// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright ©2010 Apple Inc. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test htmlbody ok equals same stop start */ var pane; module("SC.Border", { setup: function() { SC.RunLoop.begin(); pane = SC.MainPane.create(); pane.append(); SC.RunLoop.end(); }, teardown: function() { pane.remove(); pane = null; } }); var boxstyles = ''; htmlbody(boxstyles); test('SC.View should not have border properties by default', function() { var view = SC.View.create(); ok(!view.get('hasBorder'), 'view should not have hasBorder set'); ok(view.get('borderStyle') === undefined, 'view should not have borderStyle set'); }); test('Views with SC.Border mixin should default to gray border', function() { var view = SC.View.create(SC.Border, { }); equals(view.get('borderStyle'), SC.BORDER_GRAY, "borderStyle should be SC.BORDER_GRAY"); equals(view.get('borderTop'), 1, 'borderTop should be 1'); equals(view.get('borderBottom'), 1, 'borderBottom should be 1'); equals(view.get('borderRight'), 1, 'borderRight should be 1'); equals(view.get('borderLeft'), 1, 'borderLeft should be 1'); }); test('Views that specify a non-built-in border should have border dimensions set to 0', function() { var view = SC.View.create(SC.Border, { borderStyle: 'fat-and-chunky' }); equals(view.get('borderTop'), 0, 'borderTop should be 0'); equals(view.get('borderBottom'), 0, 'borderBottom should be 0'); equals(view.get('borderRight'), 0, 'borderRight should be 0'); equals(view.get('borderLeft'), 0, 'borderLeft should be 0'); }); test('Views that specify a string that ends in "-border" should have that string added as a class', function() { var view = SC.View.create(SC.Border, { borderStyle: 'fat-and-chunky-border' }); pane.appendChild(view); SC.RunLoop.begin().end(); ok(view.$().hasClass('fat-and-chunky-border'), 'should have fat-and-chunky-border class'); }); test('Views that specify a string that does not end in "-border" should not have that string added as a class', function() { var view = SC.View.create(SC.Border, { borderStyle: 'border-at-beginning' }); pane.appendChild(view); SC.RunLoop.begin().end(); ok(!view.$().hasClass('border-at-beginning'), 'should not have border-at-beginning class'); }); test('Views should rerender if borderStyle changes', function() { var view = SC.View.create(SC.Border, { borderStyle: 'first-border' }); pane.appendChild(view); SC.RunLoop.begin().end(); ok(view.$().hasClass('first-border'), 'precond - view should have first-border class'); view.set('borderStyle', 'second-border'); SC.RunLoop.begin().end(); ok(view.$().hasClass('second-border'), 'view should have second-border class'); }); test('View frame should account for borders if border dimension properties are set', function() { var box1 = SC.View.create(SC.Border, { borderStyle: 'box1-border', borderTop: 10, borderLeft: 25, borderRight: 109, borderBottom: 79 }), box2 = SC.View.create(SC.Border, { borderStyle: 'box2-border', borderTop: 10, borderLeft: 25, borderRight: 109, borderBottom: 79 }), box3 = SC.View.create(SC.Border, { borderStyle: 'box3-border', borderTop: 10, borderLeft: 25, borderRight: 109, borderBottom: 79 }); box1.appendChild(box2); box2.appendChild(box3); pane.appendChild(box1); SC.RunLoop.begin().end(); var frame = box3.get('frame'), elem = box3.get('layer'); equals(frame.x, elem.clientLeft, 'horizontal positions equal'); equals(frame.y, elem.clientTop, 'vertical positions equal'); equals(frame.width, elem.clientWidth, 'width equal'); equals(frame.height, elem.clientHeight, 'height equal'); });