#!/usr/bin/env bash __rvm_setup() { # ZSH has 1 based array indexing, bash has 0 based. if [[ ! -z "$ZSH_VERSION" ]] ; then __shell_array_start=1 # Set clobber for zsh users, for compatibility with bash's append operator ( >> file ) behavior setopt | grep -qs '^noclobber$' rvm_zsh_clobber=$? setopt clobber else __shell_array_start=0 fi ; export __shell_array_start } __rvm_teardown() { if [[ ! -z "$ZSH_VERSION" ]] ; then if [[ "$rvm_zsh_clobber" -eq 0 ]] ; then setopt noclobber fi ; unset rvm_zsh_clobber else : fi # Ruby strings are scoped to their action. # Hence, we ensure we remove them at in # the cleanup phase. # Clean up after CC switch if [[ -n "$rvm_clang_flag" ]] ; then if [[ -n "$rvm_prior_cc" ]] ; then export CC="$rvm_prior_cc" else unset CC fi unset rvm_prior_cc fi unset rvm_ruby_strings } # Return a list of directories under a given base path. # Derived from rvm_ruby_string. __rvm_ruby_string_paths_under() { local patch_parts="$(echo "$rvm_ruby_string" | tr '-' ' ' | __rvm_strip)" while true; do echo "$1/$patch_parts" | tr ' ' '/' | sed 's#\/$##' [[ -z "$patch_parts" ]] && break patch_parts="$(echo "$patch_parts" | awk '{$NF=""; print}' | __rvm_strip)" done } # Query the rvm key-value database for a specific key # Allow overrides from user specifications in $rvm_config_path/user __rvm_db() { key=$1 ; variable=$2 if [[ -f "$rvm_config_path/user" ]] ; then value="$($rvm_scripts_path/db "$rvm_config_path/user" "$key")" fi if [[ -z "$value" ]] ; then value="$($rvm_scripts_path/db "$rvm_config_path/db" "$key")" fi if [[ ! -z "$value" ]] ; then if [[ -z $variable ]] ; then echo $value else eval "$variable='$value'" fi fi unset key value variable } is_a_function() { type $1 | head -n 1 | grep -q "function" ; } __rvm_quote_args() { local quoted_string="" for quoted_argument in "$@"; do if printf "%s" "$quoted_argument" | grep -vq "^[[:alnum:]]$"; then quoted_string="$quoted_string '$(printf "%s" "$quoted_argument" | sed "s/'/\'\\\'\'/g")'" else quoted_string="$quoted_string $quoted_argument" fi done echo "$quoted_string" | sed -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g' } __rvm_warn_on_rubyopt() { if [[ -n "$RUBYOPT" ]]; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "warn" "Please note: You have the RUBYOPT environment variable set and this may interfere with normal rvm operations. We sugges unsetting it." return 1 else return 0 fi } __rvm_strings() { unset results for rvm_ruby_string in $(echo $rvm_ruby_args) ; do #__rvm_ruby_string if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then return 1 else results="$results $(__rvm_select ; echo $rvm_ruby_string)" fi done echo $results unset results return 0 } # Push an item onto a given array. __rvm_push() { array=$1 ; shift ; item=$2 # TODO: allow loop over more arguments. eval "index=\$((\${#${array}[*]} + $__shell_array_start))" eval "${array}[${index}]=${item}" unset array item } # Clean all *duplicate* items out of the path. (keep first occurrence of each) __rvm_clean_path() { PATH=$(echo $PATH | tr -s ':' '\n' | awk '!($0 in a){a[$0];print}' | tr -s '\n' ':' | sed 's#:$##') export PATH } # Clean all rvm items out of the current working path. __rvm_remove_rvm_from_path() { PATH=$(echo $PATH | tr -s ':' '\n' | grep -v "\.rvm" | tr -s '\n' ':' | sed 's#:$##') export PATH } # Run a specified command and log it. __rvm_run() { log_file_name="$1" ; command="$2" ; message="$3" if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_log_path" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_log_path="$rvm_log_path" ; fi if [[ ! -z "$message" ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "info" "$message" ; fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_debug_flag" ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "debug" "Executing: $command" fi mkdir -p "$(dirname "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log")" touch "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log" "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log" # for zsh :( echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')] $command" | tee "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log" >> "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log" if [[ -z "$rvm_niceness" ]] || [[ "0" = "$rvm_niceness" ]] ; then eval "$command" >> "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log" 2>> "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log" else eval "nice -n $rvm_niceness $command" >> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log 2>> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log fi if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "error" "Error running '$command', please check $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name*.log" ; __rvm_pushpop ; return 1 ; fi unset log_file command } # Runs a command in a given env. __rvm_run_with_env() { log_file_name="$1" ; env_name="$2" ; command="$3" ; message="$4" if [[ -z "$env_name" ]]; then env_name="$(__rvm_environment_identifier)"; fi if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_log_path" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_log_path="$rvm_log_path" ; fi if [[ ! -z "$message" ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "info" "$message" ; fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_debug_flag" ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "debug" "Executing: $command in environment "$env_name"" fi mkdir -p "$(dirname "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log")" touch "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log" "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log" # for zsh :( echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')] $command # under $env_name" | tee "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log" >> "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log" if [[ -z "$rvm_niceness" ]] || [[ "0" = "$rvm_niceness" ]] ; then eval "__rvm_with_env '$env_name' '$command'" >> "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log" 2>> "$rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log" else eval "nice -n $rvm_niceness __rvm_with_env '$env_name' '$command'" >> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log 2>> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log fi if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "error" "Error running '$command' under $env_name, please check $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name*.log" ; __rvm_pushpop ; return 1 ; fi unset log_file command env_name } # Unset both rvm variables as well as ruby-specific variables # Preserve gemset if 'rvm_sticky' is set (persist gemset unless clear is explicitely called). __rvm_cleanup_variables() { __rvm_unset_ruby_variables if [[ "$rvm_sticky_flag" = "1" ]] ; then export rvm_gemset_name ; else unset rvm_gemset_name ; fi unset rvm_action rvm_irbrc_file rvm_command rvm_error_message rvm_url rvm_force_flag rvm_all_flag rvm_reconfigure_flag rvm_make_flags rvm_bin_flag rvm_import_flag rvm_export_flag rvm_self_flag rvm_gem_flag rvm_rubygems_flag rvm_debug_flag rvm_delete_flag rvm_summary_flag rvm_test_flag _rvm_spec_flag rvm_json_flag rvm_yaml_flag rvm_shebang_flag rvm_env_flag rvm_tail_flag rvm_use_flag rvm_dir_flag rvm_list_flag rvm_empty_flag rvm_file_name rvm_benchmark_flag rvm_clear_flag rvm_name_flag rvm_verbose_flag rvm_user_flag rvm_system_flag rvm_ruby_configure_flags rvm_uninstall_flag rvm_install_flag rvm_llvm_flag rvm_ruby_bits rvm_sticky_flag rvm_rvmrc_flag rvm_gems_flag rvm_only_path_flag rvm_docs_flag