require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe IsoDoc do it "cross-references notes in amendments" do expect(xmlpp({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)).sub(%r{.*}m, "")).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT") amendment


These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.


These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

INPUT amendment

[scope], Note [widgets1], Note 1 [widgets1], Note 2 A.1, Note A.2, Note 1 A.2, Note 2

Scope NOTE

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.


Widgets NOTE 1

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.


These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

Note 1 Note 2

<strong>Annex A</strong> <br/> (informative) A.1 NOTE

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

A.2 NOTE 1

These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.


These results are based on a study carried out on three different types of kernel.

OUTPUT end it "cross-references sections" do expect(xmlpp({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)).sub(%r{.*}m, "")).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT") amendment Foreword

This is a preamble

Introduction Introduction Subsection Text


Clause 4 Introduction Clause 4.2
Annex Annex A.1 Annex A.1a An Appendix Normative References Bibliography Bibliography Subsection
INPUT amendment Foreword

This is a preamble 0.1 0.2 [D] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] Annex A A.1 A.1.1 Annex A, Appendix 1 [R]

Introduction Introduction Subsection Text


Clause 4 Introduction Clause 4.2
<strong>Annex A</strong> <br/> (normative) <br/> <br/> <strong>Annex</strong> A.1 <tab/> Annex A.1 A.1.1 <tab/> Annex A.1a Appendix 1 <tab/> An Appendix Normative References Bibliography Bibliography Subsection
OUTPUT end it "processes section names" do input = <<~INPUT amendment Copyright License Legal Feedback Abstract Foreword

This is a preamble

Introduction Introduction Subsection Dedication Note to reader Acknowledgements
Clause 4 Introduction Clause 4.2 Scope


Annex Annex A.1 Annex A.1a Normative References Bibliography Bibliography Subsection
INPUT presxml = <<~OUTPUT amendment Copyright License Legal Feedback Abstract Foreword

This is a preamble

Introduction Introduction Subsection Dedication Note to reader Acknowledgements
Clause 4 Introduction Clause 4.2 Scope


<strong>Annex A</strong> <br/> (normative) <br/> <br/> <strong>Annex</strong> A.1<tab/>Annex A.1 A.1.1<tab/>Annex A.1a <strong>Annex B</strong> <br/> (normative) Normative References Bibliography Bibliography Subsection







