Feature: Create a User Scenario: Create a passwordless user When I successfully run `conjur user create alice-without-password@$ns` And the JSON should have "api_key" Scenario: Create a user with a password When I run `conjur user create -p alice-with-password@$ns` interactively And I type "foobar" And I type "foobar" Then the exit status should be 0 And the JSON should have "api_key" Scenario: Create a user owned by the security_admin group When I successfully run `conjur user create --as-group $ns/security_admin alice-without-password@$ns` And I keep the JSON response at "ownerid" as "OWNERID" Then the output should contain "/security_admin" Scenario: Some characters are disallowed in user ids, such as / When I run `conjur user create alice/$ns` Then the exit status should be 1 And the stderr should contain "error: 403 Forbidden" And the stdout should not contain anything