# encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Listen::DirectoryRecord do let(:base_directory) { File.dirname(__FILE__) } subject { described_class.new(base_directory) } describe '.generate_default_ignoring_patterns' do it 'creates regexp patterns from the default ignored directories and extensions' do described_class.generate_default_ignoring_patterns.should include( %r{^(?:\.rbx|\.bundle|\.git|\.svn|bundle|log|tmp|vendor)/}, %r{(?:\.DS_Store)$} ) end it 'memoizes the generated results' do described_class.generate_default_ignoring_patterns.should equal described_class.generate_default_ignoring_patterns end end describe '#initialize' do it 'sets the base directory' do subject.directory.should eq base_directory end it 'sets the base directory expanded' do cd File.dirname(base_directory) subject = described_class.new(File.basename(base_directory)) subject.directory.should eq base_directory end it 'sets the default ignoring patterns' do subject.ignoring_patterns.should =~ described_class.generate_default_ignoring_patterns end it 'sets the default filtering patterns' do subject.filtering_patterns.should eq [] end it 'raises an error when the passed path does not exist' do expect { described_class.new('no way I exist') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raises an error when the passed path is not a directory' do expect { described_class.new(__FILE__) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe '#ignore' do it 'adds the passed paths to the list of ignored paths in the record' do subject.ignore(%r{^\.old/}, %r{\.pid$}, nil) subject.ignoring_patterns.should include(%r{^\.old/}, %r{\.pid$}) subject.ignoring_patterns.should_not include(nil) end end describe '#ignore!' do it 'replace the ignored paths in the record' do subject.ignore!(%r{^\.old/}, %r{\.pid$}, nil) subject.ignoring_patterns.should eq [%r{^\.old/}, %r{\.pid$}] end end describe '#filter' do it 'adds the passed regexps to the list of filters that determine the stored paths' do subject.filter(%r{\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)}, %r{\.(?:mp3|ogg|a3c)}, nil) subject.filtering_patterns.should include(%r{\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)}, %r{\.(?:mp3|ogg|a3c)}) subject.filtering_patterns.should_not include(nil) end end describe '#filter!' do it 'replaces the passed regexps in the list of filters that determine the stored paths' do subject.filter!(%r{\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)}, %r{\.(?:mp3|ogg|a3c)}) subject.filtering_patterns.should have(2).regexps subject.filtering_patterns.should =~ [%r{\.(?:mp3|ogg|a3c)}, %r{\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)}] end end describe '#ignored?' do before { subject.stub(:relative_to_base) { |path| path } } it 'tests paths relative to the base directory' do subject.should_receive(:relative_to_base).with('file.txt') subject.ignored?('file.txt') end it 'returns true when the passed path is a default ignored path' do subject.ignored?('tmp/some_process.pid').should be_true subject.ignored?('dir/.DS_Store').should be_true subject.ignored?('.git/config').should be_true end it 'returns false when the passed path is not a default ignored path' do subject.ignored?('nested/tmp/some_process.pid').should be_false subject.ignored?('nested/.git').should be_false subject.ignored?('dir/.DS_Store/file').should be_false subject.ignored?('file.git').should be_false end it 'returns true when the passed path is ignored' do subject.ignore(%r{\.pid$}) subject.ignored?('dir/some_process.pid').should be_true end it 'returns false when the passed path is not ignored' do subject.ignore(%r{\.pid$}) subject.ignored?('dir/some_file.txt').should be_false end end describe '#filtered?' do before { subject.stub(:relative_to_base) { |path| path } } context 'when no filtering patterns are set' do it 'returns true for any path' do subject.filtered?('file.txt').should be_true end end context 'when filtering patterns are set' do before { subject.filter(%r{\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)}) } it 'tests paths relative to the base directory' do subject.should_receive(:relative_to_base).with('file.txt') subject.filtered?('file.txt') end it 'returns true when the passed path is filtered' do subject.filter(%r{\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)}) subject.filtered?('dir/picture.jpeg').should be_true end it 'returns false when the passed path is not filtered' do subject.filter(%r{\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)}) subject.filtered?