# frozen_string_literal: true gem 'pg', '~> 1.0' gem 'connection_pool', '~> 2.2' require 'pg' require 'connection_pool' require_relative 'instrumentation' module WCC::Contentful::Store # Implements the store interface where all Contentful entries are stored in a # JSONB table. class PostgresStore < Base include WCC::Contentful::Instrumentation delegate :each, to: :to_enum attr_reader :connection_pool attr_accessor :logger def initialize(_config = nil, connection_options = nil, pool_options = nil) super() @schema_ensured = false connection_options ||= { dbname: 'postgres' } pool_options ||= {} @connection_pool = PostgresStore.build_connection_pool(connection_options, pool_options) @dirty = false end def set(key, value) ensure_hash value result = @connection_pool.with do |conn| conn.exec_prepared('upsert_entry', [ key, value.to_json, quote_array(extract_links(value)) ]) end previous_value = if result.num_tuples == 0 nil else val = result.getvalue(0, 0) JSON.parse(val) if val end if views_need_update?(value, previous_value) # mark dirty - we need to refresh the materialized view unless mutex.with_read_lock { @dirty } _instrument 'mark_dirty' mutex.with_write_lock { @dirty = true } end end previous_value end def keys result = @connection_pool.with { |conn| conn.exec_prepared('select_ids') } arr = [] result.each { |r| arr << r['id'].strip } arr rescue PG::ConnectionBad [] end def delete(key) result = @connection_pool.with { |conn| conn.exec_prepared('delete_by_id', [key]) } return if result.num_tuples == 0 JSON.parse(result.getvalue(0, 1)) end def find(key, **_options) result = @connection_pool.with { |conn| conn.exec_prepared('select_entry', [key]) } return if result.num_tuples == 0 JSON.parse(result.getvalue(0, 1)) rescue PG::ConnectionBad nil end def find_all(content_type:, options: nil) Query.new( self, content_type: content_type, options: options ) end def exec_query(statement, params = []) if mutex.with_read_lock { @dirty } was_dirty = mutex.with_write_lock do was_dirty = @dirty @dirty = false was_dirty end if was_dirty _instrument 'refresh_views' do @connection_pool.with { |conn| conn.exec_prepared('refresh_views_concurrently') } end end end logger&.debug('[PostgresStore] ' + statement + "\n" + params.inspect) _instrument 'exec' do @connection_pool.with { |conn| conn.exec(statement, params) } end end private def extract_links(entry) return [] unless fields = entry && entry['fields'] links = fields.flat_map do |_f, locale_hash| locale_hash&.flat_map do |_locale, value| if value.is_a? Array value.map { |val| val.dig('sys', 'id') if link?(val) } elsif link?(value) value.dig('sys', 'id') end end end links.compact end def link?(value) value.is_a?(Hash) && value.dig('sys', 'type') == 'Link' end def quote_array(arr) return unless arr encoder = PG::TextEncoder::Array.new encoder.encode(arr) end def views_need_update?(value, previous_value) # contentful_raw_includes_ids_jointable needs update if any links change return true if extract_links(value) != extract_links(previous_value) end class Query < WCC::Contentful::Store::Query def count return @count if @count statement, params = finalize_statement('SELECT count(*)') result = store.exec_query(statement, params) @count = result.getvalue(0, 0).to_i end def first return @first if @first statement, params = finalize_statement('SELECT t.*', ' LIMIT 1', depth: @options[:include]) result = store.exec_query(statement, params) return if result.num_tuples == 0 row = result.first entry = JSON.parse(row['data']) if @options[:include] && @options[:include] > 0 includes = decode_includes(row['includes']) entry = resolve_includes([entry, includes], @options[:include]) end entry end def result_set return @result_set if @result_set statement, params = finalize_statement('SELECT t.