#!/usr/bin/ruby # # unity_to_junit.rb # require 'fileutils' require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'set' require 'pp' VERSION = 1.0 class ArgvParser # # Return a structure describing the options. # def self.parse(args) # The options specified on the command line will be collected in *options*. # We set default values here. options = OpenStruct.new options.results_dir = "." options.root_path = "." options.out_file = "results.xml" opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: unity_to_junit.rb [options]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Specific options:" opts.on("-r", "--results ", "Look for Unity Results files here.") do |results| #puts "results #{results}" options.results_dir = results end opts.on("-p", "--root_path ", "Prepend this path to files in results.") do |root_path| options.root_path = root_path end opts.on("-o", "--output ", "XML file to generate.") do |out_file| #puts "out_file: #{out_file}" options.out_file = out_file end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Common options:" # No argument, shows at tail. This will print an options summary. opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end # Another typical switch to print the version. opts.on_tail("--version", "Show version") do puts "unity_to_junit.rb version #{VERSION}" exit end end opts.parse!(args) options end # parse() end # class OptparseExample class UnityToJUnit include FileUtils::Verbose attr_reader :report, :total_tests, :failures, :ignored def initialize @report = '' @unit_name = '' end def run # Clean up result file names results = @targets.map {|target| target.gsub(/\\/,"/")} #puts "Output File: #{@out_file}" f = File.new(@out_file, "w") write_xml_header(f) write_suites_header( f ) results.each do |result_file| lines = File.readlines(result_file).map { |line| line.chomp } if lines.length == 0 raise "Empty test result file: #{result_file}" else result_output = get_details(result_file, lines) tests,failures,ignored = parse_test_summary(lines) result_output[:counts][:total] = tests result_output[:counts][:failed] = failures result_output[:counts][:ignored] = ignored result_output[:counts][:passed] = (result_output[:counts][:total] - result_output[:counts][:failed] - result_output[:counts][:ignored]) end #use line[0] from the test output to get the test_file path and name test_file_str = lines[0].gsub("\\","/") test_file_str = test_file_str.split(":") test_file = test_file_str[0] + ':' + test_file_str[1] result_output[:source][:path] = File.dirname(test_file) result_output[:source][:file] = File.basename(test_file) # save result_output @unit_name = File.basename(test_file, ".*") write_suite_header( result_output[:counts], f) write_failures( result_output, f ) write_tests( result_output, f ) write_ignored( result_output, f ) write_suite_footer( f ) end write_suites_footer( f ) f.close end def set_targets(target_array) @targets = target_array end def set_root_path(path) @root = path end def set_out_file(filename) @out_file = filename end def usage(err_msg=nil) puts "\nERROR: " puts err_msg if err_msg puts "Usage: unity_to_junit.rb [options]" puts "" puts "Specific options:" puts " -r, --results Look for Unity Results files here." puts " -p, --root_path Prepend this path to files in results." puts " -o, --output XML file to generate." puts "" puts "Common options:" puts " -h, --help Show this message" puts " --version Show version" exit 1 end protected def get_details(result_file, lines) results = get_results_structure lines.each do |line| line = line.gsub("\\","/") src_file,src_line,test_name,status,msg = line.split(/:/) line_out = ((@root and (@root != 0)) ? "#{@root}#{line}" : line ).gsub(/\//, "\\") case(status) when 'IGNORE' then results[:ignores] << {:test => test_name, :line => src_line, :message => msg} when 'FAIL' then results[:failures] << {:test => test_name, :line => src_line, :message => msg} when 'PASS' then results[:successes] << {:test => test_name, :line => src_line, :message => msg} end end return results end def parse_test_summary(summary) if summary.find { |v| v =~ /(\d+) Tests (\d+) Failures (\d+) Ignored/ } [$1.to_i,$2.to_i,$3.to_i] else raise "Couldn't parse test results: #{summary}" end end def here; File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)); end private def get_results_structure return { :source => {:path => '', :file => ''}, :successes => [], :failures => [], :ignores => [], :counts => {:total => 0, :passed => 0, :failed => 0, :ignored => 0}, :stdout => [], } end def write_xml_header( stream ) stream.puts "" end def write_suites_header( stream ) stream.puts "" end def write_suite_header( counts, stream ) stream.puts "\t" end def write_failures( results, stream ) result = results[:failures] result.each do |item| filename = File.join(results[:source][:path], File.basename(results[:source][:file], '.*')) stream.puts "\t\t" stream.puts "\t\t\t" stream.puts "\t\t\t [File] #{filename} [Line] #{item[:line]} " stream.puts "\t\t" end end def write_tests( results, stream ) result = results[:successes] result.each do |item| filename = File.join(results[:source][:path], File.basename(results[:source][:file], '.*')) stream.puts "\t\t" end end def write_ignored( results, stream ) result = results[:ignores] result.each do |item| filename = File.join(results[:source][:path], File.basename(results[:source][:file], '.*')) puts "Writing ignored tests for test harness: #{filename}" stream.puts "\t\t" stream.puts "\t\t\t" stream.puts "\t\t\t [File] #{filename} [Line] #{item[:line]} " stream.puts "\t\t" end end def write_suite_footer( stream ) stream.puts "\t" end def write_suites_footer( stream ) stream.puts "" end end #UnityToJUnit if __FILE__ == $0 #parse out the command options options = ArgvParser.parse(ARGV) #create an instance to work with utj = UnityToJUnit.new begin #look in the specified or current directory for result files targets = "#{options.results_dir.gsub(/\\/, '/')}**/*.test*" results = Dir[targets] raise "No *.testpass, *.testfail, or *.testresults files found in '#{targets}'" if results.empty? utj.set_targets(results) #set the root path utj.set_root_path(options.root_path) #set the output XML file name #puts "Output File from options: #{options.out_file}" utj.set_out_file(options.out_file) #run the summarizer puts utj.run rescue Exception => e utj.usage e.message end end