"title":"CSS pointer-events (for HTML)",
"description":"This CSS property, when set to \"none\" allows elements to not receive hover/click events, instead the event will occur on anything behind it. ",
"title":"Article & tutorial"
"title":"has.js test"
"description":"Does not work on SVG elements in Safari 5.1 or Android <= 4.1."
"description":"Does not work on links in IE11 unless display is set to `block` or `inline-block`."
"description":"Moving the scrollbar on an object with `pointer-events: none;` works in Firefox, but doesn't work in either Chrome or IE."
"description":"IE 9 and 10 return true on `'pointerEvents'` in `document.documentElement.style` due to support on SVG elements, but they don't support it on HTML elements."
"notes":"Already part of the SVG specification, and all SVG-supporting browsers appear to support the property on SVG elements.",