require "thor" require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../integrity" module Integrity class Installer < Thor include FileUtils desc "install [PATH]", "Copy template files to PATH for desired deployement strategy (either Thin, Passenger or Heroku). Next, go there and edit them." method_options :passenger => :boolean, :thin => :boolean, :heroku => :boolean def install(path) @root = Pathname(path).expand_path if options[:heroku] cp_r Pathname(__FILE__).join("../../../config/heroku"), root puts post_heroku_install_message else create_dir_structure copy_template_files edit_template_files migrate_db(root.join("config.yml")) puts post_install_message end end desc "migrate_db [CONFIG]", "Checks the `database_uri` in CONFIG and migrates the database up to the lastest version." def migrate_db(config) require "integrity/migrations" Integrity.migrate_db end desc "launch [CONFIG]", "Launch Integrity real quick." method_options :config => :optional, :port => 4567 def launch require "thin" require "do_sqlite3" File.file?(options[:config].to_s) ?[:config]) : DataMapper.auto_migrate! Thin::Server.start("", options[:port], Integrity::App) rescue LoadError => boom missing_dependency = boom.message.split("--").last.lstrip puts "Please install #{missing_dependency} to launch Integrity" end private attr_reader :root def create_dir_structure mkdir_p root mkdir_p root / "builds" mkdir_p root / "log" if options[:passenger] mkdir_p root / "public" mkdir_p root / "tmp" end end def copy_template_files copy "" copy "config.sample.yml" copy "thin.sample.yml" if options[:thin] end def edit_template_files edit_integrity_configuration edit_thin_configuration if options[:thin] end def edit_integrity_configuration config = / "config.yml") config.gsub! %r(sqlite3:///var/integrity.db), "sqlite3://#{root}/integrity.db" config.gsub! %r(/path/to/scm/exports), "#{root}/builds" config.gsub! %r(/var/log), "#{root}/log" / "config.yml", "w") { |f| f.puts config } end def edit_thin_configuration config = / "thin.yml") config.gsub! %r(/apps/integrity), root / "thin.yml", 'w') { |f| f.puts config } end def post_heroku_install_message <