require 'spec_helper' describe Spotlight::Resources::Upload, type: :model do let!(:exhibit) { FactoryGirl.create :exhibit } let!(:custom_field) { FactoryGirl.create :custom_field, exhibit: exhibit } before do subject.exhibit = exhibit end let(:configured_fields) { [title_field] + described_class.fields(exhibit) } let(:title_field) { 'configured_title_field') } let(:upload_data) do { title_field.field_name => 'Title Data', 'spotlight_upload_description_tesim' => 'Description Data', 'spotlight_upload_attribution_tesim' => 'Attribution Data', 'spotlight_upload_date_tesim' => 'Date Data', custom_field.field => 'Custom Field Data' } end before do allow(subject).to receive(:configured_fields).and_return configured_fields allow(described_class).to receive(:fields).and_return configured_fields allow(subject.send(:blacklight_solr)).to receive(:update) allow(Spotlight::Engine.config).to receive(:upload_title_field).and_return(title_field) = upload_data subject.url =, '800x600.png')) end context 'with a custom upload title field' do let(:title_field) { 'configured_title_field', solr_field: :some_other_field) } describe '#to_solr' do it 'stores the title field in the provided solr field' do expect(subject.to_solr[:some_other_field]).to eq 'Title Data' end end end context 'multiple solr field mappings' do let :configured_fields do [ 'some_field', solr_field: %w(a b)) ] end let :upload_data do { 'some_field' => 'value' } end describe '#to_solr' do it 'maps a single uploaded field to multiple solr fields' do expect(subject.to_solr['a']).to eq 'value' expect(subject.to_solr['b']).to eq 'value' end end end describe '#to_solr' do it 'has the exhibit id and the upload id as the solr id' do expect(subject.to_solr[:id]).to eq "#{}-#{}" end it 'has a title field using the exhibit specific blacklight_config' do expect(subject.to_solr['configured_title_field']).to eq 'Title Data' end it 'has the other additional configured fields' do expect(subject.to_solr[:spotlight_upload_description_tesim]).to eq 'Description Data' expect(subject.to_solr[:spotlight_upload_attribution_tesim]).to eq 'Attribution Data' expect(subject.to_solr[:spotlight_upload_date_tesim]).to eq 'Date Data' end it 'has a spotlight_resource_type field' do expect(subject.to_solr[:spotlight_resource_type_ssim]).to eq 'spotlight/resources/uploads' end it 'has the various image fields' do expect(subject.to_solr).to have_key Spotlight::Engine.config.full_image_field expect(subject.to_solr).to have_key Spotlight::Engine.config.thumbnail_field expect(subject.to_solr).to have_key Spotlight::Engine.config.square_image_field end it 'has the full image dimensions fields' do expect(subject.to_solr[:spotlight_full_image_height_ssm]).to eq 600 expect(subject.to_solr[:spotlight_full_image_width_ssm]).to eq 800 end it 'has fields representing exhibit specific custom fields' do expect(subject.to_solr[custom_field.solr_field]).to eq 'Custom Field Data' end end end