module Shoulda # :nodoc: module Matchers module ActiveModel # :nodoc: # Ensures that the model is invalid if the given attribute is not unique. # # Internally, this uses values from existing records to test validations, # so this will always fail if you have not saved at least one record for # the model being tested, like so: # # describe User do # before(:each) { User.create!(:email => '') } # it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:email) } # end # # Options: # # * with_message - value the test expects to find in # errors.on(:attribute). Regexp or String. # Defaults to the translation for :taken. # * scoped_to - field(s) to scope the uniqueness to. # * case_insensitive - ensures that the validation does not # check case. Off by default. Ignored by non-text attributes. # # Examples: # it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:keyword) } # it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:keyword).with_message(/dup/) } # it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:email).scoped_to(:name) } # it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:email). # scoped_to(:first_name, :last_name) } # it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:keyword).case_insensitive } # def validate_uniqueness_of(attr) end class ValidateUniquenessOfMatcher < ValidationMatcher # :nodoc: include Helpers def initialize(attribute) @attribute = attribute end def scoped_to(*scopes) @scopes = [*scopes].flatten self end def with_message(message) @expected_message = message self end def case_insensitive @case_insensitive = true self end def description result = "require " result << "case sensitive " unless @case_insensitive result << "unique value for #{@attribute}" result << " scoped to #{@scopes.join(', ')}" unless @scopes.blank? result end def matches?(subject) @subject = @expected_message ||= :taken find_existing && set_scoped_attributes && validate_attribute && validate_after_scope_change end private def find_existing if @existing = @subject.class.find(:first) true else @failure_message = "Can't find first #{class_name}" false end end def set_scoped_attributes unless @scopes.blank? @scopes.each do |scope| setter = :"#{scope}=" unless @subject.respond_to?(setter) @failure_message = "#{class_name} doesn't seem to have a #{scope} attribute." return false end @subject.send("#{scope}=", @existing.send(scope)) end end true end def validate_attribute disallows_value_of(existing_value, @expected_message) end # TODO: There is a chance that we could change the scoped field # to a value that's already taken. An alternative implementation # could actually find all values for scope and create a unique def validate_after_scope_change if @scopes.blank? true else @scopes.all? do |scope| previous_value = @existing.send(scope) # Assume the scope is a foreign key if the field is nil previous_value ||= 0 next_value = @subject.send("#{scope}=", next_value) if allows_value_of(existing_value, @expected_message) @negative_failure_message << " (with different value of #{scope})" true else @failure_message << " (with different value of #{scope})" false end end end end def class_name end def existing_value value = @existing.send(@attribute) value.swapcase! if @case_insensitive && value.respond_to?(:swapcase!) value end end end end end