# Copyright (c) 2013 AppNeta, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
module TraceView
module API
# Module that provides profiling of arbitrary blocks of code
module Profiling
# Public: Profile a given block of code. Detect any exceptions thrown by
# the block and report errors.
# profile_name - A name used to identify the block being profiled.
# report_kvs - A hash containing key/value pairs that will be reported along
# with the event of this profile (optional).
# with_backtrace - Boolean to indicate whether a backtrace should
# be collected with this trace event.
# Example
# def computation(n)
# TraceView::API.profile('fib', { :n => n }) do
# fib(n)
# end
# end
# Returns the result of the block.
def profile(profile_name, report_kvs = {}, with_backtrace = false)
report_kvs[:Language] ||= :ruby
report_kvs[:ProfileName] ||= profile_name
report_kvs[:Backtrace] = TraceView::API.backtrace if with_backtrace
TraceView::API.log(nil, 'profile_entry', report_kvs)
rescue => e
log_exception(nil, e)
exit_kvs = {}
exit_kvs[:Language] = :ruby
exit_kvs[:ProfileName] = report_kvs[:ProfileName]
TraceView::API.log(nil, 'profile_exit', exit_kvs)
# Public: Profile a method on a class or module. That method can be of any (accessible)
# type (instance, singleton, private, protected etc.).
# klass - the class or module that has the method to profile
# method - the method to profile. Can be singleton, instance, private etc...
# opts - a hash specifying the one or more of the following options:
# * :arguments - report the arguments passed to method on each profile (default: false)
# * :result - report the return value of method on each profile (default: false)
# * :backtrace - report the return value of method on each profile (default: false)
# * :name - alternate name for the profile reported in the dashboard (default: method name)
# extra_kvs - a hash containing any additional KVs you would like reported with the profile
# Example
# opts = {}
# opts[:backtrace] = true
# opts[:arguments] = false
# opts[:name] = :array_sort
# TraceView::API.profile_method(Array, :sort, opts)
def profile_method(klass, method, opts = {}, extra_kvs = {})
# If we're on an unsupported platform (ahem Mac), just act
# like we did something to nicely play the no-op part.
return true unless TraceView.loaded
if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.3'
TraceView.logger.warn "[traceview/error] profile_method: Use the legacy method profiling for Ruby versions before 1.9.3"
return false
elsif !klass.is_a?(Module)
TraceView.logger.warn "[traceview/error] profile_method: Not sure what to do with #{klass}. Send a class or module."
return false
elsif !method.is_a?(Symbol)
if method.is_a?(String)
method = method.to_sym
TraceView.logger.warn "[traceview/error] profile_method: Not sure what to do with #{method}. Send a string or symbol for method."
return false
instance_method = klass.instance_methods.include?(method) || klass.private_instance_methods.include?(method)
class_method = klass.singleton_methods.include?(method)
# Make sure the request klass::method exists
if !instance_method && !class_method
TraceView.logger.warn "[traceview/error] profile_method: Can't instrument #{klass}.#{method} as it doesn't seem to exist."
TraceView.logger.warn "[traceview/error] #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}"
return false
# Strip '!' or '?' from method if present
safe_method_name = method.to_s.chop if method.to_s =~ /\?$|\!$/
safe_method_name ||= method
without_traceview = "#{safe_method_name}_without_traceview"
with_traceview = "#{safe_method_name}_with_traceview"
# Check if already profiled
if klass.instance_methods.include?(with_traceview.to_sym) ||
TraceView.logger.warn "[traceview/error] profile_method: #{klass}::#{method} already profiled."
TraceView.logger.warn "[traceview/error] profile_method: #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__}"
return false
source_location = []
if instance_method
::TraceView::Util.send_include(klass, ::TraceView::MethodProfiling)
source_location = klass.instance_method(method).source_location
elsif class_method
::TraceView::Util.send_extend(klass, ::TraceView::MethodProfiling)
source_location = klass.method(method).source_location
report_kvs = collect_profile_kvs(klass, method, opts, extra_kvs, source_location)
report_kvs[:MethodName] = safe_method_name
if instance_method
klass.class_eval do
define_method(with_traceview) { | *args, &block |
profile_wrapper(without_traceview, report_kvs, opts, *args, &block)
alias_method without_traceview, "#{method}"
alias_method "#{method}", with_traceview
elsif class_method
klass.define_singleton_method(with_traceview) { | *args, &block |
profile_wrapper(without_traceview, report_kvs, opts, *args, &block)
klass.singleton_class.class_eval do
alias_method without_traceview, "#{method}"
alias_method "#{method}", with_traceview
# Private: Helper method to aggregate KVs to report
# klass - the class or module that has the method to profile
# method - the method to profile. Can be singleton, instance, private etc...
# opts - a hash specifying the one or more of the following options:
# * :arguments - report the arguments passed to method on each profile (default: false)
# * :result - report the return value of method on each profile (default: false)
# * :backtrace - report the return value of method on each profile (default: false)
# * :name - alternate name for the profile reported in the dashboard (default: method name)
# extra_kvs - a hash containing any additional KVs you would like reported with the profile
# source_location - array returned from klass.method(:name).source_location
def collect_profile_kvs(klass, method, opts, extra_kvs, source_location)
report_kvs = {}
report_kvs[:Language] ||= :ruby
report_kvs[:ProfileName] ||= opts[:name] ? opts[:name] : method
if klass.is_a?(Class)
report_kvs[:Class] = klass.to_s
report_kvs[:Module] = klass.to_s
# If this is a Rails Controller, report the KVs
if defined?(::AbstractController::Base) && klass.ancestors.include?(::AbstractController::Base)
report_kvs[:Controller] = klass.to_s
report_kvs[:Action] = method.to_s
# We won't have access to this info for native methods (those not defined in Ruby).
if source_location.is_a?(Array) && source_location.length == 2
report_kvs[:File] = source_location[0]
report_kvs[:LineNumber] = source_location[1]
# Merge in any extra_kvs requested