('dir/song.mp3').should be_false end end end describe '#build' do it 'stores all files' do fixtures do |path| touch 'file.rb' mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/file.txt' record = described_class.new(path) record.build record.paths[path]['file.rb'].type.should eq 'File' record.paths[path]['a_directory'].type.should eq 'Dir' record.paths["#{path}/a_directory"]['file.txt'].type.should eq 'File' end end context 'with ignored path set' do it 'does not store ignored directory or its childs' do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'ignored_directory' mkdir 'ignored_directory/child_directory' touch 'ignored_directory/file.txt' record = described_class.new(path) record.ignore %r{^ignored_directory/} record.build record.paths[path]['/a_ignored_directory'].should be_nil record.paths["#{path}/a_ignored_directory"]['child_directory'].should be_nil record.paths["#{path}/a_ignored_directory"]['file.txt'].should be_nil end end it 'does not store ignored files' do fixtures do |path| touch 'ignored_file.rb' record = described_class.new(path) record.ignore %r{^ignored_file.rb$} record.build record.paths[path]['ignored_file.rb'].should be_nil end end end context 'with filters set' do it 'only stores filterd files' do fixtures do |path| touch 'file.rb' touch 'file.zip' mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/file.txt' touch 'a_directory/file.rb' record = described_class.new(path) record.filter(/\.txt$/, /.*\.zip/) record.build record.paths[path]['file.rb'].should be_nil record.paths[path]['file.zip'].type.should eq 'File' record.paths[path]['a_directory'].type.should eq 'Dir' record.paths["#{path}/a_directory"]['file.txt'].type.should eq 'File' record.paths["#{path}/a_directory"]['file.rb'].should be_nil end end end end describe '#relative_to_base' do it 'removes the path of the base-directory from the passed path' do path = 'dir/to/app/file.rb' subject.relative_to_base(File.join(base_directory, path)).should eq path end it 'returns nil when the passed path is not inside the base-directory' do subject.relative_to_base('/tmp/some_random_path').should be_nil end it 'works with non UTF-8 paths' do path = "tmp/\xE4\xE4" subject.relative_to_base(File.join(base_directory, path)) end context 'when there are utf-8 chars in base directory' do before do fixtures do |path| mkdir '目录' @dir = described_class.new(path + '/目录') @dir.build end end it 'works' do path = File.join @dir.directory, 'tmp/file.rb' @dir.relative_to_base path end end context 'when containing regexp characters in the base directory' do before do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory$' @dir = described_class.new(path + '/a_directory$') @dir.build end end it 'removes the path of the base-directory from the passed path' do path = 'dir/to/app/file.rb' @dir.relative_to_base(File.join(@dir.directory, path)).should eq path end it 'returns nil when the passed path is not inside the base-directory' do @dir.relative_to_base('/tmp/some_random_path').should be_nil end end end describe '#fetch_changes' do context 'with single file changes' do context 'when a file is created' do it 'detects the added file' do fixtures do |path| modified, added, removed = changes(path) do touch 'new_file.rb' end added.should =~ %w(new_file.rb) modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end it 'stores the added file in the record' do fixtures do |path| changes(path) do @record.paths.should be_empty touch 'new_file.rb' end @record.paths[path]['new_file.rb'].should_not be_nil end end context 'given a new created directory' do it 'detects the added file' do fixtures do |path| modified, added, removed = changes(path) do mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/new_file.rb' end added.should =~ %w(a_directory/new_file.rb) modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end it 'stores the added directory and file in the record' do fixtures do |path| changes(path) do @record.paths.should be_empty mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/new_file.rb' end @record.paths[path]['a_directory'].should_not be_nil @record.paths["#{path}/a_directory"]['new_file.rb'].should_not be_nil end end end context 'given an existing directory' do context 'with recursive option set to true' do it 'detects the added file' do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => true) do touch 'a_directory/new_file.rb' end added.should =~ %w(a_directory/new_file.rb) modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end context 'with an ignored directory' do it "doesn't detect the added file" do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'ignored_directory' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :ignore => %r{^ignored_directory/}, :recursive => true) do touch 'ignored_directory/new_file.rb' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end it "doesn't detect the added file when it's asked to fetch the changes of the ignored directory"do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'ignored_directory' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :paths => ["#{path}/ignored_directory"], :ignore => %r{^ignored_directory/}, :recursive => true) do touch 'ignored_directory/new_file.rb' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end end end context 'with recursive option set to false' do it "doesn't detect deeply-nested added files" do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => false) do touch 'a_directory/new_file.rb' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end