require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe "Sequel::Plugins::Uuid" do before do uuid = @uuid = '57308544-4e83-47b8-b87f-6f68b987f4f9' @alt_uuid = 'd5d1ec46-5e8e-4a7b-adc9-50e76b819e19' dc = @c = @c.class_eval do columns :id, :uuid plugin :uuid def _save_refresh(*) end define_method(:create_uuid) do uuid end db.reset end @c.dataset.autoid = nil end it "should handle validations on the uuid field for new objects" do @c.plugin :uuid, :force=>true o = def o.validate errors.add(model.uuid_field, 'not present') unless send(model.uuid_field) end o.valid?.must_equal true end it "should set uuid field when skipping validations" do @c.plugin :uuid>false) @c.db.sqls.must_equal ["INSERT INTO t (uuid) VALUES ('#{@uuid}')"] end it "should set the uuid field on creation" do o = @c.create @c.db.sqls.must_equal ["INSERT INTO t (uuid) VALUES ('#{@uuid}')"] o.uuid.must_equal @uuid end if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' it "should allow specifying the uuid field via the :field option" do c = c.class_eval do columns :id, :u plugin :uuid, :field=>:u def _save_refresh(*) end end o = c.create c.db.sqls.first.must_match(/INSERT INTO t \(u\) VALUES \('[-0-9a-f]+'\)/) o.u.must_match /[-0-9a-f]+/ end end it "should not raise an error if the model doesn't have the uuid column" do @c.columns :id, :x @c.send(:undef_method, :uuid) @c.create(:x=>2) @c.load(:id=>1, :x=>2).save @c.db.sqls.must_equal ["INSERT INTO t (x) VALUES (2)", "UPDATE t SET x = 2 WHERE (id = 1)"] end it "should not overwrite an existing uuid value" do o = @c.create(:uuid=>@alt_uuid) @c.db.sqls.must_equal ["INSERT INTO t (uuid) VALUES ('#{@alt_uuid}')"] o.uuid.must_equal @alt_uuid end it "should overwrite an existing uuid if the :force option is used" do @c.plugin :uuid, :force=>true o = @c.create(:uuid=>@alt_uuid) @c.db.sqls.must_equal ["INSERT INTO t (uuid) VALUES ('#{@uuid}')"] o.uuid.must_equal @uuid end it "should have uuid_field give the uuid field" do @c.uuid_field.must_equal :uuid @c.plugin :uuid, :field=>:u @c.uuid_field.must_equal :u end it "should have uuid_overwrite? give the whether to overwrite an existing uuid" do @c.uuid_overwrite?.must_equal false @c.plugin :uuid, :force=>true @c.uuid_overwrite?.must_equal true end it "should work with subclasses" do c = o = c.create o.uuid.must_equal @uuid c.db.sqls.must_equal ["INSERT INTO t (uuid) VALUES ('#{@uuid}')"] c.create(:uuid=>@alt_uuid).uuid.must_equal @alt_uuid c.class_eval do columns :id, :u plugin :uuid, :field=>:u, :force=>true end c2 = c2.db.reset o = c2.create o.u.must_equal @uuid c2.db.sqls.first.must_match(/INSERT INTO t \([u]\) VALUES \('#{@uuid}'\)/) end end