require 'puppet' require 'facter' require 'facterdb' require 'json' RSpec.configure do |c| c.add_setting :default_facter_version, :default => Facter.version c.add_setting :facterdb_string_keys, :default => false end # The purpose of this module is to simplify the Puppet # module's RSpec tests by looping through all supported # OS'es and their facts data which is received from the FacterDB. module RspecPuppetFacts # Use the provided options or the data from the metadata.json file # to find a set of matching facts in the FacterDB. # OS names and facts can be used in the Puppet RSpec tests # to run the examples against all supported facts combinations. # # The list of received OS facts can also be filtered by the SPEC_FACTS_OS # environment variable. For example, if the variable is set to "debian" # only the OS names which start with "debian" will be returned. It allows a # user to quickly run the tests only on a single facts set without any # file modifications. # # @return [Hash <String => Hash>] # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [String,Array<String>] :hardwaremodels The OS architecture names, i.e. x86_64 # @option opts [Array<Hash>] :supported_os If this options is provided the data # @option opts [String] :facterversion the facter version of which to # select facts from, e.g.: '3.6' # will be used instead of the "operatingsystem_support" section if the metadata file # even if the file is missing. def on_supported_os(opts = {}) opts[:hardwaremodels] ||= ['x86_64'] opts[:hardwaremodels] = [opts[:hardwaremodels]] unless opts[:hardwaremodels].is_a? Array opts[:supported_os] ||= RspecPuppetFacts.meta_supported_os opts[:facterversion] ||= RSpec.configuration.default_facter_version unless (facterversion = opts[:facterversion]) =~ /\A\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)*\z/ raise ArgumentError, ":facterversion must be in the format 'n.n' or " \ "'n.n.n' (n is numeric), not '#{facterversion}'" end facter_version_filter = RspecPuppetFacts.facter_version_to_filter(facterversion) db = FacterDB.get_facts({ :facterversion => facter_version_filter }) version = facterversion while db.empty? && version !~ /\d+\.0\.\d+/ version = RspecPuppetFacts.down_facter_version(version) facter_version_filter = RspecPuppetFacts.facter_version_to_filter(version) db = FacterDB.get_facts({ :facterversion => facter_version_filter}) end filter = [] opts[:supported_os].map do |os_sup| if os_sup['operatingsystemrelease'] Array(os_sup['operatingsystemrelease']).map do |operatingsystemmajrelease| opts[:hardwaremodels].each do |hardwaremodel| os_release_filter = "/^#{Regexp.escape(operatingsystemmajrelease.split(' ')[0])}/" if os_sup['operatingsystem'] =~ /BSD/i hardwaremodel = 'amd64' elsif os_sup['operatingsystem'] =~ /Solaris/i hardwaremodel = 'i86pc' elsif os_sup['operatingsystem'] =~ /AIX/i hardwaremodel = '/^IBM,.*/' os_release_filter = if operatingsystemmajrelease =~ /\A(\d+)\.(\d+)\Z/ "/^#{$~[1]}#{$~[2]}00-/" else "/^#{operatingsystemmajrelease}-/" end elsif os_sup['operatingsystem'] =~ /Windows/i hardwaremodel = version =~ /^[12]\./ ? 'x64' : 'x86_64' os_sup['operatingsystem'] = os_sup['operatingsystem'].downcase operatingsystemmajrelease = operatingsystemmajrelease[/\A(?:Server )?(.+)/i, 1] # force quoting because windows releases can contain spaces os_release_filter = "\"#{operatingsystemmajrelease}\"" if operatingsystemmajrelease == '2016' && Puppet::Util::Package.versioncmp(version, '3.4') < 0 os_release_filter = '/^10\\.0\\./' end end filter << { :operatingsystem => os_sup['operatingsystem'], :operatingsystemrelease => os_release_filter, :hardwaremodel => hardwaremodel, } end end else opts[:hardwaremodels].each do |hardwaremodel| filter << { :operatingsystem => os_sup['operatingsystem'], :hardwaremodel => hardwaremodel, } end end end # FacterDB may have newer versions of facter data for which it contains a subset of all possible # facter data (see FacterDB 0.5.2 for Facter releases 3.8 and 3.9). In this situation we need to # cycle through and downgrade Facter versions per platform type until we find matching Facter data. filter.each do |filter_spec| facter_version_filter = RspecPuppetFacts.facter_version_to_filter(facterversion) db = FacterDB.get_facts(filter_spec.merge({ :facterversion => facter_version_filter })) version = facterversion while db.empty? && version !