require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../helpers/resource_test_helper') class SourcesPostResourceTest < ResourceTestCase include DataCatalog def app; Sources end before do @source_count = Source.all.length @valid_params = { :title => "New Source", :url => "" } @extra_admin_params = { :raw => { "key" => "value" } } end context "post /" do context "anonymous" do before do post "/", @valid_params end use "return 401 because the API key is missing" use "no change in source count" end context "incorrect API key" do before do post "/", @valid_params.merge(:api_key => BAD_API_KEY) end use "return 401 because the API key is invalid" use "no change in source count" end end %w(basic).each do |role| [:title, :url].each do |missing| context "#{role} : post / but missing #{missing}" do before do post "/", valid_params_for(role).delete_if { |k, v| k == missing } end use "return 401 because the API key is unauthorized" use "no change in source count" end end [:id, :created_at, :updated_at, :categories, :junk].each do |invalid| context "#{role} : post / but with #{invalid}" do before do post "/", valid_params_for(role).merge(invalid => 9) end use "return 401 because the API key is unauthorized" use "no change in source count" end end context "#{role} : post / with valid params" do before do post "/", valid_params_for(role) end use "return 401 because the API key is unauthorized" use "no change in source count" end end %w(curator).each do |role| [:title, :url].each do |missing| context "#{role} : post / but missing #{missing}" do before do post "/", valid_params_for(role).delete_if { |k, v| k == missing } end use "return 400 Bad Request" use "no change in source count" missing_param missing end end [:raw, :id, :created_at, :updated_at, :categories, :junk].each do |invalid| context "#{role} : post / but with #{invalid}" do before do post "/", valid_params_for(role).merge(invalid => 9) end use "return 400 Bad Request" use "no change in source count" invalid_param invalid end end context "#{role} : post / with valid params" do before do post "/", valid_params_for(role) end after do Source.find_by_id(parsed_response_body["id"]).destroy end use "return 201 Created" location_header "sources" use "one new source" doc_properties %w(title url raw id created_at updated_at categories) test "should set all fields in database" do source = Source.find_by_id(parsed_response_body["id"]) raise "Cannot find source" unless source @valid_params.each_pair do |key, value| assert_equal value, source[key] end end end end %w(admin).each do |role| [:title, :url].each do |missing| context "#{role} : post / but missing #{missing}" do before do post "/", valid_params_for(role). merge(@extra_admin_params).delete_if { |k, v| k == missing } end use "return 400 Bad Request" use "no change in source count" missing_param missing end end [:id, :created_at, :updated_at, :categories, :junk].each do |invalid| context "#{role} : post / but with #{invalid}" do before do post "/", valid_params_for(role). merge(@extra_admin_params).merge(invalid => 9) end use "return 400 Bad Request" use "no change in source count" invalid_param invalid end end context "#{role} : post / with valid params" do before do post "/", valid_params_for(role).merge(@extra_admin_params) end after do Source.find_by_id(parsed_response_body["id"]).destroy end use "return 201 Created" location_header "sources" use "one new source" doc_properties %w(title url raw id created_at updated_at categories) test "should set all fields in database" do source = Source.find_by_id(parsed_response_body["id"]) raise "Cannot find source" unless source @valid_params.merge(@extra_admin_params).each_pair do |key, value| assert_equal value, source[key] end end end end end