# frozen_string_literal: true require 'active_support/notifications' require 'active_support/concern' # :nodoc: module Deimos # Copied from Phobos instrumentation. module Instrumentation extend ActiveSupport::Concern # @return [String] NAMESPACE = 'Deimos' # :nodoc: module ClassMethods # @param event [String] # @return [void] def subscribe(event) ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("#{NAMESPACE}.#{event}") do |*args| yield(ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new(*args)) if block_given? end end # @param subscriber [ActiveSupport::Subscriber] # @return [void] def unsubscribe(subscriber) ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe(subscriber) end # @param event [String] # @param extra [Hash] # @return [void] def instrument(event, extra={}) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("#{NAMESPACE}.#{event}", extra) do |extra2| yield(extra2) if block_given? end end end end include Instrumentation # This module listens to events published by RubyKafka. module KafkaListener # Listens for any exceptions that happen during publishing and re-publishes # as a Deimos event. # @param event [ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event] # @return [void] def self.send_produce_error(event) exception = event.payload[:exception_object] return if !exception || !exception.respond_to?(:failed_messages) messages = exception.failed_messages messages.group_by(&:topic).each do |topic, batch| producer = Deimos::Producer.descendants.find { |c| c.topic == topic } next if batch.empty? || !producer decoder = Deimos.schema_backend(schema: producer.config[:schema], namespace: producer.config[:namespace]) payloads = batch.map { |m| decoder.decode(m.value) } Deimos.config.metrics&.increment( 'publish_error', tags: %W(topic:#{topic}), by: payloads.size ) Deimos.instrument( 'produce_error', producer: producer, topic: topic, exception_object: exception, payloads: payloads ) end end end ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('deliver_messages.producer.kafka') do |*args| event = ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new(*args) KafkaListener.send_produce_error(event) end end