end class AttachmentTest < Test::Unit::TestCase should "process :original style first" do file = File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures", "50x50.png"), 'rb') rebuild_class :styles => { :small => '100x>', :original => '42x42#' } dummy = Dummy.new dummy.avatar = file dummy.save # :small avatar should be 42px wide (processed original), not 50px (preprocessed original) assert_equal `identify -format "%w" "#{dummy.avatar.path(:small)}"`.strip, "42" file.close end should "handle a boolean second argument to #url" do mock_url_generator_builder = MockUrlGeneratorBuilder.new attachment = Paperclip::Attachment.new(:name, :instance, :url_generator => mock_url_generator_builder) attachment.url(:style_name, true) assert mock_url_generator_builder.has_generated_url_with_options?(:timestamp => true, :escape => true) attachment.url(:style_name, false) assert mock_url_generator_builder.has_generated_url_with_options?(:timestamp => false, :escape => true) end should "pass the style and options through to the URL generator on #url" do mock_url_generator_builder = MockUrlGeneratorBuilder.new attachment = Paperclip::Attachment.new(:name, :instance, :url_generator => mock_url_generator_builder) attachment.url(:style_name, :options => :values) assert mock_url_generator_builder.has_generated_url_with_options?(:options => :values) end should "pass default options through when #url is given one argument" do mock_url_generator_builder = MockUrlGeneratorBuilder.new attachment = Paperclip::Attachment.new(:name, :instance, :url_generator => mock_url_generator_builder, :use_timestamp => true) attachment.url(:style_name) assert mock_url_generator_builder.has_generated_url_with_options?(:escape => true, :timestamp => true) end should "pass default style and options through when #url is given no arguments" do mock_url_generator_builder = MockUrlGeneratorBuilder.new attachment = Paperclip::Attachment.new(:name, :instance, :default_style => 'default style', :url_generator => mock_url_generator_builder, :use_timestamp => true) attachment.url assert mock_url_generator_builder.has_generated_url_with_options?(:escape => true, :timestamp => true) assert mock_url_generator_builder.has_generated_url_with_style_name?('default style') end should "pass the option :timestamp => true if :use_timestamp is true and :timestamp is not passed" do mock_url_generator_builder = MockUrlGeneratorBuilder.new attachment = Paperclip::Attachment.new(:name, :instance, :url_generator => mock_url_generator_builder, :use_timestamp => true) attachment.url(:style_name) assert mock_url_generator_builder.has_generated_url_with_options?(:escape => true, :timestamp => true) end should "pass the option :timestamp => false if :use_timestamp is false and :timestamp is not passed" do mock_url_generator_builder = MockUrlGeneratorBuilder.new attachment = Paperclip::Attachment.new(:name, :instance, :url_generator => mock_url_generator_builder, :use_timestamp => false) attachment.url(:style_name) assert mock_url_generator_builder.has_generated_url_with_options?(:escape => true, :timestamp => false) end should "not change the :timestamp if :timestamp is passed" do mock_url_generator_builder = MockUrlGeneratorBuilder.new attachment = Paperclip::Attachment.new(:name, :instance, :url_generator => mock_url_generator_builder, :use_timestamp => false) attachment.url(:style_name, :timestamp => true) assert mock_url_generator_builder.has_generated_url_with_options?(:escape => true, :timestamp => true) end should "return the path based on the url by default" do @attachment = attachment :url => "/:class/:id/:basename" @model = @attachment.instance @model.id = 1234 @model.avatar_file_name = "fake.jpg" assert_equal "#{Rails.root}/public/fake_models/1234/fake", @attachment.path end context "Attachment default_options" do setup do rebuild_model @old_default_options = Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.dup @new_default_options = @old_default_options.merge({ :path => "argle/bargle", :url => "fooferon", :default_url => "not here.png" }) end teardown do Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.merge! @old_default_options end should "be overrideable" do Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.merge!(@new_default_options) @new_default_options.keys.each do |key| assert_equal @new_default_options[key], Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[key] end end context "without an Attachment" do setup do @dummy = Dummy.new end should "return false when asked exists?" do assert !@dummy.avatar.exists? end end context "on an Attachment" do setup do @dummy = Dummy.new @attachment = @dummy.avatar end Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.keys.each do |key| should "be the default_options for #{key}" do assert_equal @old_default_options[key], @attachment.instance_variable_get("@options")[key], key end end context "when redefined" do setup do Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.merge!