This is a preamble


Introduction Subsection


Note to reader


Normative References

Clause 4


Clause 4.2



Annex A


A.1  Annex A.1

A.1.1  Annex A.1a

Annex B


Bibliography Subsection

OUTPUT expect(xmlpp({}).convert("test", input, true)).sub(%r{.*}m, "")).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(presxml) expect(xmlpp({}).convert("test", presxml, true))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(html) end it "processes IsoXML metadata" do c ={}) arr = c.convert_init(<<~"INPUT", "test", false) INPUT expect(metadata(<<~"INPUT"), nil))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" Introduction — Main Title — Title — Title Part  — Mass fraction of extraneous matter, milled rice (nonglutinous), sample dividers and recommendations relating to storage and transport conditions Introduction Main Title — Title Title Part Mass fraction of extraneous matter, milled rice (nonglutinous), sample dividers and recommendations relating to storage and transport conditions Introduction Française — Titre Principal — Part du Titre — Fraction massique de matière étrangère, riz usiné (non gluant), diviseurs d’échantillon et recommandations relatives aux conditions d’entreposage et de transport Introduction Française Titre Principal Part du Titre Fraction massique de matière étrangère, riz usiné (non gluant), diviseurs d’échantillon et recommandations relatives aux conditions d’entreposage et de transport ISO/PreNWIP3 17301-1:2016/Amd.1 ISO/PreNWIP3 17301-1:2016/Amd.1(E) ISO/PreNWIP3 17301-1:2016/Amd.1:2017(E) 17301 2016-05-01 International Organization for Standardization ISO International Organization for Standardization ISO 2 2000-01-01 0.3.4 en 10 20 3 2017 International Organization for Standardization ISO amendment TC TC1 SC SC1 WG WG1 SECRETARIAT 1 2 3 17301 New work item proposal international-standard INPUT {:accesseddate=>"XXX", :agency=>"ISO", :circulateddate=>"XXX", :confirmeddate=>"XXX", :copieddate=>"XXX", :createddate=>"2016-05-01", :docnumber=>"ISO/PreNWIP3 17301-1:2016/Amd.1", :docnumber_lang=>"ISO/PreNWIP3 17301-1:2016/Amd.1(E)", :docnumber_reference=>"ISO/PreNWIP3 17301-1:2016/Amd.1:2017(E)", :docnumeric=>"17301", :docsubtitle=>"Introduction Française — Titre Principal — Partie 1: Part du Titre", :docsubtitleamd=>"Fraction massique de matière étrangère, riz usiné (non gluant), diviseurs d’échantillon et recommandations relatives aux conditions d’entreposage et de transport", :docsubtitleamdlabel=>"AMENDMENT 1", :docsubtitlecorrlabel=>"RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 2", :docsubtitleintro=>"Introduction Française", :docsubtitlemain=>"Titre Principal", :docsubtitlepart=>"Part du Titre", :docsubtitlepartlabel=>"Partie 1", :doctitle=>"Introduction — Main Title — Title — Part 1: Title Part", :doctitleamd=>"Mass fraction of extraneous matter, milled rice (nonglutinous), sample dividers and recommendations relating to storage and transport conditions", :doctitleamdlabel=>"AMENDMENT 1", :doctitlecorrlabel=>"TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2", :doctitleintro=>"Introduction", :doctitlemain=>"Main Title — Title", :doctitlepart=>"Title Part", :doctitlepartlabel=>"Part 1", :doctype=>"Amendment", :doctype_display=>"Amendment", :docyear=>"2017", :draft=>"0.3.4", :draftinfo=>" (draft 0.3.4, 2000-01-01)", :edition=>"2", :editorialgroup=>["A 1", "B 2", "C 3"], :ics=>"1, 2, 3", :implementeddate=>"XXX", :issueddate=>"XXX", :lang=>"en", :obsoleteddate=>"XXX", :publisheddate=>"XXX", :publisher=>"International Organization for Standardization", :receiveddate=>"XXX", :revdate=>"2000-01-01", :revdate_monthyear=>"January 2000", :sc=>"B 2", :script=>"Latn", :secretariat=>"SECRETARIAT", :stage=>"10", :stage_int=>10, :stageabbr=>"NWIP", :statusabbr=>"PreNWIP3", :tc=>"A 1", :transmitteddate=>"XXX", :unchangeddate=>"XXX", :unpublished=>true, :updateddate=>"XXX", :vote_endeddate=>"XXX", :vote_starteddate=>"XXX", :wg=>"C 3"} OUTPUT end it "processes IsoXML metadata in French" do c ={}) arr = c.convert_init(<<~"INPUT", "test", false) fr INPUT expect(metadata(<<~"INPUT"), nil))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" Introduction — Main Title — Title — Title Part  — Mass fraction of extraneous matter, milled rice (nonglutinous), sample dividers and recommendations relating to storage and transport conditions Introduction Main Title — Title Title Part Mass fraction of extraneous matter, milled rice (nonglutinous), sample dividers and recommendations relating to storage and transport conditions Introduction Française — Titre Principal — Part du Titre — Fraction massique de matière étrangère, riz usiné (non gluant), diviseurs d’échantillon et recommandations relatives aux conditions d’entreposage et de transport Introduction Française Titre Principal Part du Titre Fraction massique de matière étrangère, riz usiné (non gluant), diviseurs d’échantillon et recommandations relatives aux conditions d’entreposage et de transport ISO/PreNWIP3 17301-1:2016/Amd.1 ISO/PreNWIP3 17301-1:2016/Amd.1(E) ISO/PreNWIP3 17301-1:2016/Amd.1:2017(E) 17301 2016-05-01 International Organization for Standardization ISO International Organization for Standardization ISO 2 2000-01-01 0.3.4 fr 10 20 3 2017 International Organization for Standardization ISO amendment Amendment TC TC1 SC SC1 WG WG1 SECRETARIAT 1 2 3 17301 New work item proposal international-standard INPUT {:accesseddate=>"XXX", :agency=>"ISO", :circulateddate=>"XXX", :confirmeddate=>"XXX", :copieddate=>"XXX", :createddate=>"2016-05-01", :docnumber=>"ISO/PreNWIP3 17301-1:2016/Amd.1", :docnumber_lang=>"ISO/PreNWIP3 17301-1:2016/Amd.1(E)", :docnumber_reference=>"ISO/PreNWIP3 17301-1:2016/Amd.1:2017(E)", :docnumeric=>"17301", :docsubtitle=>"Introduction — Main Title — Title — Part 1: Title Part", :docsubtitleamd=>"Mass fraction of extraneous matter, milled rice (nonglutinous), sample dividers and recommendations relating to storage and transport conditions", :docsubtitleamdlabel=>"AMENDMENT 1", :docsubtitlecorrlabel=>"TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2", :docsubtitleintro=>"Introduction", :docsubtitlemain=>"Main Title — Title", :docsubtitlepart=>"Title Part", :docsubtitlepartlabel=>"Part 1", :doctitle=>"Introduction Française — Titre Principal — Partie 1: Part du Titre", :doctitleamd=>"Fraction massique de matière étrangère, riz usiné (non gluant), diviseurs d’échantillon et recommandations relatives aux conditions d’entreposage et de transport", :doctitleamdlabel=>"AMENDMENT 1", :doctitlecorrlabel=>"RECTIFICATIF TECHNIQUE 2", :doctitleintro=>"Introduction Française", :doctitlemain=>"Titre Principal", :doctitlepart=>"Part du Titre", :doctitlepartlabel=>"Partie 1", :doctype=>"Amendment", :doctype_display=>"Amendment", :docyear=>"2017", :draft=>"0.3.4", :draftinfo=>" (brouillon 0.3.4, 2000-01-01)", :edition=>"2", :editorialgroup=>["A 1", "B 2", "C 3"], :ics=>"1, 2, 3", :implementeddate=>"XXX", :issueddate=>"XXX", :lang=>"fr", :obsoleteddate=>"XXX", :publisheddate=>"XXX", :publisher=>"International Organization for Standardization", :receiveddate=>"XXX", :revdate=>"2000-01-01", :revdate_monthyear=>"Janvier 2000", :sc=>"B 2", :script=>"Latn", :secretariat=>"SECRETARIAT", :stage=>"10", :stage_int=>10, :stageabbr=>"NWIP", :statusabbr=>"PreNWIP3", :tc=>"A 1", :transmitteddate=>"XXX", :unchangeddate=>"XXX", :unpublished=>true, :updateddate=>"XXX", :vote_endeddate=>"XXX", :vote_starteddate=>"XXX", :wg=>"C 3"} OUTPUT end it "processes middle title" do expect(xmlpp({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT") Introduction Main Title — Title Title Part Mass fraction of extraneous matter, milled rice (nonglutinous), sample dividers and recommendations relating to storage and transport conditions 17301 INPUT #{HTML_HDR}

Introduction — Main Title — Title —

Part 1:
Title Part

AMENDMENT 1: Mass fraction of extraneous matter, milled rice (nonglutinous), sample dividers and recommendations relating to storage and transport conditions


OUTPUT end end