end end context 'given a directory with subdirectories' do it 'detects the added file' do fixtures do |path| mkdir_p 'a_directory/subdirectory' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => true) do touch 'a_directory/subdirectory/new_file.rb' end added.should =~ %w(a_directory/subdirectory/new_file.rb) modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end context 'with an ignored directory' do it "doesn't detect added files in neither the directory nor the subdirectory" do fixtures do |path| mkdir_p 'ignored_directory/subdirectory' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :ignore => %r{^ignored_directory/}, :recursive => true) do touch 'ignored_directory/new_file.rb' touch 'ignored_directory/subdirectory/new_file.rb' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end end end end context 'when a file is modified' do it 'detects the modified file' do fixtures do |path| touch 'existing_file.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path) do small_time_difference touch 'existing_file.txt' end added.should be_empty modified.should =~ %w(existing_file.txt) removed.should be_empty end end context 'during the same second at which we are checking for changes' do before { ensure_same_second } # The following test can only be run on systems that report # modification times in milliseconds. it 'always detects the modified file the first time', :if => described_class::HIGH_PRECISION_SUPPORTED do fixtures do |path| touch 'existing_file.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path) do small_time_difference touch 'existing_file.txt' end added.should be_empty modified.should =~ %w(existing_file.txt) removed.should be_empty end end context 'when a file is created and then checked for modifications at the same second - #27' do # This issue was the result of checking a file for content changes when # the mtime and the checking time are the same. In this case there # is no checksum saved, so the file was reported as being changed. it 'does not report any changes' do fixtures do |path| touch 'a_file.rb' modified, added, removed = changes(path) added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end end it 'detects the modified file the second time if the content have changed' do fixtures do |path| touch 'existing_file.txt' # Set sha1 path checksum changes(path) do touch 'existing_file.txt' end changes(path) do small_time_difference touch 'existing_file.txt' end modified, added, removed = changes(path, :use_last_record => true) do open('existing_file.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write('foo') } end added.should be_empty modified.should =~ %w(existing_file.txt) removed.should be_empty end end it "doesn't checksum the contents of local sockets (#85)", :unless => windows? do require 'socket' fixtures do |path| Digest::SHA1.should_not_receive(:file) socket_path = File.join(path, "unix_domain_socket") server = UNIXServer.new(socket_path) modified, added, removed = changes(path) do t = Thread.new do client = UNIXSocket.new(socket_path) client.write("foo") end t.join end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end it "doesn't detects the modified file the second time if just touched - #62", :unless => described_class::HIGH_PRECISION_SUPPORTED do fixtures do |path| touch 'existing_file.txt' # Set sha1 path checksum changes(path) do touch 'existing_file.txt' end changes(path, :use_last_record => true) do small_time_difference open('existing_file.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write('foo') } end modified, added, removed = changes(path, :use_last_record => true) do touch 'existing_file.txt' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end it "adds the path in the paths checksums if just touched - #62" do fixtures do |path| touch 'existing_file.txt' changes(path) do small_time_difference touch 'existing_file.txt' end @record.sha1_checksums["#{path}/existing_file.txt"].should_not be_nil end end it "deletes the path from the paths checksums" do fixtures do |path| touch 'unnecessary.txt' changes(path) do @record.sha1_checksums["#{path}/unnecessary.txt"] = 'foo' rm 'unnecessary.txt' end @record.sha1_checksums["#{path}/unnecessary.txt"].should be_nil end end end context 'given a hidden file' do it 'detects the modified file' do fixtures do |path| touch '.hidden' modified, added, removed = changes(path) do small_time_difference touch '.hidden' end added.should be_empty modified.should =~ %w(.hidden) removed.should be_empty end end end context 'given a file mode change' do it 'does not detect the mode change' do fixtures do |path| touch 'run.rb' modified, added, removed = changes(path) do small_time_difference chmod 0777, 'run.rb' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end end context 'given an existing directory' do context 'with recursive option set to true' do it 'detects the modified file' do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/existing_file.