rvm_ruby_aliases rvm_ruby_aliases rvm_patch_names rvm_clang_flag } # Unset ruby-specific variables __rvm_unset_ruby_variables() { unset rvm_ruby_interpreter rvm_ruby_version rvm_url rvm_ruby_repo_url rvm_ruby_package_name rvm_ruby_patch_level rvm_ruby_make rvm_ruby_make_install rvm_ruby_revision rvm_ruby_tag rvm_release_version rvm_major_version rvm_minor_version rvm_ruby_gem_home rvm_ruby_binary rvm_ruby_home rvm_ruby_log_path rvm_ruby_src_path rvm_ruby_irbrc rvm_ruby_selected_flag rvm_ruby_src_path rvm_ruby_repo_url rvm_major_version rvm_minor_version rvm_ruby_gem_home rvm_head_flag rvm_ruby_configure rvm_ruby_mode rvm_ruby_package_file rvm_ruby_package_name rvm_ruby_gem_path rvm_ruby_name rvm_ruby_alias rvm_ruby_strings rvm_ruby_repo_path } # Usage: __rvm_with_env 'env-name' 'command' __rvm_with_env() { [[ -n "$rvm_trace_flag" ]] && rvm_env_args="--trace" rvm_env_command="$(echo "$2" | sed "s/rvm /rvm $rvm_env_args /")" # Subshells! ( source $rvm_scripts_path/rvm rvm $rvm_env_args use $1 && eval "$rvm_env_command" ) unset rvm_env_args rvm_env_command } # Returns the first 1.8.7-compatible (partly) ruby for use # with things like rbx etc which require a ruby be installed. __rvm_18_compat_ruby() { rubies="" for ruby_name in $(\ls $rvm_rubies_path); do if [[ ! -L "$rvm_rubies_path/$ruby_name" ]] && $rvm_scripts_path/match "$ruby_name" '^(ruby-1.8.[[:digit:]]|rbx|ree)-'; then rubies="$rubies $ruby_name" fi done; unset ruby_name echo "$rubies" | sed 's/^ //' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tail -n1 unset rubies } __rvm_ensure_has_18_compat_ruby() { if [[ -z "$(__rvm_18_compat_ruby)" ]]; then # TODO: install currently doesn't return the correct status. local compat_result=0 if ! ( rvm install 1.8.7 ); then $rvm_scripts_path/log "fatal" "To proceed rvm requires a 1.8-compatible ruby is installed. We attempted to install 1.8.7 automatically but it failed." $rvm_scripts_path/log "fatal" "Please install it manually (or a compatible alternative) to proceed." compat_result=1 fi unset original_ruby return $compat_result fi } __rvm_inherit_trace_flag() { if [[ -n "$rvm_trace_flag" ]]; then set -x export rvm_trace_flag fi } # Cleans up temp folders for a given prefix, # typically the current process id. __rvm_cleanup_temp_for() { [[ -z "$1" ]] && return 1 if [[ -d "$rvm_tmp_path/" ]]; then rm -rf "$rvm_tmp_path/$1"* >/dev/null 2>&1 fi exit } __rvm_cleanup_temp_on_exit() { trap "__rvm_cleanup_temp_for '$$'" 0 1 2 3 15 } __rvm_set_rvmrc() { if [[ "$HOME" != "$(pwd)" ]] ; then if [[ "$rvm_verbose_flag" -eq 1 ]] ; then flags="use " ; fi if [[ -s .rvmrc ]] ; then mv .rvmrc .rvmrc.$(date +%m.%d.%Y-%H:%M:%S) $rvm_scripts_path/log "warning" ".rvmrc is not empty, moving aside to preserve." fi local identifier=$(__rvm_environment_identifier) printf "if [[ -s \"$rvm_environments_path/$identifier\" ]] ; then\n . \"$rvm_environments_path/$identifier\"" > .rvmrc printf "\nelse\n rvm --create $flags \"$identifier\"\nfi" >> .rvmrc unset flags else $rvm_scripts_path/log "error" ".rvmrc cannot be set in your home directory. \n The home .rvmrc is for global rvm settings only." fi } __rvm_load_rvmrc() { for rvmrc in /etc/rvmrc $HOME/.rvmrc ; do if [[ -f "$rvmrc" ]] ; then if grep -q '^\s*rvm .*$' $rvmrc ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "error" "$rvmrc is for rvm settings only.