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    <div id="content"><div id='filecontents'><h1>r509-ca-http <a href="http://travis-ci.org/r509/r509-ca-http"><img src="https://secure.travis-ci.org/r509/r509-ca-http.png" alt="Build Status"></a> <a href="https://coveralls.io/r/r509/r509-ca-http"><img src="https://coveralls.io/repos/r509/r509-ca-http/badge.png" alt="Coverage Status"></a></h1>

<p>r509-ca-http is an HTTP server that runs a certificate authority, for signing SSL certificates. It supports issuance and revocation, and is intended to be part of a complete certificate authority for use in production environments.</p>


<p>You need <a href="https://github.com/r509/r509">r509</a> and sinatra. For development/tests you need rack-test and rspec.</p>


<h3>GET /1/crl/:ca/get</h3>

<p>Deprecated; will be removed in a future version. Use generate instead.</p>

<h3>GET /1/crl/:ca/generate</h3>

<p>Generate and get a new CRL for the given <code>:ca</code>.</p>

<h3>POST /1/certificate/issue</h3>

<p>Issue a certificate.</p>

<p>Required POST parameters:</p>

<li>validityPeriod (in seconds)</li>
<li>csr (or spki)</li>

<p>The subject is provided like so:</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_subject'>subject</span><span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='const'>CN</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span><span class='op'>=</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_domain'>domain</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_com'>com</span><span class='op'>&amp;</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_subject'>subject</span><span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='const'>O</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span><span class='op'>=</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_orgname'>orgname</span><span class='op'>&amp;</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_subject'>subject</span><span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='const'>L</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span><span class='op'>=</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_locality'>locality</span>

<p>Optional POST parameters:</p>


<p>SAN names are provided like so:</p>

<pre class="code ruby"><code class="ruby"><span class='id identifier rubyid_extensions'>extensions</span><span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_subjectAlternativeName'>subjectAlternativeName</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span><span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span><span class='op'>=</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_domain1'>domain1</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_com'>com</span><span class='op'>&amp;</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_extensions'>extensions</span><span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_subjectAlternativeName'>subjectAlternativeName</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span><span class='lbracket'>[</span><span class='rbracket'>]</span><span class='op'>=</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_domain2'>domain2</span><span class='period'>.</span><span class='id identifier rubyid_com'>com</span>

<p>The issue method will return the PEM text of the issued certificate.</p>

<p>Please note that all fields subject/extension request fields encoded in a CSR are ignored in favor of the POST parameters.</p>

<h3>POST /1/certificate/revoke</h3>

<p>Revoke a certificate.</p>

<p>Required POST parameters:</p>


<p>Optional POST parameters:</p>

<li>reason (must be an integer or nil. nil by default)</li>

<p>The revoke method returns the newly generated CRL, after revocation.</p>

<h3>POST /1/certificate/unrevoke</h3>

<p>Unrevoke a certificate. (IE, remove it from the CRL and return its OCSP status to valid.)</p>

<p>Required POST parameters:</p>


<p>The unrevoke method returns the newly generated CRL, after the certificate was removed from it.</p>

<h2>Helper pages</h2>

<p>These pages are present on the server, for you to work with the CA with a basic web interface. You should <em>not</em> expose these endpoints to anyone.</p>


<h2>certificate_authorities (config.yaml)</h2>

<p>You use the <code>config.yaml</code> file to specify information about your certificate authority. You can operate multiple certificate authorities, each of which can have multiple profiles, with one instance of r509-ca-http.</p>

<p>Information about how to construct the YAML can be found at <a href="https://github.com/r509/r509">the official r509 documentation</a>.</p>

<h2>Middleware (config.ru)</h2>

<p>Running r509-ca-http will let you issue and revoke certificates. But that&#39;s not everything you need to do, if you&#39;re going to run a CA. You&#39;re going to need information about validity, and you may want to save a record of issued certificates to the filesystem.</p>

<p>For that, we&#39;ve created a few pieces of Rack middleware for your use.</p>

<li><a href="https://github.com/r509/r509-middleware-validity">r509-middleware-validity</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/r509/r509-middleware-certwriter">r509-middleware-certwriter</a></li>

<p>After installing one or both of them, you&#39;ll have to edit your <code>config.ru</code> and/or <code>config.yaml</code> files.</p>


<p>You can send a kill -USR2 signal to any running r509-ca-http process to cause it to reload and print its config to the logs (provided your app server isn&#39;t trapping USR2 first).</p>


<p>You can file bugs on GitHub or join the #r509 channel on irc.freenode.net to ask questions.</p>

<h2>Rake tasks</h2>

<p>There are a few things you can do with Rake.</p>

<p><code>rake spec</code></p>

<p>Run all the tests.</p>

<p><code>rake gem:build</code></p>

<p>Build a gem file.</p>

<p><code>rake gem:install</code></p>

<p>Install the gem you just built.</p>

<p><code>rake gem:uninstall</code></p>

<p>Uninstall r509-ca-http.</p>

<p><code>rake yard</code></p>

<p>Generate documentation.</p>

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