require 'test/unit' require 'rubygems' gem "activesupport", "= 2.3.8" gem "activerecord", "= 2.3.8" gem "actionpack", "= 2.3.8" gem "nokogiri", "=" gem "shoulda", "= 2.11.3" gem 'bourne', '>= 1.0' $LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. vendor ginger lib]) $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib")) require 'shoulda' require 'mocha' require 'ginger' require 'action_controller' require 'action_controller/test_process' require 'active_record' require 'active_record/base' require 'active_support' require 'nokogiri' require 'rack' require 'bourne' require "hoptoad_notifier" begin require 'redgreen'; rescue LoadError; end module TestMethods def rescue_action e raise e end def do_raise raise "Hoptoad" end def do_not_raise render :text => "Success" end def do_raise_ignored raise"404") end def do_raise_not_ignored raise"Statement invalid") end def manual_notify notify_hoptoad( render :text => "Success" end def manual_notify_ignored notify_hoptoad("404")) render :text => "Success" end end class HoptoadController < ActionController::Base include TestMethods end class Test::Unit::TestCase def request(action = nil, method = :get, user_agent = nil, params = {}) @request = @request.action = action ? action.to_s : "" if user_agent if @request.respond_to?(:user_agent=) @request.user_agent = user_agent else @request.env["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] = user_agent end end @request.query_parameters = @request.query_parameters.merge(params) @response = @controller.process(@request, @response) end # Borrowed from ActiveSupport 2.3.2 def assert_difference(expression, difference = 1, message = nil, &block) b = block.send(:binding) exps = Array.wrap(expression) before = { |e| eval(e, b) } yield exps.each_with_index do |e, i| error = "#{e.inspect} didn't change by #{difference}" error = "#{message}.\n#{error}" if message assert_equal(before[i] + difference, eval(e, b), error) end end def assert_no_difference(expression, message = nil, &block) assert_difference expression, 0, message, &block end def stub_sender stub('sender', :send_to_hoptoad => nil) end def stub_sender! HoptoadNotifier.sender = stub_sender end def stub_notice stub('notice', :to_xml => 'some yaml', :ignore? => false) end def stub_notice! returning stub_notice do |notice| HoptoadNotifier::Notice.stubs(:new => notice) end end def create_dummy end def reset_config HoptoadNotifier.configuration = nil HoptoadNotifier.configure do |config| config.api_key = 'abc123' end end def clear_backtrace_filters HoptoadNotifier.configuration.backtrace_filters.clear end def build_exception raise rescue => caught_exception caught_exception end def build_notice_data(exception = nil) exception ||= build_exception { :api_key => 'abc123', :error_class =>, :error_message => "#{}: #{exception.message}", :backtrace => exception.backtrace, :environment => { 'PATH' => '/bin', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/users/1' }, :request => { :params => { 'controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'show', 'id' => '1' }, :rails_root => '/path/to/application', :url => "" }, :session => { :key => '123abc', :data => { 'user_id' => '5', 'flash' => { 'notice' => 'Logged in successfully' } } } } end def assert_caught_and_sent assert !HoptoadNotifier.sender.collected.empty? end def assert_caught_and_not_sent assert HoptoadNotifier.sender.collected.empty? end def assert_array_starts_with(expected, actual) assert_respond_to actual, :to_ary array = actual.to_ary.reverse expected.reverse.each_with_index do |value, i| assert_equal value, array[i] end end def assert_valid_node(document, xpath, content) nodes = document.xpath(xpath) assert nodes.any?{|node| node.content == content }, "Expected xpath #{xpath} to have content #{content}, " + "but found #{ { |n| n.content }} in #{nodes.size} matching nodes." + "Document:\n#{document.to_s}" end end module DefinesConstants def setup @defined_constants = [] end def teardown @defined_constants.each do |constant| Object.__send__(:remove_const, constant) end end def define_constant(name, value) Object.const_set(name, value) @defined_constants << name end end # Also stolen from AS 2.3.2 class Array # Wraps the object in an Array unless it's an Array. Converts the # object to an Array using #to_ary if it implements that. def self.wrap(object) case object when nil [] when self object else if object.respond_to?(:to_ary) object.to_ary else [object] end end end end class CollectingSender attr_reader :collected def initialize @collected = [] end def send_to_hoptoad(data) @collected << data end end class FakeLogger def info(*args); end def debug(*args); end def warn(*args); end def error(*args); end def fatal(*args); end end