# frozen_string_literal: true module Cistern::Model include Cistern::Attributes::InstanceMethods include Cistern::HashSupport def self.included(klass) klass.send(:extend, Cistern::Attributes::ClassMethods) klass.send(:include, Cistern::Attributes::InstanceMethods) klass.send(:extend, Cistern::Model::ClassMethods) klass.send(:extend, Cistern::Associations) end def self.cistern_model(cistern, klass, name) cistern.const_get(:Collections).module_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{name}(attributes={}) #{klass.name}.new({cistern: self}.merge(attributes)) end EOS end module ClassMethods # @deprecated Use {#cistern_method} instead def service_method(name = nil) Cistern.deprecation( '#service_method is deprecated. Please use #cistern_method', caller[0] ) @_cistern_method ||= name end def cistern_method(name = nil) @_cistern_method ||= name end end attr_accessor :collection, :cistern def service=(service) Cistern.deprecation( '#service= is deprecated. Please use #cistern=', caller[0] ) @cistern = service end def service Cistern.deprecation( '#service is deprecated. Please use #cistern', caller[0] ) @cistern end def inspect Cistern.formatter.call(self) end def initialize(attributes = {}) merge_attributes(attributes) end # Merge #attributes and call {#save}. Valid and change attributes are available in {#dirty_attributes} # @param attributes [Hash] def update(attributes) stage_attributes(attributes) save end def save fail NotImplementedError end def reload requires :identity if data = collection.get(identity) new_attributes = data.attributes merge_attributes(new_attributes) self end end def ==(comparison_object) super || (comparison_object.is_a?(self.class) && comparison_object.identity == identity && !comparison_object.new_record?) end alias_method :eql?, :== def hash if identity [self.class, identity].join(':').hash else super end end def wait_for(timeout = cistern_class.timeout, interval = cistern_class.poll_interval, &block) cistern_class.wait_for(timeout, interval) { reload && block.call(self) } end def wait_for!(timeout = cistern_class.timeout, interval = cistern_class.poll_interval, &block) cistern_class.wait_for!(timeout, interval) { reload && block.call(self) } end def service_class Cistern.deprecation( '#service_class is deprecated. Please use #cistern_class', caller[0] ) cistern ? cistern.class : Cistern end def cistern_class cistern ? cistern.class : Cistern end end