open Core open OUnit2 module IMap = Int.Map (* Assert list equals *) let ale exp got = let printer l = List.sexp_of_t String.sexp_of_t l |> Sexp.to_string_hum ~indent:1 in assert_equal exp got ~printer (* Assert map equals *) let ame exp got = let printer m = Map.to_alist m |> List.sort ~cmp:compare |> List.sexp_of_t (Tuple2.sexp_of_t Int.sexp_of_t (List.sexp_of_t String.sexp_of_t)) |> Sexp.to_string_hum ~indent:1 in assert_equal exp got ~cmp:(Map.equal (=)) ~printer (* The tests never reuse a school value, so if you like you can use destructive * modification (i.e. mutable data structures). For the same reason * Grade_school.create takes a unit argument. * * For those who wonder why the test doesn't use objects, it's to not force * the use of objects. You can still use them internally though. *) let tests = ["add student">:: (fun _ -> let got = Grade_school.create () |> Grade_school.add "Aimee" 2 in ame (IMap.of_alist_exn [(2, ["Aimee"])]) (Grade_school.to_map got)); "add more students in same class">:: (fun _ -> let got = Grade_school.create () |> Grade_school.add "James" 2 |> Grade_school.add "Blair" 2 |> Grade_school.add "Paul" 2 in ame (IMap.of_alist_exn [(2, ["Blair"; "James"; "Paul"])]) (Grade_school.to_map got |> ~f:(List.sort ~cmp:compare))); "add students to different grades">:: (fun _ -> let got = Grade_school.create () |> Grade_school.add "Chelsea" 3 |> Grade_school.add "Logan" 7 in ame (IMap.of_alist_exn [(3, ["Chelsea"]); (7, ["Logan"])]) (Grade_school.to_map got |> ~f:(List.sort ~cmp:compare))); "get students in a grade">:: (fun _ -> let got = Grade_school.create () |> Grade_school.add "Franklin" 5 |> Grade_school.add "Bradley" 5 |> Grade_school.add "Jeff" 1 |> Grade_school.grade 5 in ale ["Bradley"; "Franklin"] (List.sort ~cmp:compare got)); "get students in a non existant grade">:: (fun _ -> ale [] (List.sort ~cmp:compare (Grade_school.create () |> Grade_school.grade 2))); "sort school">:: (fun _ -> let got = Grade_school.create () |> Grade_school.add "Christopher" 4 |> Grade_school.add "Jennifer" 4 |> Grade_school.add "Aaron" 4 |> Grade_school.add "Kareem" 6 |> Grade_school.add "Kyle" 3 |> Grade_school.sort in ame (IMap.of_alist_exn [(3, ["Kyle"]); (4, ["Aaron"; "Christopher"; "Jennifer"]); (6, ["Kareem"])]) (Grade_school.to_map got)); ] let () = run_test_tt_main ("grade-school tests" >::: tests)