\nrvm CLI may NOT be called from within $rvmrc. \nSkipping the loading of $rvmrc" return 1 else source "$rvmrc" fi fi done } # Wrap the specified ruby code file in a Benchmark.bmbm block and execute it. __rvm_benchmark() { code="require \"benchmark\" \n Benchmark.bmbm do |benchmark| \n benchmark.report(\"${rvm_ruby_file}\") do \n" printf "\n$code" > "$rvm_tmp_path/$$.rb" unset code cat $rvm_ruby_file >> "$rvm_tmp_path/$$.rb" printf "\n end \nend\n" >> "$rvm_tmp_path/$$.rb" rvm_ruby_args="$rvm_tmp_path/$$.rb" rvm_benchmark_flag=1 rvm_action="ruby" if [[ ! -z "$rvm_debug_flag" ]] ; then printf "\n$rvm_tmp_path/$$.rb:\n$(cat $rvm_tmp_path/$$.rb)" ; fi # Override ruby string stuff, pass through. old_rvm_ruby_string=$rvm_ruby_string unset rvm_ruby_string export rvm_ruby_strings $rvm_scripts_path/set $rvm_action $rvm_ruby_args result=$? # Restore the state pre-sets. [[ -n "$old_rvm_ruby_string" ]] && rvm_ruby_string=$old_rvm_ruby_string unset old_rvm_ruby_string } # Loop over the currently installed rubies and refresh their binscripts. __rvm_bin_scripts() { for rvm_ruby_binary in $rvm_rubies_path/*/bin/ruby ; do if [[ -x "$rvm_ruby_binary" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_string=$(dirname "$rvm_ruby_binary" | xargs dirname | xargs basename) __rvm_select __rvm_bin_script fi done } # Write the bin/ wrapper script for currently selected ruby. # TODO: Adjust binscript to be able to handle all rubies not just the standard interpreteres. __rvm_bin_script() { $rvm_scripts_path/wrapper "$rvm_ruby_string" } # Reset any rvm gathered information about the system and its state. # rvm will refresh the stored information the next time it is called after reset. __rvm_reset() { PATH="$(echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | awk '$0 !~ /rvm/' | paste -sd : -)" PATH="$rvm_bin_path:$PATH" ; export PATH for flag in default passenger editor ; do rm -f "$rvm_bin_path"/${flag}_* ; done unset flag for file in system default ; do rm -f "$rvm_path/$file" "$rvm_config_path/$file" "$rvm_environments_path/$file" done; unset file # Go back to a clean state. __rvm_become "system" __rvm_unset_ruby_variables for system_config in system_ruby system_gem_path system_user_gem_path ; do $rvm_scripts_path/db "$rvm_config_path/user" "$system_config" "delete" done ; unset system_config variable rm -f $rvm_bin_path/ruby $rvm_bin_path/gem $rvm_bin_path/rake $rvm_bin_path/irb $rvm_bin_path/default* } # Implode removes the entire rvm installation under $rvm_path. __rvm_implode() { while : ; do $rvm_scripts_path/log "warn" "Are you SURE you wish for rvm to implode? This will remove $rvm_path ? (type 'yes' or 'no')" read response if [[ "yes" = "$response" ]] ; then if [[ "/" = "$rvm_path" ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "error" "remove '/' ?!... NO!" else if [[ -d "$rvm_path" ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "info" "Hai! Removing $rvm_path" rm -rf $rvm_path/ echo "$rvm_path has been removed." else $rvm_scripts_path/log "info" "It appears that $rvm_path is already non existant." fi fi break elif [[ "no" = "$response" ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "info" "Cancelling implosion, no harm done :)" break fi done } # Output the current ruby's rvm source path. __rvm_source_dir() { if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_selected_flag" ]] ; then __rvm_select ; fi if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_src_path" ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "fail" "No source directory exists for the default implementation." else echo "$rvm_ruby_src_path" fi } # Initialize rvm, ensuring that the path and directories are as expected. __rvm_initialize() { rvm_ruby_load_path="." rvm_ruby_require="" __rvm_clean_path if echo $PATH | grep -q 'rvm\/bin:' ; then PATH=$rvm_bin_path:$PATH ; export PATH fi mkdir -p $rvm_src_path $rvm_bin_path $rvm_archives_path $rvm_gems_path $rvm_tmp_path $rvm_repo_path } # Update rubygems or binscripts based on CLI selection. __rvm_update() { __rvm_pushpop $rvm_path if [[ "$rvm_head_flag" == "1" ]] || [[ ! -z "$rvm_self_flag" ]] || [[ "update" = "$rvm_action" ]] || [[ ! -z "$rvm_update_flag" ]] ; then __rvm_version __rvm_update_rvm fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_bin_flag" ]] ; then __rvm_bin_scripts ; fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_rubygems_flag" ]] ; then __rvm_rubygems_setup ; fi unset rvm_update_flag rvm_action rvm_self_flag rvm_ruby_revision rvm_bin_flag rvm_rubygems_flag __rvm_pushpop } # Update rvm using rubygems # If --head was specified, update from git repository master branch. __rvm_update_rvm() { mkdir -p "$rvm_src_path" __rvm_pushpop "$rvm_src_path" if [[ "$rvm_head_flag" == "1" ]] ; then if [[ -d "$rvm_src_path/rvm/.git" ]] ; then builtin cd $rvm_src_path/rvm/ && git pull origin master && ./scripts/install else builtin cd $rvm_src_path && git clone http://github.com/wayneeseguin/rvm.git && builtin cd rvm/ && ./scripts/install fi else stable_version=$(curl -s http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/releases/stable-version.txt) __rvm_run "fetch" "$rvm_scripts_path/fetch 'http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/releases/rvm-${stable_version}.tar.gz'" "fetching rvm-${stable_version}.tar.gz" __rvm_run "extract" "cat $rvm_archives_path/rvm-${stable_version}.tar.gz | gunzip | tar xf - -C $rvm_src_path" "Extracting rvm-${stable_version}.tar.gz ..." __rvm_run "install" "builtin cd $rvm_src_path/rvm-${stable_version}/ ; ./install" "Installing rvm-${stable_version}..." fi __rvm_pushpop rvm_hook="after_update" ; source $rvm_scripts_path/hook } __rvm_reboot() { $rvm_scripts_path/log "warn" "Do you wish to reboot rvm? ('yes', or 'no')" read response if [[ "yes" = "$response" ]] ; then builtin cd $rvm_path __rvm_reset mv $rvm_path/archives ~/.archives if [[ "/" = "$rvm_path" ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "error" "remove '/' ?!... NO!" else if [[ -d "$rvm_path" ]] ; then rm -rf "$rvm_path/" ; fi fi gem install rvm $rvm_gem_options __rvm_update_rvm source $rvm_path/scripts/rvm else $rvm_scripts_path/log "info" "Carry on then..." fi ; unset response } # Create the irbrc for the currently selected ruby installation. __rvm_irbrc() { if [[ -d "$rvm_ruby_home" ]] && [[ ! -s "$rvm_ruby_irbrc" ]] ; then cp $rvm_scripts_path/irbrc $rvm_ruby_irbrc fi } # Push or Pop a directory based on zero or one directory argument provided. __rvm_pushpop() { if [[ -z "$1" ]] ; then popd > /dev/null 2>&1 else pushd "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi } # Save or restore the rvm's state. This is a toggle action. # Meant for use before and after an operation that might reset the currently selected ruby. __rvm_state() { if [[ -z "$rvm_state" ]] ; then rvm_state="$(__rvm_environment_identifier)" rvm_state="${rvm_state:-"system"}" if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then rvm_ruby_string="$1" __rvm_select __rvm_use fi else rvm_ruby_string="$rvm_state" __rvm_select __rvm_use unset rvm_state fi } # Output an inspection of selected 'binary' scripts, based on CLI selection. __rvm_inspect() { for binary in $rvm_ruby_args ; do actual_file="$(command -v $binary)" $rvm_scripts_path/log "info" "$actual_file:" if [[ ! -z "$rvm_shebang_flag" ]] ; then cat $actual_file | head -n 1 ; fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_env_flag" ]] ; then cat $actual_file | awk '/ENV/' ; fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_path_flag" ]] ; then cat $actual_file | awk '/PATH/' ; fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_head_flag" ]] ; then cat $actual_file | head -n 5 ; fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_tail_flag" ]] ; then cat $actual_file | tail -n 5 ; fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_all_flag" ]] ; then cat $actual_file ; fi done } # Attempt to override the Darwin build settings for rubies # This should only be used in extreme edge cases that will not work via the default