# The class which facilitates scraping freeroms.com. Uses the nokogiri gem to scrape the site class RomLoader::FreeromsScraper def self.system_scrape(url) system_list = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)).css("dt.leftside > a") [].tap do |game_system| system_list.each do |system_info| if system_info.text != "Links" && system_info.text != "Flash Games" && system_info.text != "" system_name = system_info.text begin system_rom_url = system_info.attribute("href").value rescue NoMethodError else game_system << {name: system_name, rom_index_url: system_rom_url} end end end end end # To retrieve the names and main rom urls of the individual games currently begin served by freeroms.com. # Returns this information in the form of an array of hashes def self.rom_scrape(url) game_list = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)).css("tr[class^=\"game\"] > td[align=\"left\"]") [].tap do |rom_list| game_list.each do |game_info| begin download_link = game_info.css("a").attribute("href").value rescue NoMethodError else game_name = game_info.css("span").text unless game_name == "" game_name.gsub!(/[[:space:]]{2,}/) {|white_spaces| " "} download_link.gsub!(/[[:space:]]/) {|white_space| CGI::escape(white_space)} unless download_link.ascii_only? rom_list << {name: game_name, rom_detail_url: download_link} end end end end end # To retrieve the detailed information of individual games currently begin served by freeroms.com. # Returns this information in the form of a hash def self.rom_details(url) direct_download = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)) {}.tap do |game| unless direct_download.css("td#romss > script").empty? game_name = direct_download.css("tr.gametitle > td[colspan=\"2\"]").text begin game_url = /http:\/\/.+(\.zip|\.7z)/.match(direct_download.css("td#romss > script").first.children.first.text) rescue NoMethodError else if game_url game[:download_url] = game_url[0] game[:file_ext] = game_url[1] game[:filename] = /[.[^\/]]+(\.zip|\.7z)\Z/.match(game_url[0])[0] begin game[:size] = direct_download.css("td#rom + td[colspan=\"2\"]").first.children.first.text.strip rescue NoMethodError game[:size] = "N/A" end end end end end end # To retrieve the letter indices for the roms of the game systems currently begin served by freeroms.com. # Returns this information in the form of a hash def self.rom_index_scrape(url) rom_letter_list = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url)).css("tr.letters > td[align=\"center\"] > font > a") {}.tap do |letter_hash| rom_letter_list.each do |letter_list| letter = letter_list.text.strip begin letter_hash[letter] = letter_list.attribute("href").value if letter =~ /\A[A-Z#]\Z/ rescue NoMethodError end end end end end