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => true) do small_time_difference touch 'a_directory/existing_file.txt' end added.should be_empty modified.should =~ %w(a_directory/existing_file.txt) removed.should be_empty end end end context 'with recursive option set to false' do it "doesn't detects the modified file" do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/existing_file.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => false) do small_time_difference touch 'a_directory/existing_file.txt' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end end end context 'given a directory with subdirectories' do it 'detects the modified file' do fixtures do |path| mkdir_p 'a_directory/subdirectory' touch 'a_directory/subdirectory/existing_file.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => true) do small_time_difference touch 'a_directory/subdirectory/existing_file.txt' end added.should be_empty modified.should =~ %w(a_directory/subdirectory/existing_file.txt) removed.should be_empty end end context 'with an ignored subdirectory' do it "doesn't detect the modified files in neither the directory nor the subdirectory" do fixtures do |path| mkdir_p 'ignored_directory/subdirectory' touch 'ignored_directory/existing_file.txt' touch 'ignored_directory/subdirectory/existing_file.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :ignore => %r{^ignored_directory/}, :recursive => true) do touch 'ignored_directory/existing_file.txt' touch 'ignored_directory/subdirectory/existing_file.txt' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end end end end context 'when a file is moved' do it 'detects the file movement' do fixtures do |path| touch 'move_me.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path) do mv 'move_me.txt', 'new_name.txt' end added.should =~ %w(new_name.txt) modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(move_me.txt) end end context 'given an existing directory' do context 'with recursive option set to true' do it 'detects the file movement into the directory' do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'move_me.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => true) do mv 'move_me.txt', 'a_directory/move_me.txt' end added.should =~ %w(a_directory/move_me.txt) modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(move_me.txt) end end it 'detects a file movement out of the directory' do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/move_me.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => true) do mv 'a_directory/move_me.txt', 'i_am_here.txt' end added.should =~ %w(i_am_here.txt) modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(a_directory/move_me.txt) end end it 'detects a file movement between two directories' do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'from_directory' touch 'from_directory/move_me.txt' mkdir 'to_directory' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => true) do mv 'from_directory/move_me.txt', 'to_directory/move_me.txt' end added.should =~ %w(to_directory/move_me.txt) modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(from_directory/move_me.txt) end end end context 'with recursive option set to false' do it "doesn't detect the file movement into the directory" do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'move_me.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => false) do mv 'move_me.txt', 'a_directory/move_me.txt' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(move_me.txt) end end it "doesn't detect a file movement out of the directory" do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/move_me.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => false) do mv 'a_directory/move_me.txt', 'i_am_here.txt' end added.should =~ %w(i_am_here.txt) modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end it "doesn't detect a file movement between two directories" do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'from_directory' touch 'from_directory/move_me.txt' mkdir 'to_directory' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => false) do mv 'from_directory/move_me.txt', 'to_directory/move_me.txt' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end context 'given a directory with subdirectories' do it 'detects a file movement between two subdirectories' do fixtures do |path| mkdir_p 'a_directory/subdirectory' mkdir_p 'b_directory/subdirectory' touch 'a_directory/subdirectory/move_me.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => true) do mv 'a_directory/subdirectory/move_me.txt', 'b_directory/subdirectory' end added.should =~ %w(b_directory/subdirectory/move_me.txt) modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(a_directory/subdirectory/move_me.txt) end end context 'with an ignored subdirectory' do it "doesn't detect the file movement between subdirectories" do fixtures do |path| mkdir_p 'a_ignored_directory/subdirectory' mkdir_p 'b_ignored_directory/subdirectory' touch 'a_ignored_directory/subdirectory/move_me.