# frozen_string_literal: true # This validator checks when the files to be uploaded are images and the attached uploader's # has enabled dimensions validation that the image dimensions are below the # limit defined by the uploader require "mini_magick" class UploaderImageDimensionsValidator < ActiveModel::Validations::FileContentTypeValidator def validate_each(record, attribute, value) begin values = parse_values(value) rescue JSON::ParserError record.errors.add attribute, :invalid return end return if values.empty? uploader = record.attached_uploader(attribute) || record.send(attribute) return unless uploader.is_a?(Decidim::ApplicationUploader) values.each do |val| validate_image_size(record, attribute, val, uploader) end end def validate_image_size(record, attribute, file, uploader) return unless uploader.validable_dimensions return if (image = extract_image(file)).blank? record.errors.add attribute, I18n.t("carrierwave.errors.file_resolution_too_large") if image.dimensions.any? { |dimension| dimension > uploader.max_image_height_or_width } rescue MiniMagick::Error # The error may happen because of many reasons but most commonly the image # exceeds the default maximum dimensions set for ImageMagick when the # `identify` command fails to identify the image. # # To relax ImageMagick default limits, please refer to: # https://imagemagick.org/script/security-policy.php # # Note that the error can also happen because of other reasons than only # the image dimensions being too large. But as we do not really know the # reason every time, we default to that error. record.errors.add attribute, I18n.t("carrierwave.errors.file_cannot_be_processed") end def extract_image(file) return unless file.try(:content_type).to_s.start_with?("image") if uploaded_file?(file) MiniMagick::Image.new(file.path, File.extname(file.original_filename)) elsif file.is_a?(ActiveStorage::Attached) && file.blob.persisted? MiniMagick::Image.read(file.blob.download, File.extname(file.blob.filename.to_s)) end rescue ActiveStorage::FileNotFoundError, MiniMagick::Invalid # Although the blob is persisted, the file is not available to download and analyze # after committing the record nil end def check_validity!; end private def uploaded_file?(file) return true if defined?(Rack::Test::UploadedFile) && file.is_a?(Rack::Test::UploadedFile) file.is_a?(ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile) end end