### Underscore.outcasts (c) 2012-2013 Dmitry Karpunin Underscore.outcasts is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license. Documentation: https://github.com/KODerFunk/underscore.outcasts Some code is borrowed from outcasts pull requests to Underscore. Version '0.1.5' ### 'use strict' # Defining underscore.outcasts UnderscoreOutcasts = VERSION: '0.1.5' delete: (object, key) -> value = object[key] delete object[key] value blockGiven: (args) -> block = _.last(args) if _.isFunction(block) then block else null sortHash: (hash, byValue = false) -> _.sortBy(_.map(hash, (value, key) -> [key, value]), (pair) -> pair[if byValue then 1 else 0]) regexpValidKey: /^[\w\-]+$/ invert: (object) -> result = {} for key, value of object if _.isArray(value) for newKey in value when UnderscoreOutcasts.regexpValidKey.test(newKey) result[newKey] = key else if UnderscoreOutcasts.regexpValidKey.test(value) if _.has(result, value) if _.isArray(result[value]) result[value].push key else result[value] = [result[value], key] else result[value] = key result scan: (str, pattern) -> block = @blockGiven(arguments) result = [] while str.length matches = str.match(pattern) if matches cut = matches.shift() str = str.slice(matches.index + cut.length) result.push if block if matches.length then block(matches...) else block(cut) else if matches.length then matches else cut else str = '' result arrayWrap: (object) -> unless object? [] else if _.isArray(object) object else if _.isFunction(object.toArray) object.toArray() or [object] else [object] # http://coderwall.com/p/krcdig deepBindAll: (obj) -> target = _.last(arguments) for key, value of obj if _.isFunction(value) obj[key] = _.bind(value, target) else if _.isObject(value) obj[key] = _.deepBindAll(value, target) obj ### Split array into slices of elements. Map result by iterator if last given. >>> eachSlice [1..10], 3, (a) -> cout a [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6] [7, 8, 9] [10] ### eachSlice: (array, number) -> size = array.length index = 0 slices = [] while index < size nextIndex = index + number slices.push array.slice(index, nextIndex) index = nextIndex if block = @blockGiven(arguments) then _.map(slices, block) else slices ### Splits or iterates over the array in groups of size +number+, padding any remaining slots with +fill_with+ unless it is +false+. >>> inGroupsOf [1..7], 3, (group) -> cout group [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6] [7, null, null] >>> inGroupsOf [1..3], 2, ' ', (group) -> cout group [1, 2] [3, " "] >>> inGroupsOf [1..3], 2, false, (group) -> cout group [1, 2] [3] ### inGroupsOf: (array, number, fillWith = null) -> return array if number < 1 unless fillWith is false # size % number gives how many extra we have; # subtracting from number gives how many to add; # modulo number ensures we don't add group of just fill. padding = (number - array.length % number) % number if padding fillWith = null if _.isFunction(fillWith) array = array.slice() array.push(fillWith) while padding-- > 0 @eachSlice array, number, @blockGiven(arguments) ### Splits or iterates over the array in +number+ of groups, padding any remaining slots with +fill_with+ unless it is +false+. %w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10).in_groups(3) {|group| p group} ["1", "2", "3", "4"] ["5", "6", "7", nil] ["8", "9", "10", nil] %w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10).in_groups(3, ' ') {|group| p group} ["1", "2", "3", "4"] ["5", "6", "7", " "] ["8", "9", "10", " "] %w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7).in_groups(3, false) {|group| p group} ["1", "2", "3"] ["4", "5"] ["6", "7"] ### # TODO tests inGroups: (array, number, fillWith = null) -> # size / number gives minor group size; # size % number gives how many objects need extra accommodation; # each group hold either division or division + 1 items. division = Math.floor(array.length / number) modulo = array.length % number # create a new array avoiding dup groups = [] start = 0 for index in [0...number] length = division + (if modulo > 0 and modulo > index then 1 else 0) groups.push last_group = array.slice(start, start + length) if fillWith isnt false and modulo > 0 and length is division last_group.push fillWith start += length if block = @blockGiven(arguments) _.map groups, block else groups exports: -> result = {} for prop of @ continue if not @hasOwnProperty(prop) or prop.match(/^(?:include|contains|reverse)$/) result[prop] = @[prop] result # CommonJS module is defined if exports? if module?.exports # Export module module.exports = UnderscoreOutcasts exports.UnderscoreOutcasts = UnderscoreOutcasts else if define?.amd # Register as a named module with AMD. define 'underscore.outcasts', [], -> UnderscoreOutcasts else # Integrate with Underscore.js if defined # or create our own underscore object. @_ ||= {} @_.outcasts = @_.out = UnderscoreOutcasts