(@new_default_options) @dummy = Dummy.new @attachment = @dummy.avatar end Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.keys.each do |key| should "be the new default_options for #{key}" do assert_equal @new_default_options[key], @attachment.instance_variable_get("@options")[key], key end end end end end context "An attachment with similarly named interpolations" do setup do rebuild_model :path => ":id.omg/:id-bbq/:idwhat/:id_partition.wtf" @dummy = Dummy.new @dummy.stubs(:id).returns(1024) @file = File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures", "5k.png"), 'rb') @dummy.avatar = @file end teardown { @file.close } should "make sure that they are interpolated correctly" do assert_equal "1024.omg/1024-bbq/1024what/000/001/024.wtf", @dummy.avatar.path end end context "An attachment with :timestamp interpolations" do setup do @file = StringIO.new("...") @zone = 'UTC' Time.stubs(:zone).returns(@zone) @zone_default = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)' Time.stubs(:zone_default).returns(@zone_default) end context "using default time zone" do setup do rebuild_model :path => ":timestamp", :use_default_time_zone => true @dummy = Dummy.new @dummy.avatar = @file end should "return a time in the default zone" do assert_equal @dummy.avatar_updated_at.in_time_zone(@zone_default).to_s, @dummy.avatar.path end end context "using per-thread time zone" do setup do rebuild_model :path => ":timestamp", :use_default_time_zone => false @dummy = Dummy.new @dummy.avatar = @file end should "return a time in the per-thread zone" do assert_equal @dummy.avatar_updated_at.in_time_zone(@zone).to_s, @dummy.avatar.path end end end context "An attachment with :hash interpolations" do setup do @file = StringIO.new("...") end should "raise if no secret is provided" do @attachment = attachment :path => ":hash" @attachment.assign @file assert_raise ArgumentError do @attachment.path end end context "when secret is set" do setup do @attachment = attachment :path => ":hash", :hash_secret => "w00t" @attachment.stubs(:instance_read).with(:updated_at).returns(Time.at(1234567890)) @attachment.stubs(:instance_read).with(:file_name).returns("bla.txt") @attachment.instance.id = 1234 @attachment.assign @file end should "interpolate the hash data" do @attachment.expects(:interpolate).with(@attachment.options[:hash_data],anything).returns("interpolated_stuff") @attachment.hash_key end should "result in the correct interpolation" do assert_equal "fake_models/avatars/1234/original/1234567890", @attachment.send(:interpolate,@attachment.options[:hash_data]) end should "result in a correct hash" do assert_equal "d22b617d1bf10016aa7d046d16427ae203f39fce", @attachment.path end should "generate a hash digest with the correct style" do OpenSSL::HMAC.expects(:hexdigest).with(anything, anything, "fake_models/avatars/1234/medium/1234567890") @attachment.path("medium") end end end context "An attachment with a :rails_env interpolation" do setup do @rails_env = "blah" @id = 1024 rebuild_model :path => ":rails_env/:id.png" @dummy = Dummy.new @dummy.stubs(:id).returns(@id) @file = StringIO.new(".") @dummy.avatar = @file Rails.stubs(:env).returns(@rails_env) end should "return the proper path" do assert_equal "#{@rails_env}/#{@id}.png", @dummy.avatar.path end end context "An attachment with a default style and an extension interpolation" do setup do @attachment = attachment :path => ":basename.:extension", :styles => { :default => ["100x100", :png] }, :default_style => :default @file = StringIO.new("...") @file.stubs(:original_filename).returns("file.jpg") end should "return the right extension for the path" do @attachment.assign(@file) assert_equal "file.png", @attachment.path end end context "An attachment with :convert_options" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :thumb => "100x100", :large => "400x400" }, :convert_options => { :all => "-do_stuff", :thumb => "-thumbnailize" } @dummy = Dummy.new @dummy.avatar end should "report the correct options when sent #extra_options_for(:thumb)" do assert_equal "-thumbnailize -do_stuff", @dummy.avatar.send(:extra_options_for, :thumb), @dummy.avatar.convert_options.inspect end should "report the correct options when sent #extra_options_for(:large)" do assert_equal "-do_stuff", @dummy.avatar.send(:extra_options_for, :large) end end context "An attachment with :source_file_options" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :thumb => "100x100", :large => "400x400" }, :source_file_options => { :all => "-density 400", :thumb => "-depth 8" } @dummy = Dummy.new @dummy.avatar end should "report the correct options