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Epry/commands/show_infoE EE show-sourceE IntrospectionE&Show the source for a method or class.E Usage: show-source [OPTIONS] [METH|CLASS] Aliases: $, show-method Show the source for a method or class. Tries instance methods first and then methods by default. show-source hi_method show-source hi_method show-source Pry#rep # source for Pry#rep method show-source Pry # for Pry class show-source Pry -a # for all Pry class definitions (all monkey patches) show-source -e # for class of the return value of expression `` show-source Pry --super # for superclass of Pry (Object class)  Eoptions=)EXevaluate the command's argument as a ruby expression and show the class its return valueEprocessEblock in processE content_forE show-methodE$EPryECommandEShowInfoE ShowSourceEoptEonEArrayEModuleE===EnameEclassEobjEoptsEpresent?EtargetEargsEfirstEevalEnewEargs=ECodeE code_objectEcodeEsourceEstart_line_forEuse_line_numbers?Ewith_line_numbersE highlightedEmatchEgroupE descriptionEbannerEcore#define_methodECommandsE add_commandE alias_commandErequireEeeq>d2>Je &B`w7Sm5Oq +Ek