#pragma once #include "LDAModel.hpp" #include "DT.h" /* Implementation of Dynamic Topic Model using Gibbs sampling by bab2min * Blei, D. M., & Lafferty, J. D. (2006, June). Dynamic topic models. In Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Machine learning (pp. 113-120). * Bhadury, A., Chen, J., Zhu, J., & Liu, S. (2016, April). Scaling up dynamic topic models. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web (pp. 381-390). * https://github.com/Arnie0426/FastDTM */ namespace tomoto { template struct ModelStateDTM { using WeightType = typename std::conditional<_tw == TermWeight::one, int32_t, float>::type; Eigen::Matrix numByTopic; // Dim: (Topic, Time) Eigen::Matrix numByTopicWord; // Dim: (Topic * Time, Vocabs) //ShareableMatrix numByTopicWord; // Dim: (Topic * Time, Vocabs) DEFINE_SERIALIZER(numByTopic, numByTopicWord); }; template, typename _ModelState = ModelStateDTM<_tw>> class DTModel : public LDAModel<_tw, _RandGen, _Flags, _Interface, typename std::conditional::value, DTModel<_tw, _RandGen, _Flags>, _Derived>::type, _DocType, _ModelState> { protected: using DerivedClass = typename std::conditional::value, DTModel<_tw, _RandGen>, _Derived>::type; using BaseClass = LDAModel<_tw, _RandGen, _Flags, _Interface, DerivedClass, _DocType, _ModelState>; friend BaseClass; friend typename BaseClass::BaseClass; using WeightType = typename BaseClass::WeightType; static constexpr auto tmid() { return serializer::to_key("DTM\0"); } uint64_t T; Float shapeA = 0.03f, shapeB = 0.1f, shapeC = 0.55f; Float alphaVar = 1.f, etaVar = 1.f, phiVar = 1.f, etaRegL2 = 0.0f; Matrix alphas; // Dim: (Topic, Time) Matrix etaByDoc; // Dim: (Topic, Docs) : Topic distribution by docs(and time) std::vector numDocsByTime; // Dim: (Time) Matrix phi; // Dim: (Word, Topic * Time) std::vector> wordAliasTables; // Dim: (Word * Time) template inline void addWordTo(_ModelState& ld, _DocType& doc, size_t pid, Vid vid, Tid tid) const { assert(tid < this->K); assert(vid < this->realV); constexpr bool _dec = _inc < 0 && _tw != TermWeight::one; typename std::conditional<_tw != TermWeight::one, float, int32_t>::type weight = _tw != TermWeight::one ? doc.wordWeights[pid] : 1; updateCnt<_dec>(doc.numByTopic[tid], _inc * weight); updateCnt<_dec>(ld.numByTopic(tid, doc.timepoint), _inc * weight); updateCnt<_dec>(ld.numByTopicWord(tid + this->K * doc.timepoint, vid), _inc * weight); } /* Sampling Process For each timeslice t, For each document d, - sampling eta(t, d) - sampling zeta - sampling phi(t, k) for all k - sampling alpha */ void presampleDocument(_DocType& doc, size_t docId, _ModelState& ld, _RandGen& rgs, size_t iterationCnt) const { const Float eps = shapeA * (std::pow(shapeB + 1 + iterationCnt, -shapeC)); // sampling eta { Vector estimatedCnt = (doc.eta.array() - doc.eta.maxCoeff()).exp(); Vector etaTmp; estimatedCnt *= doc.getSumWordWeight() / estimatedCnt.sum(); auto prior = (alphas.col(doc.timepoint) - doc.eta) / std::max(etaVar, eps * 2); auto grad = doc.numByTopic.template cast() - estimatedCnt; doc.eta.array() += (eps / 2) * (prior.array() + grad.array()) + Eigen::Rand::normal>(this->K, 