% content_for :sidebar do %>
This website is powered by <%= link_to "Ruby on Rails", "http://rubyonrails.org/" %> and <%= link_to "Typus", "http://core.typuscms.com/" %>.
With <%= link_to "Typus", "http://core.typuscms.com/" %>, also known as the application backend or admin interface, you'll be able to update your application contents and perform the most common operations for the site maintenance.
You can get more information at <%= link_to "http://core.typuscms.com/", "http://core.typuscms.com/" %>.
To create a new entry:
To edit entries:
To remove entries:
Removing entries will be only available if you have permissions to do so.
Registered users can do a variety of different things on a Typus driven site. The various elements available to the user are determined by their user level.
When :session
authentication is enabled Typus will enable a a default role which will allow registered users perform all kind of operations on entries: create, read, update and destroy.
It's usually recommended having an extra role which some restrictions.