tests: - description: "Empty string" uri: "" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Invalid scheme" uri: "mongo://localhost:27017" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Missing host" uri: "mongodb://" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Double colon in host identifier" uri: "mongodb://localhost::27017" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Double colon in host identifier and trailing slash" uri: "mongodb://localhost::27017/" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Double colon in host identifier with missing host and port" uri: "mongodb://::" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Double colon in host identifier with missing port" uri: "mongodb://localhost,localhost::" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Double colon in host identifier and second host" uri: "mongodb://localhost::27017,abc" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Invalid port (negative number) with hostname" uri: "mongodb://localhost:-1" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Invalid port (zero) with hostname" uri: "mongodb://localhost:0/" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Invalid port (positive number) with hostname" uri: "mongodb://localhost:65536" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Invalid port (positive number) with hostname and trailing slash" uri: "mongodb://localhost:65536/" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Invalid port (non-numeric string) with hostname" uri: "mongodb://localhost:foo" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Invalid port (negative number) with IP literal" uri: "mongodb://[::1]:-1" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Invalid port (zero) with IP literal" uri: "mongodb://[::1]:0/" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Invalid port (positive number) with IP literal" uri: "mongodb://[::1]:65536" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Invalid port (positive number) with IP literal and trailing slash" uri: "mongodb://[::1]:65536/" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Invalid port (non-numeric string) with IP literal" uri: "mongodb://[::1]:foo" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Missing delimiting slash between hosts and options" uri: "mongodb://example.com?w=1" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Incomplete key value pair for option" uri: "mongodb://example.com/?w" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Username with password containing an unescaped colon" uri: "mongodb://alice:foo:bar@" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Username containing an unescaped at-sign" uri: "mongodb://alice@@" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Username with password containing an unescaped at-sign" uri: "mongodb://alice@foo:bar@" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~ - description: "Host with unescaped slash" uri: "mongodb:///tmp/mongodb-27017.sock/" valid: false warning: ~ hosts: ~ auth: ~ options: ~