when sent #extra_source_file_options_for(:thumb)" do assert_equal "-depth 8 -density 400", @dummy.avatar.send(:extra_source_file_options_for, :thumb), @dummy.avatar.source_file_options.inspect end should "report the correct options when sent #extra_source_file_options_for(:large)" do assert_equal "-density 400", @dummy.avatar.send(:extra_source_file_options_for, :large) end end context "An attachment with :only_process" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :thumb => "100x100", :large => "400x400" }, :only_process => [:thumb] @file = StringIO.new("...") @attachment = Dummy.new.avatar end should "only process the provided style" do @attachment.expects(:post_process).with(:thumb) @attachment.expects(:post_process).with(:large).never @attachment.assign(@file) end end context "An attachment with :convert_options that is a proc" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :thumb => "100x100", :large => "400x400" }, :convert_options => { :all => lambda{|i| i.all }, :thumb => lambda{|i| i.thumb } } Dummy.class_eval do def all; "-all"; end def thumb; "-thumb"; end end @dummy = Dummy.new @dummy.avatar end should "report the correct options when sent #extra_options_for(:thumb)" do assert_equal "-thumb -all", @dummy.avatar.send(:extra_options_for, :thumb), @dummy.avatar.convert_options.inspect end should "report the correct options when sent #extra_options_for(:large)" do assert_equal "-all", @dummy.avatar.send(:extra_options_for, :large) end end context "An attachment with :path that is a proc" do setup do rebuild_model :path => lambda{ |attachment| "path/#{attachment.instance.other}.:extension" } @file = File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures", "5k.png"), 'rb') @dummyA = Dummy.new(:other => 'a') @dummyA.avatar = @file @dummyB = Dummy.new(:other => 'b') @dummyB.avatar = @file end teardown { @file.close } should "return correct path" do assert_equal "path/a.png", @dummyA.avatar.path assert_equal "path/b.png", @dummyB.avatar.path end end context "An attachment with :styles that is a proc" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => lambda{ |attachment| {:thumb => "50x50#", :large => "400x400"} } @attachment = Dummy.new.avatar end should "have the correct geometry" do assert_equal "50x50#", @attachment.styles[:thumb][:geometry] end end context "An attachment with conditional :styles that is a proc" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => lambda{ |attachment| attachment.instance.other == 'a' ? {:thumb => "50x50#"} : {:large => "400x400"} } @dummy = Dummy.new(:other => 'a') end should "have the correct styles for the assigned instance values" do assert_equal "50x50#", @dummy.avatar.styles[:thumb][:geometry] assert_nil @dummy.avatar.styles[:large] @dummy.other = 'b' assert_equal "400x400", @dummy.avatar.styles[:large][:geometry] assert_nil @dummy.avatar.styles[:thumb] end end geometry_specs = [ [ lambda{|z| "50x50#" }, :png ], lambda{|z| "50x50#" }, { :geometry => lambda{|z| "50x50#" } } ] geometry_specs.each do |geometry_spec| context "An attachment geometry like #{geometry_spec}" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :normal => geometry_spec } @attachment = Dummy.new.avatar end context "when assigned" do setup do @file = StringIO.new(".") @attachment.assign(@file) end should "have the correct geometry" do assert_equal "50x50#", @attachment.styles[:normal][:geometry] end end end end context "An attachment with both 'normal' and hash-style styles" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :normal => ["50x50#", :png], :hash => { :geometry => "50x50#", :format => :png } } @dummy = Dummy.new @attachment = @dummy.avatar end [:processors, :whiny, :convert_options, :geometry, :format].each do |field| should "have the same #{field} field" do assert_equal @attachment.styles[:normal][field], @attachment.styles[:hash][field] end end end context "An attachment with :processors that is a proc" do setup do class Paperclip::Test < Paperclip::Processor; end @file = StringIO.new("...") Paperclip::Test.stubs(:make).returns(@file) rebuild_model :styles => { :normal => '' }, :processors => lambda { |a| [ :test ] } @attachment = Dummy.new.avatar end context "when assigned" do setup do @attachment.assign(StringIO.new(".")) end should "have the correct processors" do assert_equal [ :test ], @attachment.styles[:normal][:processors] end end end context "An attachment with erroring processor" do setup do rebuild_model :processor => [:thumbnail], :styles => { :small => '' }, :whiny_thumbnails => true @dummy = Dummy.new Paperclip::Thumbnail.expects(:make).raises(Paperclip::PaperclipError, "cannot be processed.") @file = StringIO.new("...") @file.stubs(:to_tempfile).returns(@file) @dummy.avatar = @file end should "correctly forward processing error message to