1, rgs) * eps; } Eigen::Array expEta = (doc.eta.array() - doc.eta.maxCoeff()).exp(); doc.aliasTable.buildTable(expEta.data(), expEta.data() + expEta.size()); } template void sampleDocument(_DocType& doc, const _ExtraDocData& edd, size_t docId, _ModelState& ld, _RandGen& rgs, size_t iterationCnt, size_t partitionId = 0) const { size_t b = 0, e = doc.words.size(); if (_ps == ParallelScheme::partition) { b = edd.chunkOffsetByDoc(partitionId, docId); e = edd.chunkOffsetByDoc(partitionId + 1, docId); } size_t vOffset = (_ps == ParallelScheme::partition && partitionId) ? edd.vChunkOffset[partitionId - 1] : 0; // sampling zeta for (size_t w = b; w < e; ++w) { auto v = doc.words[w]; if (v >= this->realV) continue; addWordTo<-1>(ld, doc, w, v - vOffset, doc.Zs[w]); for (size_t mh = 0; mh < 2; ++mh) { // doc proposal Tid new_z = doc.aliasTable(rgs); Float acceptance = std::min(1.f, std::exp(phi(v, new_z + this->K * doc.timepoint) - phi(v, doc.Zs[w] + this->K * doc.timepoint)) ); if (acceptance >= 1 || rgs.uniform_real() < acceptance) doc.Zs[w] = new_z; // word proposal new_z = wordAliasTables[v + this->realV * doc.timepoint](rgs); acceptance = std::min(1.f, std::exp(doc.eta(new_z) - doc.eta(doc.Zs[w])) ); if (acceptance >= 1 || rgs.uniform_real() < acceptance) doc.Zs[w] = new_z; } addWordTo<1>(ld, doc, w, v - vOffset, doc.Zs[w]); } } template void mergeState(ThreadPool& pool, _ModelState& globalState, _ModelState& tState, _ModelState* localData, _RandGen*, const _ExtraDocData& edd) const { if (_ps == ParallelScheme::copy_merge) { tState = globalState; globalState = localData[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < pool.getNumWorkers(); ++i) { globalState.numByTopicWord += localData[i].numByTopicWord - tState.numByTopicWord; } // make all count being positive if (_tw != TermWeight::one) { globalState.numByTopicWord = globalState.numByTopicWord.cwiseMax(0); } Eigen::Map>{ globalState.numByTopic.data(), globalState.numByTopic.size() } = globalState.numByTopicWord.rowwise().sum(); } else if (_ps == ParallelScheme::partition) { std::vector> res; res = pool.enqueueToAll([&](size_t partitionId) { size_t b = partitionId ? edd.vChunkOffset[partitionId - 1] : 0, e = edd.vChunkOffset[partitionId]; globalState.numByTopicWord.block(0, b, globalState.numByTopicWord.rows(), e - b) = localData[partitionId].numByTopicWord; }); for (auto& r : res) r.get(); // make all count being positive if (_tw != TermWeight::one) { globalState.numByTopicWord = globalState.numByTopicWord.cwiseMax(0); } Eigen::Map>{ globalState.numByTopic.data(), globalState.numByTopic.size() } = globalState.numByTopicWord.rowwise().sum(); } } template void _sampleGlobalLevel(ThreadPool* pool, _ModelState*, _RandGen* rgs, _DocIter first, _DocIter last) { if (!this->realV) return; const auto K = this->K; const Float eps = shapeA * (std::pow(shapeB + 1 + this->globalStep, -shapeC)); // sampling phi for (size_t k = 0; k < K; ++k) { Matrix phiGrad{ (Eigen::Index)this->realV, (Eigen::Index)T }; for (size_t t = 0; t < T; ++t) { auto phi_tk = phi.col(k + K * t); Vector estimatedCnt = (phi_tk.array() - phi_tk.maxCoeff()).exp(); estimatedCnt *= this->globalState.numByTopic(k, t) / estimatedCnt.sum(); Vector grad = this->globalState.numByTopicWord.row(k + K * t).template cast(); grad -= estimatedCnt; auto epsNoise = Eigen::Rand::normal>(this->realV, 1, *rgs) * eps; if (t == 0) { if (T > 1) { const Float phiVar2 = 100 / (100 + phiVar); auto prior = (phi.col(k + K * (t + 1)) * phiVar2 - phi_tk) / std::max(phiVar / 2, eps * 2); phiGrad.col(t) = (eps / 2) * (prior.array() + grad.array()) + epsNoise; } else { phiGrad.col(t) = (eps / 2) * grad.array() + epsNoise; } } else if (t == T - 1) { auto prior = (phi.col(k + K * (t - 1)) - phi_tk) / std::max(phiVar, eps * 2); phiGrad.col(t) = (eps / 2) * (prior.array() + grad.array()) + epsNoise; } else { auto prior = (phi.col(k + K * (t + 1)) + phi.col(k + K * (t - 1)) - 2 * phi_tk) / std::max(phiVar, eps * 2); phiGrad.col(t) = (eps / 2) * (prior.array() + grad.array()) + epsNoise; } } for (size_t t = 0; t < T; ++t) { phi.col(k + K * t) += phiGrad.col(t); } } Matrix newAlphas = Matrix::Zero(alphas.rows(), alphas.cols()); for (size_t t = 0; t < T; ++t) { // update alias tables for word proposal if (pool && pool->getNumWorkers() > 1) { const size_t chStride = pool->getNumWorkers() * 8; std::vector> futures; futures.reserve(chStride); for (size_t ch = 0; ch < chStride; ++ch) { futures.emplace_back(pool->enqueue([&, ch, chStride](size_t) { for (Vid v = ch; v < this->realV; v += chStride) { Eigen::Array ps = phi.row(v).segment(K * t, K); ps = (ps - ps.maxCoeff()).exp(); wordAliasTables[v + this->realV * t].buildTable(ps.data(), ps.data() + ps.size()); } })); } for (auto& f : futures) f.get(); } else { for (Vid v = 0; v < this->realV; ++v) { Eigen::Array ps = phi.row(v).segment(K * t, K); ps = (ps - ps.maxCoeff()).exp(); wordAliasTables[v + this->realV * t].buildTable(ps.data(), ps.data() + ps.size()); } } // sampling alpha Float lambda = 2 / alphaVar + numDocsByTime[t] / etaVar; auto newAlpha = newAlphas.col(t); newAlpha.setZero(); for (size_t d = 0; d < this->docs.size(); ++d) { auto& doc = this->docs[d]; if (doc.timepoint == t) newAlpha.array() += doc.eta.array(); } newAlpha /= etaVar; if(etaRegL2) newAlpha *= 1 - etaRegL2; if (t == 0) { if (T > 1) { newAlpha += alphas.col(t + 1) / (2 * alphaVar); } else { newAlpha.setZero(); } } else if (t == T - 1) { newAlpha += alphas.col(t - 1) / (2 * alphaVar); } else { newAlpha += (alphas.col(t + 1) + alphas.col(t - 1)) / alphaVar; } newAlpha /= lambda; newAlpha.array() += Eigen::Rand::normal>(this->K, 1, *rgs) / std::sqrt(lambda); } alphas = newAlphas; } template void sampleGlobalLevel(ThreadPool* pool, _ModelState* localData, _RandGen* rgs, _DocIter first, _DocIter last) const { if (_gs != GlobalSampler::inference) return const_cast(this)->_sampleGlobalLevel(pool, localData, rgs, first, last); } void optimizeParameters(ThreadPool& pool, _ModelState* localData, _RandGen* rgs) { } template void distributePartition(ThreadPool& pool, const _ModelState& globalState, _ModelState* localData, const _ExtraDocData& edd) const { std::vector> res = pool.enqueueToAll([&](size_t partitionId) { size_t b = partitionId ? edd.vChunkOffset[partitionId - 1] : 0, e = edd.vChunkOffset[partitionId]; localData[partitionId].numByTopicWord = globalState.numByTopicWord.block(0, b, globalState.numByTopicWord.rows(), e - b); localData[partitionId].numByTopic = globalState.numByTopic; }); for (auto& r : res) r.get(); } void prepareDoc(_DocType& doc, size_t docId, size_t wordSize) const { BaseClass::prepareDoc(doc, docId, wordSize); if (docId == (size_t)-1) { doc.eta.init(nullptr, this->K, 1); } else { doc.eta.init((Float*)etaByDoc.col(docId).data(), this->K, 1); } } template double getLLDocs(_DocIter _first, _DocIter _last) const { double ll = 0; // doc-topic distribution for (; _first != _last; ++_first) { auto& doc = *_first; // log P(eta | alpha) ll -= (doc.eta.matrix() - alphas.col(doc.timepoint)).squaredNorm() / (2 * etaVar); ll -= std::log(2 * math::pi * etaVar) / 2 * this->K; // log P(z | eta) Float etaMax = doc.eta.maxCoeff(); Eigen::Array normalizedEta = doc.eta.array() - etaMax - std::log((doc.eta.array() - etaMax).exp().sum()); ll += (doc.numByTopic.template cast().array() * normalizedEta).sum(); } return ll; } double getLLRest(const _ModelState& ld) const { double ll = 0; const size_t V = this->realV; for (Tid t = 0; t < T; ++t) { // topic-word distribution for (Tid k = 0; k < this->K; ++k) { auto phi_tk = phi.col(k + this->K * t); Float phiMax = phi_tk.maxCoeff(); Eigen::Array normalizedPhi = phi_tk.array() - phiMax - std::log((phi_tk.array() - phiMax).exp().sum()); ll += (ld.numByTopicWord.row(k + this->K * t).transpose().template cast().array() * normalizedPhi).sum(); // log P(phi_t | phi_t-1) if (t > 0) { ll -= (phi_tk - phi.col(k + this->K * (t - 1))).squaredNorm() / (2 * phiVar); ll -= std::log(2 * math::pi * phiVar) / 2 * V; } } // log P(alpha_t | alpha_t-1) if (t > 0) { ll -= (alphas.col(t) - alphas.col(t - 1)).squaredNorm() / (2 * alphaVar); ll -= std::log(2 * math::pi * alphaVar) / 2 * this->K; } } return ll; } void initGlobalState(bool initDocs) { const size_t V = this->realV; if (initDocs) { this->globalState.numByTopic = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(this->K, T); this->globalState.numByTopicWord = Eigen::Matrix::Zero(this->K * T, V); alphas = Matrix::Zero(this->K, T); etaByDoc = Matrix::Zero(this->K, this->docs.size()); phi = Matrix::Zero(this->realV, this->K * T); } numDocsByTime.resize(T); wordAliasTables.resize(this->realV * this->T); size_t docId = 0; for (auto& doc : this->docs) { numDocsByTime[doc.timepoint]++; if (!initDocs) { doc.eta.init((Float*)etaByDoc.col(docId++).data(), this->K, 1); } } for (Tid t = 0; t < T; ++t) { if (initDocs && !numDocsByTime[t]) THROW_ERROR_WITH_INFO(exc::InvalidArgument, text::format("No document with timepoint = %d", t)); // update alias tables for word proposal for (Vid v = 0; v < this->realV; ++v) { Eigen::Array ps = phi.row(v).segment(this->K * t, this->K); ps = ps.exp(); wordAliasTables[v + this->realV * t].buildTable(ps.data(), ps.data() + ps.size()); } } } template void updateStateWithDoc(_Generator& g, _ModelState& ld, _RandGen& rgs, _DocType& doc, size_t i) const { auto& z = doc.Zs[i]; auto w = doc.words[i]; z = g.theta(rgs); addWordTo<1>(ld, doc, i, w, z); } std::vector _getWidsByTopic(size_t tid, bool normalize = true) const { const size_t V = this->realV; std::vector ret(V); Eigen::Map> retMap(ret.data(), V); retMap = phi.col(tid).array().exp(); if (normalize) { retMap /= retMap.sum(); Eigen::Array t = this->globalState.numByTopicWord.row(tid).array().template cast(); t /= std::max(t.sum(), (Float)0.1); retMap += t; retMap /= 2; } return ret; } _DocType& _updateDoc(_DocType& doc, uint32_t timepoint) const { if (timepoint >= T) THROW_ERROR_WITH_INFO(exc::InvalidArgument, "timepoint must < T"); doc.timepoint = timepoint; return doc; } std::vector _getTopicsCount() const { std::vector cnt(this->K * T); for (auto& doc : this->docs) { for (size_t i = 0; i < doc.Zs.size(); ++i) { if (doc.words[i] < this->realV) ++cnt[doc.Zs[i] + this->K * doc.timepoint]; } } return cnt; } void updateForCopy() { BaseClass::updateForCopy(); size_t docId = 0; for (auto& doc : this->docs) { doc.eta.init((Float*)etaByDoc.col(docId++).data(), this->K, 1); } } public: DEFINE_SERIALIZER_AFTER_BASE_WITH_VERSION(BaseClass, 0, T, shapeA, shapeB, shapeC, alphaVar, etaVar, phiVar, alphas, etaByDoc, phi); DEFINE_TAGGED_SERIALIZER_AFTER_BASE_WITH_VERSION(BaseClass, 1, 0x00010001, T, shapeA, shapeB, shapeC, alphaVar, etaVar, phiVar, alphas, etaByDoc, phi); GETTER(T, size_t, T); GETTER(NumDocsByT, std::vector, numDocsByTime); GETTER(AlphaVar, Float, alphaVar); GETTER(EtaVar, Float, etaVar); GETTER(PhiVar, Float, phiVar); GETTER(ShapeA, Float, shapeA); GETTER(ShapeB, Float, shapeB); GETTER(ShapeC, Float, shapeC); DTModel(const DTArgs& args) : BaseClass{ args }, T{ args.t }, alphaVar{ args.alpha[0] }, etaVar{ args.eta }, phiVar{ args.phi }, shapeA{ args.shapeA }, shapeB{ args.shapeB }, shapeC{ args.shapeC }, etaRegL2{ args.etaL2Reg } { } size_t addDoc(const RawDoc& rawDoc, const RawDocTokenizer::Factory& tokenizer) override { auto doc = this->template _makeFromRawDoc(rawDoc, tokenizer); return this->_addDoc(_updateDoc(doc, rawDoc.template getMisc("timepoint"))); } std::unique_ptr makeDoc(const RawDoc& rawDoc, const RawDocTokenizer::Factory& tokenizer) const override { auto doc = as_mutable(this)->template _makeFromRawDoc(rawDoc, tokenizer); return std::make_unique<_DocType>(_updateDoc(doc, rawDoc.template getMisc("timepoint"))); } size_t addDoc(const RawDoc& rawDoc) override { auto doc = this->_makeFromRawDoc(rawDoc); return this->_addDoc(_updateDoc(doc, rawDoc.template getMisc("timepoint"))); } std::unique_ptr makeDoc(const RawDoc& rawDoc) const override { auto doc = as_mutable(this)->template _makeFromRawDoc(rawDoc); return std::make_unique<_DocType>(_updateDoc(doc, rawDoc.template getMisc("timepoint"))); } Float getAlpha(size_t k, size_t t) const override { if (alphas.size()) return alphas(k, t); return 0; } std::vector getPhi(size_t k, size_t t) const override { auto c = phi.col(k + this->K * t); return { c.data(), c.data() + c.size() }; } void setShapeA(Float a) override { shapeA = a; } void setShapeB(Float b) override { shapeB = b; } void setShapeC(Float c) override { shapeC = c; } }; }