~ /\A\d+\.0($|\.\d+)/ version = RspecPuppetFacts.down_facter_version(version) facter_version_filter = RspecPuppetFacts.facter_version_to_filter(version) db = FacterDB.get_facts(filter_spec.merge({ :facterversion => facter_version_filter })) end next if db.empty? unless version == facterversion if RspecPuppetFacts.spec_facts_strict? raise ArgumentError, "No facts were found in the FacterDB for Facter v#{facterversion}, aborting" else RspecPuppetFacts.warning "No facts were found in the FacterDB for Facter v#{facterversion}, using v#{version} instead" end end filter_spec[:facterversion] = facter_version_filter end received_facts = FacterDB::get_facts(filter) unless received_facts.any? RspecPuppetFacts.warning "No facts were found in the FacterDB for: #{filter.inspect}" return {} end os_facts_hash = {} do |facts| # Fix facter bug if facts[:operatingsystem] == 'Ubuntu' operatingsystemmajrelease = facts[:operatingsystemrelease].split('.')[0..1].join('.') elsif facts[:operatingsystem] == 'OpenBSD' operatingsystemmajrelease = facts[:operatingsystemrelease] elsif facts[:operatingsystem] == 'windows' && facts[:operatingsystemrelease].start_with?('10.0.') operatingsystemmajrelease = '2016' else if facts[:operatingsystemmajrelease].nil? operatingsystemmajrelease = facts[:operatingsystemrelease].split('.')[0] else operatingsystemmajrelease = facts[:operatingsystemmajrelease] end end os = "#{facts[:operatingsystem].downcase}-#{operatingsystemmajrelease}-#{facts[:hardwaremodel]}" next unless os.start_with? RspecPuppetFacts.spec_facts_os_filter if RspecPuppetFacts.spec_facts_os_filter facts.merge! RspecPuppetFacts.common_facts os_facts_hash[os] = RspecPuppetFacts.with_custom_facts(os, facts) end return stringify_keys(os_facts_hash) if RSpec.configuration.facterdb_string_keys os_facts_hash end def stringify_keys(hash) Hash[hash.collect { |k,v| [k.to_s, v.is_a?(Hash) ? stringify_keys(v) : v] }] end # Register a custom fact that will be included in the facts hash. # If it should be limited to a particular OS, pass a :confine option # that contains the operating system(s) to confine to. If it should # be excluded on a particular OS, use :exclude. # # @param [String] name Fact name # @param [String,Proc] value Fact value. If proc, takes 2 params: os and facts hash # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [String,Array<String>] :confine The applicable OS's # @option opts [String,Array<String>] :exclude OS's to exclude # def add_custom_fact(name, value, options = {}) options[:confine] = [options[:confine]] if options[:confine].is_a?(String) options[:exclude] = [options[:exclude]] if options[:exclude].is_a?(String) RspecPuppetFacts.register_custom_fact(name, value, options) end # Adds a custom fact to the @custom_facts variable. # # @param [String] name Fact name # @param [String,Proc] value Fact value. If proc, takes 2 params: os and facts hash # @param [Hash] opts # @option opts [String,Array<String>] :confine The applicable OS's # @option opts [String,Array<String>] :exclude OS's to exclude # @api private def self.register_custom_fact(name, value, options) @custom_facts ||= {} @custom_facts[name.to_s] = {:options => options, :value => value} end # Adds any custom facts according to the rules defined for the operating # system with the given facts. # @param [String] os Name of the operating system # @param [Hash] facts Facts hash # @return [Hash] facts Facts hash with custom facts added # @api private def self.with_custom_facts(os, facts) return facts unless @custom_facts @custom_facts.each do |name, fact| next if fact[:options][:confine] && !fact[:options][:confine].include?