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :ignore => %r{^(?:a|b)_ignored_directory/}, :recursive => true) do mv 'a_ignored_directory/subdirectory/move_me.txt', 'b_ignored_directory/subdirectory' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end end end context 'with all paths passed as params' do it 'detects the file movement into the directory' do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'move_me.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => false, :paths => [path, "#{path}/a_directory"]) do mv 'move_me.txt', 'a_directory/move_me.txt' end added.should =~ %w(a_directory/move_me.txt) modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(move_me.txt) end end it 'detects a file moved outside of a directory' do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/move_me.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => false, :paths => [path, "#{path}/a_directory"]) do mv 'a_directory/move_me.txt', 'i_am_here.txt' end added.should =~ %w(i_am_here.txt) modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(a_directory/move_me.txt) end end it 'detects a file movement between two directories' do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'from_directory' touch 'from_directory/move_me.txt' mkdir 'to_directory' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => false, :paths => [path, "#{path}/from_directory", "#{path}/to_directory"]) do mv 'from_directory/move_me.txt', 'to_directory/move_me.txt' end added.should =~ %w(to_directory/move_me.txt) modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(from_directory/move_me.txt) end end end end end end context 'when a file is deleted' do it 'detects the file removal' do fixtures do |path| touch 'unnecessary.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path) do rm 'unnecessary.txt' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(unnecessary.txt) end end it "deletes the file from the record" do fixtures do |path| touch 'unnecessary.txt' changes(path) do @record.paths[path]['unnecessary.txt'].should_not be_nil rm 'unnecessary.txt' end @record.paths[path]['unnecessary.txt'].should be_nil end end it "deletes the path from the paths checksums" do fixtures do |path| touch 'unnecessary.txt' changes(path) do @record.sha1_checksums["#{path}/unnecessary.txt"] = 'foo' rm 'unnecessary.txt' end @record.sha1_checksums["#{path}/unnecessary.txt"].should be_nil end end context 'given an existing directory' do context 'with recursive option set to true' do it 'detects the file removal' do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/do_not_use.rb' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => true) do rm 'a_directory/do_not_use.rb' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(a_directory/do_not_use.rb) end end end context 'with recursive option set to false' do it "doesn't detect the file removal" do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/do_not_use.rb' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => false) do rm 'a_directory/do_not_use.rb' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end end end context 'given a directory with subdirectories' do it 'detects the file removal in subdirectories' do fixtures do |path| mkdir_p 'a_directory/subdirectory' touch 'a_directory/subdirectory/do_not_use.rb' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :recursive => true) do rm 'a_directory/subdirectory/do_not_use.rb' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(a_directory/subdirectory/do_not_use.rb) end end context 'with an ignored subdirectory' do it "doesn't detect files removals in neither the directory nor its subdirectories" do fixtures do |path| mkdir_p 'ignored_directory/subdirectory' touch 'ignored_directory/do_not_use.rb' touch 'ignored_directory/subdirectory/do_not_use.rb' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :ignore => %r{^ignored_directory/}, :recursive => true) do rm 'ignored_directory/do_not_use.rb' rm 'ignored_directory/subdirectory/do_not_use.rb' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end end end end end context 'multiple file operations' do it 'detects the added files' do fixtures do |path| modified, added, removed = changes(path) do touch 'a_file.rb' touch 'b_file.rb' mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/a_file.rb' touch 'a_directory/b_file.rb' end added.should =~ %w(a_file.rb b_file.rb a_directory/a_file.rb a_directory/b_file.rb) modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end it 'detects the modified files' do fixtures do |path| touch 'a_file.rb' touch 'b_file.rb' mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/a_file.rb' touch 'a_directory/b_file.rb' modified, added, removed = changes(path) do small_time_difference touch 'b_file.rb' touch 'a_directory/a_file.rb' end added.should be_empty modified.should =~ %w(b_file.rb a_directory/a_file.rb) removed.should be_empty end end it 'detects the removed files' do fixtures do |path| touch 'a_file.rb' touch 'b_file.rb' mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/a_file.rb' touch 'a_directory/b_file.rb' modified, added, removed = changes(path) do rm 'b_file.rb' rm 'a_directory/a_file.rb' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(b_file.rb a_directory/a_file.rb) end end end context 'single directory operations' do it 'detects a moved directory' do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' mkdir 'a_directory/nested' touch 'a_directory/a_file.rb' touch 'a_directory/b_file.rb' touch 'a_directory/nested/c_file.rb' modified, added, removed = changes(path) do mv 'a_directory', 'renamed' end added.should =~ %w(renamed/a_file.rb renamed/b_file.rb renamed/nested/c_file.rb) modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(a_directory/a_file.rb a_directory/b_file.rb a_directory/nested/c_file.rb) end end it 'detects a removed directory' do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/a_file.rb' touch 'a_directory/b_file.rb' modified, added, removed = changes(path) do rm_rf 'a_directory' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(a_directory/a_file.rb a_directory/b_file.rb) end end it "deletes the directory from the record" do fixtures do |path| mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/file.rb' changes(path) do @record.paths.should have(2).paths @record.paths[path]['a_directory'].should_not be_nil @record.paths["#{path}/a_directory"]['file.rb'].should_not be_nil rm_rf 'a_directory' end @record.paths.should have(1).paths @record.paths[path]['a_directory'].should be_nil @record.paths["#{path}/a_directory"]['file.rb'].should be_nil end end context 'with nested paths' do it 'detects removals without crashing - #18' do fixtures do |path| mkdir_p 'a_directory/subdirectory' touch 'a_directory/subdirectory/do_not_use.rb' modified, added, removed = changes(path) do rm_r 'a_directory' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should =~ %w(a_directory/subdirectory/do_not_use.rb) end end end end context 'with a path outside the directory for which a record is made' do it "skips that path and doesn't check for changes" do fixtures do |path| modified, added, removed = changes(path, :paths => ['some/where/outside']) do @record.should_not_receive(:detect_additions) @record.should_not_receive(:detect_modifications_and_removals) touch 'new_file.rb' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end end context 'with the relative_paths option set to false' do it 'returns full paths in the changes hash' do fixtures do |path| touch 'a_file.rb' touch 'b_file.rb' modified, added, removed = changes(path, :relative_paths => false) do small_time_difference rm 'a_file.rb' touch 'b_file.rb' touch 'c_file.rb' mkdir 'a_directory' touch 'a_directory/a_file.rb' end added.should =~ ["#{path}/c_file.rb", "#{path}/a_directory/a_file.rb"] modified.should =~ ["#{path}/b_file.rb"] removed.should =~ ["#{path}/a_file.rb"] end end end context 'within a directory containing unreadble paths - #32' do it 'detects changes more than a second apart' do fixtures do |path| touch 'unreadable_file.txt' chmod 000, 'unreadable_file.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path) do small_time_difference touch 'unreadable_file.txt' end added.should be_empty modified.should =~ %w(unreadable_file.txt) removed.should be_empty end end context 'with multiple changes within the same second' do before { ensure_same_second } it 'does not detect changes even if content changes', :unless => described_class::HIGH_PRECISION_SUPPORTED do fixtures do |path| touch 'unreadable_file.txt' modified, added, removed = changes(path) do open('unreadable_file.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write('foo') } chmod 000, 'unreadable_file.txt' end added.should be_empty modified.should be_empty removed.should be_empty end end end end context 'within a directory containing a removed file - #39' do it 'does not raise an exception when hashing a removed file' do # simulate a race condition where the file is removed after the # change event is tracked, but before the hash is calculated Digest::SHA1.should_receive(:file).twice.and_raise(Errno::ENOENT) fixtures do |path| lambda { touch 'removed_file.txt' changes(path) { touch 'removed_file.txt' } }.should_not raise_error end end end context 'within a directory containing a unix domain socket file', :unless => windows? do it 'does not raise an exception when hashing a unix domain socket file' do fixtures do |path| require 'socket' UNIXServer.new('unix_domain_socket.sock') lambda { changes(path){} }.should_not raise_error end end end context 'with symlinks', :unless => windows? do it 'looks at symlinks not their targets' do fixtures do |path| touch 'target' symlink 'target', 'symlink' record = described_class.new(path) record.build sleep 1 touch 'target' record.fetch_changes([path], :relative_paths => true)[:modified].should == ['target'] end end it 'handles broken symlinks' do fixtures do |path| symlink 'target', 'symlink' record = described_class.new(path) record.build sleep 1 rm 'symlink' symlink 'new-target', 'symlink' record.fetch_changes([path], :relative_paths => true) end end end end end