the instance" do @dummy.valid? assert_contains @dummy.errors.full_messages, "Avatar cannot be processed." end end context "An attachment with multiple processors" do setup do class Paperclip::Test < Paperclip::Processor; end @style_params = { :once => {:one => 1, :two => 2} } rebuild_model :processors => [:thumbnail, :test], :styles => @style_params @dummy = Dummy.new @file = StringIO.new("...") @file.stubs(:to_tempfile).returns(@file) Paperclip::Test.stubs(:make).returns(@file) Paperclip::Thumbnail.stubs(:make).returns(@file) end context "when assigned" do setup { @dummy.avatar = @file } before_should "call #make on all specified processors" do Paperclip::Thumbnail.expects(:make).with(any_parameters).returns(@file) Paperclip::Test.expects(:make).with(any_parameters).returns(@file) end before_should "call #make with the right parameters passed as second argument" do expected_params = @style_params[:once].merge({ :processors => [:thumbnail, :test], :whiny => true, :convert_options => "", :source_file_options => "" }) Paperclip::Thumbnail.expects(:make).with(anything, expected_params, anything).returns(@file) end before_should "call #make with attachment passed as third argument" do Paperclip::Test.expects(:make).with(anything, anything, @dummy.avatar).returns(@file) end end end should "include the filesystem module when loading the filesystem storage" do rebuild_model :storage => :filesystem @dummy = Dummy.new assert @dummy.avatar.is_a?(Paperclip::Storage::Filesystem) end should "include the filesystem module even if capitalization is wrong" do rebuild_model :storage => :FileSystem @dummy = Dummy.new assert @dummy.avatar.is_a?(Paperclip::Storage::Filesystem) rebuild_model :storage => :Filesystem @dummy = Dummy.new assert @dummy.avatar.is_a?(Paperclip::Storage::Filesystem) end should "convert underscored storage name to camelcase" do rebuild_model :storage => :not_here @dummy = Dummy.new exception = assert_raises(Paperclip::StorageMethodNotFound) do @dummy.avatar end assert exception.message.include?("NotHere") end should "raise an error if you try to include a storage module that doesn't exist" do rebuild_model :storage => :not_here @dummy = Dummy.new assert_raises(Paperclip::StorageMethodNotFound) do @dummy.avatar end end context "An attachment with styles but no processors defined" do setup do rebuild_model :processors => [], :styles => {:something => '1'} @dummy = Dummy.new @file = StringIO.new("...") end should "raise when assigned to" do assert_raises(RuntimeError){ @dummy.avatar = @file } end end context "An attachment without styles and with no processors defined" do setup do rebuild_model :processors => [], :styles => {} @dummy = Dummy.new @file = StringIO.new("...") end should "not raise when assigned to" do @dummy.avatar = @file end end context "Assigning an attachment with post_process hooks" do setup do rebuild_class :styles => { :something => "100x100#" } Dummy.class_eval do before_avatar_post_process :do_before_avatar after_avatar_post_process :do_after_avatar before_post_process :do_before_all after_post_process :do_after_all def do_before_avatar; end def do_after_avatar; end def do_before_all; end def do_after_all; end end @file = StringIO.new(".") @file.stubs(:to_tempfile).returns(@file) @dummy = Dummy.new Paperclip::Thumbnail.stubs(:make).returns(@file) @attachment = @dummy.avatar end should "call the defined callbacks when assigned" do @dummy.expects(:do_before_avatar).with() @dummy.expects(:do_after_avatar).with() @dummy.expects(:do_before_all).with() @dummy.expects(:do_after_all).with() Paperclip::Thumbnail.expects(:make).returns(@file) @dummy.avatar = @file end should "not cancel the processing if a before_post_process returns nil" do @dummy.expects(:do_before_avatar).with().returns(nil) @dummy.expects(:do_after_avatar).with() @dummy.expects(:do_before_all).with().returns(nil) @dummy.expects(:do_after_all).with() Paperclip::Thumbnail.expects(:make).returns(@file) @dummy.avatar = @file end should "cancel the processing if a before_post_process returns false" do @dummy.expects(:do_before_avatar).never @dummy.expects(:do_after_avatar).never @dummy.expects(:do_before_all).with().returns(false) @dummy.expects(:do_after_all) Paperclip::Thumbnail.expects(:make).never @dummy.avatar = @file end should "cancel the processing if a before_avatar_post_process returns false" do @dummy.expects(:do_before_avatar).with().returns(false) @dummy.expects(:do_after_avatar) @dummy.expects(:do_before_all).with().returns(true) @dummy.expects(:do_after_all) Paperclip::Thumbnail.expects(:make).never @dummy.avatar = @file end end context "Assigning an attachment" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :something => "100x100#" } @file = StringIO.new(".") @file.stubs(:original_filename).returns("5k.png\n\n") @file.stubs(:content_type).returns("image/png\n\n") @file.stubs(:to_tempfile).returns(@file) @dummy = Dummy.new Paperclip::Thumbnail.expects(:make).returns(@file) @attachment = @dummy.avatar @dummy.avatar = @file end should "strip whitespace from original_filename field" do assert_equal "5k.png", @dummy.avatar.original_filename end should "strip whitespace from content_type field" do assert_equal "image/png", @dummy.avatar.instance.avatar_content_type end end context "Attachment with strange letters" do setup do rebuild_model @not_file = mock("not_file") @tempfile = mock("tempfile") @not_file.stubs(:nil?).returns(false) @not_file.expects(:size).returns(10) @tempfile.expects(:size).returns(10) @not_file.expects(:original_filename).returns("sheep_say_bæ.png\r\n") @not_file.expects(:content_type).returns("image/png\r\n") @dummy = Dummy.new @attachment = @dummy.avatar @attachment.expects(:valid_assignment?).with(@not_file).returns(true) @attachment.expects(:queue_existing_for_delete) @attachment.expects(:post_process) @attachment.expects(:to_tempfile).returns(@tempfile) @attachment.expects(:generate_fingerprint).with(@tempfile).returns("12345") @attachment.expects(:generate_fingerprint).with(@not_file).returns("12345") @dummy.avatar = @not_file end should "not remove strange letters" do assert_equal "sheep_say_bæ.png", @dummy.avatar.original_filename end end context "Attachment with reserved filename" do setup do rebuild_model @file = StringIO.new(".") end context "with default configuration" do "&$+,/:;=?@<>[]{}|\^~%# ".split(//).each do |character| context "with character #{character}" do setup do @file.stubs(:original_filename).returns("file#{character}name.png") @dummy = Dummy.new @dummy.avatar = @file end should "convert special character into underscore" do assert_equal "file_name.png", @dummy.avatar.original_filename end end end end context "with specified regexp replacement" do setup do @old_defaults = Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.dup Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.merge! :restricted_characters => /o/ @file.stubs(:original_filename).returns("goood.png") @dummy = Dummy.new @dummy.avatar = @file end teardown do Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.merge! @old_defaults end should "match and convert that character" do assert_equal "g___d.png", @dummy.avatar.original_filename end end end context "Attachment with uppercase extension and a default style" do setup do @old_defaults = Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.dup Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.merge!({ :path => ":rails_root/tmp/:attachment/:class/:style/:id/:basename.:extension" }) FileUtils.rm_rf("tmp") rebuild_model @instance = Dummy.new @instance.stubs(:id).returns 123 @file = File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures", "uppercase.PNG"), 'rb') styles = {:styles => { :large => ["400x400", :jpg], :medium => ["100x100", :jpg], :small => ["32x32#", :jpg]}, :default_style => :small} @attachment = Paperclip::Attachment.new(:avatar, @instance, styles) now = Time.now Time.stubs(:now).returns(now) @attachment.assign(@file) @attachment.save end teardown do @file.close Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.merge!(@old_defaults) end should "should have matching to_s and url methods" do file = @attachment.to_file assert file assert_match @attachment.to_s, @attachment.url assert_match @attachment.to_s(:small), @attachment.url(:small) file.close end end context "An attachment" do setup do @old_defaults = Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.dup Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.merge!({ :path => ":rails_root/tmp/:attachment/:class/:style/:id/:basename.:extension" }) FileUtils.rm_rf("tmp") rebuild_model @instance = Dummy.new @instance.stubs(:id).returns 123 @attachment = Paperclip::Attachment.new(:avatar, @instance) @file = File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures", "5k.png"), 'rb') end teardown do @file.close Paperclip::Attachment.default_options.merge!(@old_defaults) end should "raise if there are not the correct columns when you try to assign" do @other_attachment = Paperclip::Attachment.new(:not_here, @instance) assert_raises(Paperclip::PaperclipError) do @other_attachment.assign(@file) end end should "return nil as path when no file assigned" do assert @attachment.to_file.nil? assert_equal nil, @attachment.path assert_equal nil, @attachment.path(:blah) end context "with a file assigned but not saved yet" do should "clear out any attached files" do @attachment.assign(@file) assert !