class Jets::Stack class S3Event def initialize(bucket_name) @bucket_name = bucket_name end # Stack names can only contain alpha numeric chars. # Bucket names are limit to 64 chars: # Stack names are limit to 128 chars: # This gsub should handle this. def stack_name @bucket_name.gsub(/[^0-9a-z\-_]/i, '').gsub('-','_').camelize end def build_stack # assign to local variable so its available in the block bucket = @bucket_name # closures configure_bucket = unless Jets.config.s3_event.configure_bucket.nil? puts "DEPRECATION WARNING: Jets.config.s3_event.configure_bucket is deprecated. Please use instead." Jets.config.s3_event.configure_bucket else end notification_configuration = unless Jets.config.s3_event.notification_configuration.nil? puts "DEPRECATION WARNING: Jets.config.s3_event.notification_configuration is deprecated. Please use instead." Jets.config.s3_event.notification_configuration else end Jets::Stack.new_class(stack_name) do s3_bucket_configuration(:S3BucketConfiguration, ServiceToken: "!GetAtt JetsS3BucketConfig.Arn", # Cannot change this w/o changing the logical id # These properties correspond to the ruby aws-sdk s3.put_bucket_notification_configuration # in jets/s3_bucket_config.rb, not the CloudFormation Bucket properties. The CloudFormation # bucket properties have a similiar structure but is slightly different so it can be confusing. # # Ruby aws-sdk S3 Docs: Bucket: bucket, NotificationConfiguration: notification_configuration, ) if configure_bucket # Important note: If we change the name of this function we should also change the # logical id of the s3_bucket_configuration custom resource or we'll get this error: # Modifying service token is not allowed. function("jets/s3_bucket_config", Role: "!GetAtt BucketConfigIamRole.Arn", Layers: ["!Ref GemLayer"], ) sns_topic(:SnsTopic) sns_topic_policy(:SnsTopicPolicy, PolicyDocument: { Version: "2012-10-17", Statement: { Effect: "Allow", Principal: { Service: ""}, Action: "sns:Publish", Resource: "!Ref SnsTopic", Condition: { ArnLike: { "Aws:SourceArn" => "!Sub arn:aws:s3:*:*:#{bucket}" } } } }, Topics: ["!Ref SnsTopic"], ) iam_role(:BucketConfigIamRole, AssumeRolePolicyDocument: { Version: '2012-10-17', Statement: [ Effect: "Allow", Principal: {Service: [""]}, Action: ['sts:AssumeRole'], ] }, Path: "/", ManagedPolicyArns: ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole"], Policies: [ PolicyName: "S3Policy", PolicyDocument: { Version: '2012-10-17', Statement: [ Effect: "Allow", Action: [ 's3:GetBucketNotification', 's3:PutBucketNotification', ], Resource: "*" ] } ] ) end end end end