(os) next if fact[:options][:exclude] && fact[:options][:exclude].include?(os) facts[name] = fact[:value].respond_to?(:call) ? fact[:value].call(os, facts) : fact[:value] end facts end # If provided this filter can be used to limit the set # of retrieved facts only to the matched OS names. # The value is being taken from the SPEC_FACTS_OS environment # variable and # @return [nil,String] # @api private def self.spec_facts_os_filter ENV['SPEC_FACTS_OS'] end # If SPEC_FACTS_STRICT is set to `yes`, RspecPuppetFacts will error on missing FacterDB entries, instead of warning & skipping the tests, or using an older facter version. # @return [Boolean] # @api private def self.spec_facts_strict? ENV['SPEC_FACTS_STRICT'] == 'yes' end # These facts are common for all OS'es and will be # added to the facts retrieved from the FacterDB # @api private # @return [Hash <Symbol => String>] def self.common_facts return @common_facts if @common_facts @common_facts = { :puppetversion => Puppet.version, :rubysitedir => RbConfig::CONFIG['sitelibdir'], :rubyversion => RUBY_VERSION, } @common_facts[:mco_version] = MCollective::VERSION if mcollective? if augeas? @common_facts[:augeasversion] =, nil, Augeas::NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD).get('/augeas/version') end @common_facts end # Determine if the Augeas gem is available. # @api private # @return [Boolean] true if the augeas gem could be loaded. # :nocov: def self.augeas? require 'augeas' true rescue LoadError false end # :nocov: # Determine if the mcollective gem is available # @api private # @return [Boolean] true if the mcollective gem could be loaded. # :nocov: def self.mcollective? require 'mcollective' true rescue LoadError false end # :nocov: # Get the "operatingsystem_support" structure from # the parsed metadata.json file # @raise [StandardError] if there is no "operatingsystem_support" # in the metadata # @return [Array<Hash>] # @api private def self.meta_supported_os unless metadata['operatingsystem_support'].is_a? Array fail StandardError, 'Unknown operatingsystem support in the metadata file!' end metadata['operatingsystem_support'] end # Read the metadata file and parse # its JSON content. # @raise [StandardError] if the metadata file is missing # @return [Hash] # @api private def self.metadata return @metadata if @metadata unless File.file? metadata_file fail StandardError, "Can't find metadata.json... dunno why" end content = metadata_file @metadata = JSON.parse content end # This file contains the Puppet module's metadata # @return [String] # @api private def self.metadata_file 'metadata.json' end # Print a warning message to the console # @param message [String] # @api private def self.warning(message) STDERR.puts message end # Reset the memoization # to make the saved structures # be generated again # @api private def self.reset @custom_facts = nil @common_facts = nil @metadata = nil end # Generates a JGrep statement expression for a specific facter version # @return [String] JGrep statement expression # @param version [String] the Facter version # @api private def self.facter_version_to_filter(version) major, minor = version.split('.') "/\\A#{major}\\.#{minor}\\./" end # Subtracts from the minor version passed and returns a string representing # the next minor version down # @return [String] next version below # @param version [String] the Facter version # @param minor_subtractor [int] the value which to subtract by # @api private def self.down_facter_version(version, minor_subtractor = 1) major, minor, z = version.split('.') z = '0' if z.nil? minor = (minor.to_i - minor_subtractor).to_s "#{major}.#{minor}.#{z}" end end