@attachment.queued_for_write.blank? @attachment.clear assert @attachment.queued_for_write.blank? end end context "with a file assigned in the database" do setup do @attachment.stubs(:instance_read).with(:file_name).returns("5k.png") @attachment.stubs(:instance_read).with(:content_type).returns("image/png") @attachment.stubs(:instance_read).with(:file_size).returns(12345) dtnow = DateTime.now @now = Time.now Time.stubs(:now).returns(@now) @attachment.stubs(:instance_read).with(:updated_at).returns(dtnow) end should "return the proper path when filename has a single .'s" do assert_equal File.expand_path("./test/../tmp/avatars/dummies/original/#{@instance.id}/5k.png"), File.expand_path(@attachment.path) end should "return the proper path when filename has multiple .'s" do @attachment.stubs(:instance_read).with(:file_name).returns("5k.old.png") assert_equal File.expand_path("./test/../tmp/avatars/dummies/original/#{@instance.id}/5k.old.png"), File.expand_path(@attachment.path) end context "when expecting three styles" do setup do styles = {:styles => { :large => ["400x400", :png], :medium => ["100x100", :gif], :small => ["32x32#", :jpg]}} @attachment = Paperclip::Attachment.new(:avatar, @instance, styles) end context "and assigned a file" do setup do now = Time.now Time.stubs(:now).returns(now) @attachment.assign(@file) end should "be dirty" do assert @attachment.dirty? end should "set uploaded_file for access beyond the paperclip lifecycle" do assert_equal @file, @attachment.uploaded_file end context "and saved" do setup do @attachment.save end should "commit the files to disk" do [:large, :medium, :small].each do |style| io = @attachment.to_file(style) # p "in commit to disk test, io is #{io.inspect} and @instance.id is #{@instance.id}" assert File.exists?(io.path) assert ! io.is_a?(::Tempfile) io.close end end should "save the files as the right formats and sizes" do [[:large, 400, 61, "PNG"], [:medium, 100, 15, "GIF"], [:small, 32, 32, "JPEG"]].each do |style| cmd = %Q[identify -format "%w %h %b %m" "#{@attachment.path(style.first)}"] out = `#{cmd}` width, height, size, format = out.split(" ") assert_equal style[1].to_s, width.to_s assert_equal style[2].to_s, height.to_s assert_equal style[3].to_s, format.to_s end end should "still have its #file attribute not be nil" do assert ! (file = @attachment.to_file).nil? file.close end context "and trying to delete" do setup do @existing_names = @attachment.styles.keys.collect do |style| @attachment.path(style) end end should "delete the files after assigning nil" do @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:file_name, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:content_type, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:file_size, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:updated_at, nil) @attachment.assign nil @attachment.save @existing_names.each{|f| assert ! File.exists?(f) } end should "delete the files when you call #clear and #save" do @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:file_name, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:content_type, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:file_size, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:updated_at, nil) @attachment.clear @attachment.save @existing_names.each{|f| assert ! File.exists?(f) } end should "delete the files when you call #delete" do @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:file_name, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:content_type, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:file_size, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:updated_at, nil) @attachment.destroy @existing_names.each{|f| assert ! File.exists?(f) } end context "when keeping old files" do setup do @attachment.options[:keep_old_files] = true end should "keep the files after assigning nil" do @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:file_name, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:content_type, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:file_size, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:updated_at, nil) @attachment.assign nil @attachment.save @existing_names.each{|f| assert File.exists?(f) } end should "keep the files when you call #clear and #save" do @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:file_name, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:content_type, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:file_size, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:updated_at, nil) @attachment.clear @attachment.save @existing_names.each{|f| assert File.exists?(f) } end should "keep the files when you call #delete" do @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:file_name, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:content_type, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:file_size, nil) @attachment.expects(:instance_write).with(:updated_at, nil) @attachment.destroy @existing_names.each{|f| assert File.exists?