way. __rvm_make_flags() { # This is only an issue with Darwin :/ if [[ "Darwin" = "$(uname)" ]] ; then # \ls /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin10 # Set the build & host type if [[ "Power Macintosh" = "$(sysctl -n hw.machine)" ]] ; then : # Do nothing ? elif [[ "$(sysctl -n hw.cpu64bit_capable)" = 1 || "$(sysctl -n hw.optional.x86_64)" = 1 ]] ; then # 64 bit capable if [[ "-arch x86_64" = "$rvm_archflags" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_configure_flags="${rvm_ruby_configure_flags} --build=x86_64-apple-darwin$(uname -r) --host=x86_64-apple-darwin$(uname -r)" elif [[ "-arch i386" = "$rvm_archflags" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_configure_flags="${rvm_ruby_configure_flags} --build=i386-apple-darwin$(uname -r) --host=i386-apple-darwin$(uname -r)" else rvm_archflags="-arch x86_64" rvm_ruby_configure_flags="${rvm_ruby_configure_flags} --build=x86_64-apple-darwin$(uname -r) --host=x86_64-apple-darwin$(uname -r)" fi fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_archflags" ]] ; then ARCHFLAGS="$rvm_archflags" ; export ARCHFLAGS # Use the latest sdk available. if [[ -z "$rvm_sdk" ]] ; then rvm_sdk="$(/usr/bin/basename -a /Developer/SDKs/* | awk '/^M/' | sort | tail -n 1)" ; fi CFLAGS="${CFLAGS:-"-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/$rvm_sdk $rvm_archflags"}" ; export CFLAGS LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:-"-Wl,-syslibroot /Developer/SDKs/$rvm_sdk $rvm_archflags"}" ; export LDFLAGS # CXXFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min="$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F'.' '{print $1"."$2}')" -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/$rvm_sdk " ; export CXXFLAGS fi fi } # Select a gemset based on CLI set options and environment. # This only sets 'rvm_ruby_gem_home' __rvm_gemset_select() { command -v gem > /dev/null if [[ $? -gt 0 ]] ; then return 0 ; fi # Stop if no 'gem' command is available. rvm_ruby_global_gems_path="$rvm_gems_path/${rvm_ruby_string}${rvm_gemset_separator}global" #if [[ -z "$(echo $rvm_ruby_gem_home | grep "$rvm_path")" ]] ; then # $rvm_scripts_path/log "warn" "Gemsets cannot be used with system ruby installs (yet)." #fi if [[ -z "$rvm_gemset_name" ]] ; then # No longer defaulting to 'sticky' gem sets. # Set 'rvm_sticky_flag=1' in ~/.rvmrc to enable. if [[ ! -z "$rvm_sticky_flag" ]] ; then if [[ ! -z "$GEM_HOME" ]] ; then rvm_gemset_name=$(echo $GEM_HOME | xargs basename | awk -F${rvm_gemset_separator} '{print $2}') fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_gem_home" ]] ; then rvm_gemset_name=$(echo $rvm_ruby_gem_home | xargs basename | awk -F${rvm_gemset_separator} '{print $2}') fi fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_gemset_name" ]] && ! $rvm_scripts_path/match "$rvm_gemset_name" "^[0-9]\.[0-9]" ; then rvm_ruby_gem_home="$rvm_gems_path/${rvm_ruby_string}${rvm_gemset_separator}${rvm_gemset_name}" else if [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_string" ]] && [[ "$rvm_ruby_interpreter" != "system" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_gem_home="$rvm_gems_path/$rvm_ruby_string" elif [[ -z "$GEM_HOME" ]] && [[ ! -z "$(command -v gem)" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_gem_home=$(gem env gemdir) elif [[ ! -z "$GEM_HOME" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_gem_home="$GEM_HOME" else unset rvm_ruby_gem_home fi fi if [[ -z "$rvm_gemset_name" ]] ; then unset rvm_gemset_name ; fi else gemset=$(echo "$rvm_ruby_gem_home" | awk -F'@' '{print $NF}') if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_string" ]] && [[ ! -z "${GEM_HOME/@*/}" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_string=$(basename ${GEM_HOME/@*/}) fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_string" ]] ; then