require_relative "init" require "isodoc" require_relative "presentation_section" module IsoDoc module JIS class PresentationXMLConvert < IsoDoc::Iso::PresentationXMLConvert def inline(docxml) super strong(docxml) end JPAN = "\\p{Hiragana}\\p{Katakana}\\p{Han}".freeze JPAN_BOLD = "".freeze def strong(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//strong")).each do |x| (x.children.size == 1 && x.children.first.text?) or next # too hard x.replace(strong1(x.text)) end end def strong1(text) jpan = /^[#{JPAN}]/o.match?(text[0]) ret = jpan ? JPAN_BOLD : "" text.chars.each do |n| new = /^[#{JPAN}]/o.match?(n) jpan && !new and ret += "" !jpan && new and ret += "#{JPAN_BOLD}" ret += n jpan = new end ret += /[#{JPAN}]/o.match?(text[-1]) ? "" : "" ret end def ol_depth(node) depth = node.ancestors("ol").size + 1 depth == 1 and return :alphabetic :arabic end def admits(elem) elem.children.first.previous = @i18n.l10n("#{@i18n.admitted}: ") end def block(docxml) super dl docxml end def dl(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//table//dl | //figure//dl")).each do |l|"./dl")) ||"./ancestor::xmlns:dl") and next dl_to_para(l) end end def dt_dd?(node) %w{dt dd}.include? end def dl_to_para(node) ret = dl_to_para_name(node) ret += dl_to_para_terms(node) node.elements.reject { |n| %w(dt dd name).include?( }.each do |x| ret += x.to_xml end dl_id_insert(node, ret) end def dl_id_insert(node, ret) a = node.replace(ret) p ="./descendant-or-self::xmlns:p") node["id"] and p << "" a.xpath("./descendant-or-self::*[@id = '']").each { |x| x.delete("id") } end def dl_to_para_name(node) e ="./name")) "

#{e&.children&.to_xml || @i18n.key}

" end def dl_to_para_terms(node) ret = "" { |n| dt_dd?(n) }.each_slice(2) do |dt, dd| term = strip_para(dt) defn = strip_para(dd) bkmk = dd["id"] ? "" : "" ret += "

#{term}: #{bkmk}#{defn}

" end ret end def strip_para(node) node.children.to_xml.gsub(%r{]*)?>}, "") end def table1(node) super cols = table_cols_count(node) name ="./name")) thead = table_thead_pt(node, name) table_unit_note(node, thead, cols) end def table_thead_pt(node, name)"./thead")) || name&.after(" ")&.next || node.elements.first.before(" ").previous end def table_cols_count(node) cols = 0".//tr")).xpath(ns("./td | ./th")).each do |x| cols += x["colspan"]&.to_i || 1 end cols end def table_unit_note(node, thead, cols) unit_note =".//note[@type = 'units']")) or return thead.children.first.previous = full_row(cols, unit_note.remove.to_xml) end def full_row(cols, elem) "#{elem}" end def tablesource(elem) while elem&.next_element&.name == "source" elem << "; #{to_xml(elem.next_element.remove.children)}" end elem.children = l10n("#{@i18n.source}: #{to_xml(elem.children).strip}") end def bibdata_i18n(bibdata) super @lang == "ja" and date_translate(bibdata) end def date_translate(bibdata) bibdata.xpath(ns("./date")).each do |d| d.children = @i18n.japanese_date(d.text.strip) end end include Init end end end