(f) } end end end end end end end context "when trying a nonexistant storage type" do setup do rebuild_model :storage => :not_here end should "not be able to find the module" do assert_raise(Paperclip::StorageMethodNotFound){ Dummy.new.avatar } end end end context "An attachment with only a avatar_file_name column" do setup do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table :dummies, :force => true do |table| table.column :avatar_file_name, :string end rebuild_class @dummy = Dummy.new @file = File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures", "5k.png"), 'rb') end teardown { @file.close } should "not error when assigned an attachment" do assert_nothing_raised { @dummy.avatar = @file } end should "return the time when sent #avatar_updated_at" do now = Time.now Time.stubs(:now).returns(now) @dummy.avatar = @file assert_equal now.to_i, @dummy.avatar.updated_at.to_i end should "return nil when reloaded and sent #avatar_updated_at" do @dummy.save @dummy.reload assert_nil @dummy.avatar.updated_at end should "return the right value when sent #avatar_file_size" do @dummy.avatar = @file assert_equal @file.size, @dummy.avatar.size end context "and avatar_updated_at column" do setup do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_column :dummies, :avatar_updated_at, :timestamp rebuild_class @dummy = Dummy.new end should "not error when assigned an attachment" do assert_nothing_raised { @dummy.avatar = @file } end should "return the right value when sent #avatar_updated_at" do now = Time.now Time.stubs(:now).returns(now) @dummy.avatar = @file assert_equal now.to_i, @dummy.avatar.updated_at end end should "not calculate fingerprint after save" do @dummy.avatar = @file @dummy.save assert_nil @dummy.avatar.fingerprint end should "not calculate fingerprint before saving" do @dummy.avatar = @file assert_nil @dummy.avatar.fingerprint end context "and avatar_content_type column" do setup do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_column :dummies, :avatar_content_type, :string rebuild_class @dummy = Dummy.new end should "not error when assigned an attachment" do assert_nothing_raised { @dummy.avatar = @file } end should "return the right value when sent #avatar_content_type" do @dummy.avatar = @file assert_equal "image/png", @dummy.avatar.content_type end end context "and avatar_file_size column" do setup do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_column :dummies, :avatar_file_size, :integer rebuild_class @dummy = Dummy.new end should "not error when assigned an attachment" do assert_nothing_raised { @dummy.avatar = @file } end should "return the right value when sent #avatar_file_size" do @dummy.avatar = @file assert_equal @file.size, @dummy.avatar.size end should "return the right value when saved, reloaded, and sent #avatar_file_size" do @dummy.avatar = @file @dummy.save @dummy = Dummy.find(@dummy.id) assert_equal @file.size, @dummy.avatar.size end end context "and avatar_fingerprint column" do setup do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_column :dummies, :avatar_fingerprint, :string rebuild_class @dummy = Dummy.new end should "not error when assigned an attachment" do assert_nothing_raised { @dummy.avatar = @file } end should "return the right value when sent #avatar_fingerprint" do @dummy.avatar = @file assert_equal 'aec488126c3b33c08a10c3fa303acf27', @dummy.avatar_fingerprint end should "return the right value when saved, reloaded, and sent #avatar_fingerprint" do @dummy.avatar = @file @dummy.save @dummy = Dummy.find(@dummy.id) assert_equal 'aec488126c3b33c08a10c3fa303acf27', @dummy.avatar_fingerprint end end end context "an attachment with delete_file option set to false" do setup do rebuild_model :preserve_files => true @dummy = Dummy.new @file = File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures", "5k.png"), 'rb') @dummy.avatar = @file @dummy.save! @attachment = @dummy.avatar @path = @attachment.path end should "not delete the files from storage when attachment is destroyed" do @attachment.destroy assert File.exists?(@path) end should "not delete the file when model is destroyed" do @dummy.destroy assert File.exists?(@path) end end context "An attached file" do setup do rebuild_model @dummy = Dummy.new @file = File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures", "5k.png"), 'rb') @dummy.avatar = @file @dummy.save! @attachment = @dummy.avatar @path = @attachment.path end should "not be deleted when the model fails to destroy" do @dummy.stubs(:destroy).raises(Exception) assert_raise Exception do @dummy.destroy end assert File.exists?(@path), "#{@path} does not exist." end should "be deleted when the model is destroyed" do @dummy.destroy assert ! File.exists?(@path), "#{@path} does not exist." end end end