if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_gem_home" ]] || [[ ! -z "$gemset" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_gem_home="$rvm_gems_path/${rvm_ruby_string}${rvm_gemset_separator}${rvm_gemset_name}" elif [[ ! -z "$gemset" ]] && [[ "$rvm_gemset_name" != "$gemset" ]] ; then rvm_ruby_gem_home="$rvm_gems_path/${rvm_ruby_string}${rvm_gemset_separator}${rvm_gemset_name}" fi ; unset gemset else $rvm_scripts_path/log "error" "Gemsets can not be used with non rvm controlled rubies (currently)." return 1 fi fi # If the gemset does not exist, then notify the user as such and abort the action. if [[ ! -z "$rvm_gemset_name" ]] && [[ ! -d "$rvm_ruby_gem_home" ]] ; then if [[ "$rvm_gemset_create_on_use_flag" -ne 1 ]] && [[ "$rvm_create_flag" -ne 1 ]] && [[ "$rvm_delete_flag" -ne 1 ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "error" "Gemset '$rvm_gemset_name' does not exist, rvm gemset create '$rvm_gemset_name' first." return 1 fi elif [[ "$rvm_delete_flag" -eq 1 ]] ; then return 1 fi if [[ -z "$rvm_ruby_gem_home" ]] && [[ ! -z $rvm_ruby_string ]] ; then rvm_ruby_gem_home="$rvm_gems_path/$rvm_ruby_string" rvm_ruby_global_gems_path="$rvm_gems_path/$rvm_ruby_string${rvm_gemset_separator}global" fi rvm_ruby_gem_path="$rvm_ruby_gem_home:$rvm_ruby_global_gems_path" # Ensure that the ruby gem home exists. mkdir -p "$rvm_ruby_gem_home" if [[ -n "$rvm_ruby_gem_home" ]] && echo "$rvm_ruby_gem_home" | grep -q 'rvm'; then if __rvm_using_gemset_globalcache && [[ ! -L "$rvm_ruby_gem_home/cache" ]]; then mv "$rvm_ruby_gem_home/cache/"*.gem "$rvm_gems_cache_path/" 2>/dev/null rm -rf "$rvm_ruby_gem_home/cache" ln -nfs "$rvm_gems_cache_path" "$rvm_ruby_gem_home/cache" fi fi export rvm_ruby_gem_path rvm_ruby_gem_home } # Use a gemset specified by 'rvm_ruby_gem_home' __rvm_gemset_use() { #if [[ -z "$(echo $rvm_ruby_gem_home | grep "rvm")" ]] ; then # $rvm_scripts_path/log "warn" "Gemsets cannot be used with system ruby installs (yet)." #fi if [[ ! -z "$rvm_ruby_gem_home" ]] ; then if [[ ! -d "$rvm_ruby_gem_home" ]] ; then if [[ "$rvm_gemset_create_on_use_flag" -eq 1 ]] || [[ "$rvm_create_flag" -eq 1 ]]; then $rvm_scripts_path/gemsets create $rvm_gemset_name else $rvm_scripts_path/log "error" "Gemset '$rvm_gemset_name' does not exist, rvm gemset create '$rvm_gemset_name' first." return 1 fi fi if [[ "$rvm_interactive" -eq 1 ]] || [[ "$rvm_verbose_flag" -eq 1 ]] ; then $rvm_scripts_path/log "info" "Now using gemset '${rvm_gemset_name:-default}'" fi rvm_ruby_gem_home="$(echo $GEM_HOME | sed 's/'${rvm_gemset_separator}'.*$//')${rvm_gemset_separator}${rvm_gemset_name}" GEM_HOME="$rvm_ruby_gem_home" BUNDLE_PATH="$rvm_ruby_gem_home" GEM_PATH="$rvm_ruby_gem_home/bin:$(echo $GEM_HOME | sed 's/'${rvm_gemset_separator}'.*$//')${rvm_gemset_separator}global/bin" export rvm_ruby_gem_home GEM_HOME BUNDLE_PATH GEM_PATH __rvm_use # Now ensure the selection takes effect for the environment. fi return 0 } __rvm_gemset_clear() { unset rvm_gemset_name ; shift rvm_ruby_gem_home="$(echo $GEM_HOME | sed "s#${rvm_gemset_separator:-'@'}.*\$##g")" rvm_ruby_global_gems_path="$(echo $GEM_HOME | sed 's/'${rvm_gemset_separator}'.*$//')${rvm_gemset_separator}global" GEM_HOME=$rvm_ruby_gem_home BUNDLE_PATH="$rvm_ruby_gem_home" GEM_PATH="$rvm_ruby_gem_home/bin:$rvm_ruby_global_gems_path/bin" export rvm_ruby_gem_home rvm_ruby_global_gems_path GEM_HOME BUNDLE_PATH GEM_PATH __rvm_use # Now ensure the selection takes effect for the environment. } __rvm_mono_env() { export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$rvm_usr_path/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" export C_INCLUDE_PATH="$rvm_usr_path/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH" export