require "spec_helper" class Search < ActiveRecord::Base; end class SearchInAHaystack < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = '"search in a haystack"' end describe Scenic::SchemaDumper, :db do it "dumps a create_view for a view in the database" do view_definition = "SELECT 'needle'::text AS haystack" Search.connection.create_view :searches, sql_definition: view_definition stream = ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(Search.connection, stream) output = stream.string expect(output).to include 'create_view "searches", sql_definition: <<-SQL' expect(output).to include view_definition Search.connection.drop_view :searches silence_stream(STDOUT) { eval(output) } expect(Search.first.haystack).to eq "needle" end it "dumps a create_view for a materialized view in the database" do view_definition = "SELECT 'needle'::text AS haystack" Search.connection.create_view :searches, materialized: true, sql_definition: view_definition stream = ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(Search.connection, stream) output = stream.string expect(output).to include 'create_view "searches", materialized: true, sql_definition: <<-SQL' expect(output).to include view_definition end context "with views in non public schemas" do it "dumps a create_view including namespace for a view in the database" do view_definition = "SELECT 'needle'::text AS haystack" Search.connection.execute "CREATE SCHEMA scenic; SET search_path TO scenic, public" Search.connection.create_view :"scenic.searches", sql_definition: view_definition stream = ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(Search.connection, stream) output = stream.string expect(output).to include 'create_view "scenic.searches",' Search.connection.drop_view :'scenic.searches' end end it "ignores tables internal to Rails" do view_definition = "SELECT 'needle'::text AS haystack" Search.connection.create_view :searches, sql_definition: view_definition stream = ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(Search.connection, stream) output = stream.string expect(output).to include 'create_view "searches"' expect(output).not_to include "ar_internal_metadata" expect(output).not_to include "schema_migrations" end context "with views using unexpected characters in name" do it "dumps a create_view for a view in the database" do view_definition = "SELECT 'needle'::text AS haystack" Search.connection.create_view '"search in a haystack"', sql_definition: view_definition stream = ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(Search.connection, stream) output = stream.string expect(output).to include 'create_view "\"search in a haystack\"",' expect(output).to include view_definition Search.connection.drop_view :'"search in a haystack"' silence_stream(STDOUT) { eval(output) } expect(SearchInAHaystack.take.haystack).to eq "needle" end end context "with views using unexpected characters, name including namespace" do it "dumps a create_view for a view in the database" do view_definition = "SELECT 'needle'::text AS haystack" Search.connection.execute( "CREATE SCHEMA scenic; SET search_path TO scenic, public", ) Search.connection.create_view 'scenic."search in a haystack"', sql_definition: view_definition stream = ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(Search.connection, stream) output = stream.string expect(output).to include 'create_view "scenic.\"search in a haystack\"",' expect(output).to include view_definition Search.connection.drop_view :'scenic."search in a haystack"' silence_stream(STDOUT) { eval(output) } expect(SearchInAHaystack.take.haystack).to eq "needle" end end end