ACLOCAL_PATH="$rvm_usr_path/share/aclocal" export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I $ACLOCAL_PATH" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$rvm_usr_path/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" PATH="$rvm_usr_path/bin:$PATH" } __rvm_environment_identifier() { ruby_string="$(command -v ruby)" if [ -n "$ruby_string" ] && echo "$ruby_string" | grep -q -F "$rvm_rubies_path"; then echo "$GEM_HOME" | xargs basename else echo "system" fi unset ruby_string } __rvm_become() { [[ -n "$1" ]] && rvm_ruby_string="$1" { __rvm_ruby_string && __rvm_select && __rvm_use; } > /dev/null 2>&1 } __rvm_ensure_has_enviroment_files() { local environment_identifier="$(__rvm_environment_identifier)" file_name="${rvm_environments_path}/$environment_identifier" # Ensure system is a blank file. if [[ "$environment_identifier" == "system" ]]; then rm -f "$file_name" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$file_name")" touch "$file_name" return fi if [[ ! -s "$file_name" ]] ; then mkdir -p "${rvm_environments_path}" echo "export PATH=\"${rvm_ruby_gem_home}/bin:${rvm_ruby_global_gems_path}/bin:${rvm_ruby_home}/bin:${rvm_bin_path}:\$PATH\"" > $file_name for variable in RUBY_VERSION GEM_HOME GEM_PATH BUNDLE_PATH MY_RUBY_HOME IRBRC rvm_ruby_string rvm_gemset_name MAGLEV_HOME ; do eval "export $variable" eval value=\$${variable} if [[ ! -z "$value" ]] ; then echo "export ${variable}='$value'" >> $file_name else echo "unset ${variable}" >> $file_name fi done ; unset variable value fi ; unset file_name # Next, ensure we have default wrapper files. Also, prevent it from recursing. if [[ -z "$rvm_creating_default_wrappers" ]]; then # We need to generate wrappers for both the default gemset and the global gemset. for wrapper_identifier in "$environment_identifier" "${environment_identifier}@global" ; do rvm_creating_default_wrappers=1 directory_name="$rvm_wrappers_path/$wrapper_identifier" if [[ ! -L "$directory_name" && ! -d "$directory_name" ]]; then mkdir -p "$directory_name" $rvm_scripts_path/wrapper "$wrapper_identifier" &> /dev/null fi unset rvm_creating_default_wrappers directory_name done; unset wrapper_identifier fi } # Strip whitespace and normalize it all. __rvm_strip() { sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' -e 's/[[:space:]]\{1,\}/ /g' } __rvm_using_gemset_globalcache() { $rvm_scripts_path/db "$rvm_config_path/user" "use_gemset_globalcache" | grep -q '^true$' } __rvm_current_gemcache_dir() { if __rvm_using_gemset_globalcache; then echo "$rvm_gems_cache_path" else echo "${rvm_ruby_gem_home:-"$GEM_HOME"}/cache" fi } __rvm_Answer_to_the_Ultimate_Question_of_Life_the_Universe_and_Everything() { for index in {1..750} ; do perl -e 'sleep 0.2'; echo -n '.' ; done ; printf "%d" 0x2A ; echo } __rvm_ultimate_question() { printf "\nI do not know the Ultimate Question, " printf "\nhowever I can help you build a more " printf "\npowerful Ruby which can compute the " printf "\nUltimate Question." } # Checks the rvmrc for the given directory. Note that if # argument is passed, it will be used instead of pwd. __rvm_project_rvmrc() { local cwd # Get the first argument or the pwd. cwd="${1:-"$(pwd)"}" while : ; do if [[ -z "$cwd" ]] || [[ "$HOME" = "$cwd" ]] || [[ "/" = "$cwd" ]] ; then if [[ -n "$rvm_rvmrc_cwd" ]] ; then if [[ -z "$rvm_previous_environment" ]] ; then rvm default 1>/dev/null 2>&1 else rvm "$rvm_previous_environment" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 fi unset rvm_rvmrc_cwd rvm_previous_environment fi break else if [[ -f "$cwd/.rvmrc" ]] ; then if [[ "$rvm_rvmrc_cwd" != "$cwd" ]] ; then if [[ -z "$rvm_previous_environment" ]] ; then rvm_previous_environment="$(__rvm_environment_identifier)" fi rvm_rvmrc_cwd="$cwd" source "$cwd/.rvmrc" fi break else cwd=$(dirname "$cwd") fi fi done }