*', depth: @options[:include]) @result_set = store.exec_query(statement, params) .lazy.map do |row| entry = JSON.parse(row['data']) includes = (decode_includes(row['includes']) if @options[:include] && @options[:include] > 0) [entry, includes] end rescue PG::ConnectionBad [] end private def decode_includes(includes) return {} unless includes decoder = PG::TextDecoder::Array.new decoder.decode(includes) .map { |e| JSON.parse(e) } .each_with_object({}) do |entry, h| h[entry.dig('sys', 'id')] = entry end end def finalize_statement(select_statement, limit_statement = nil, depth: nil) statement = if content_type == 'Asset' "WHERE t.data->'sys'->>'type' = $1" else "WHERE t.data->'sys'->'contentType'->'sys'->>'id' = $1" end params = [content_type] joins = [] statement = conditions.reduce(statement) do |memo, condition| raise ArgumentError, "Operator #{condition.op} not supported" unless condition.op == :eq if condition.path_tuples.length == 1 memo + _eq(condition.path, condition.expected, params) else join_path, expectation_path = condition.path_tuples memo + _join(join_path, expectation_path, condition.expected, params, joins) end end table = 'contentful_raw' if depth && depth > 0 table = 'contentful_raw_includes' select_statement += ', t.includes' end statement = select_statement + " FROM #{table} AS t \n" + joins.join("\n") + "\n" + statement + (limit_statement || '') [statement, params] end def _eq(path, expected, params) return " AND t.id = $#{push_param(expected, params)}" if path == %w[sys id] if path[3] == 'sys' # the path can be either an array or a singular json obj, and we have to dig # into it to detect whether it contains `{ "sys": { "id" => expected } }` expected = { 'sys' => { path[4] => expected } }.to_json return ' AND fn_contentful_jsonb_any_to_jsonb_array(t.data->' \ "#{quote_parameter_path(path.take(3))}) @> " \ "jsonb_build_array($#{push_param(expected, params)}::jsonb)" end " AND t.data->#{quote_parameter_path(path)}" \ " @> to_jsonb($#{push_param(expected, params)})" end PARAM_TYPES = { String => 'text' # These can be cast directly to jsonb # Integer => 'jsonb' # Float => 'jsonb' }.freeze def push_param(param, params) params << param param_type = PARAM_TYPES[param.class] || 'jsonb' "#{params.length}::#{param_type}" end def quote_parameter_path(path) path.map { |p| "'#{p}'" }.join('->') end def _join(join_path, expectation_path, expected, params, joins) # join back to the table using the links column (join_table_alias becomes s0, s1, s2) # this is faster because of the index join_table_alias = push_join(join_path, joins) # then apply the where clauses: # 1. that the joined entry has the data at the appropriate path # 2. that the entry joining to the other entry actually links at this path and not another <<~WHERE_CLAUSE AND #{join_table_alias}.data->#{quote_parameter_path(expectation_path)} ? $#{push_param(expected, params)}::text AND exists (select 1 from jsonb_array_elements(fn_contentful_jsonb_any_to_jsonb_array(t.data->#{quote_parameter_path(join_path)})) as link where link->'sys'->'id' ? #{join_table_alias}.id) WHERE_CLAUSE end def push_join(_path, joins) table_alias = "s#{joins.length}" joins << "JOIN contentful_raw AS #{table_alias} ON " \ "#{table_alias}.id=ANY(t.links)" table_alias end end EXPECTED_VERSION = 2 class << self def prepare_statements(conn) conn.prepare('upsert_entry', 'SELECT * FROM fn_contentful_upsert_entry($1,$2,$3)') conn.prepare('select_entry', 'SELECT * FROM contentful_raw WHERE id = $1') conn.prepare('select_ids', 'SELECT id FROM contentful_raw') conn.prepare('delete_by_id', 'DELETE FROM contentful_raw WHERE id = $1 RETURNING *') conn.prepare('refresh_views_concurrently', 'REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY contentful_raw_includes_ids_jointable') end # This is intentionally a class var so that all subclasses share the same mutex @@schema_mutex = Mutex.new # rubocop:disable Style/ClassVars def build_connection_pool(connection_options, pool_options) ConnectionPool.new(pool_options) do PG.connect(connection_options).tap do |conn| unless schema_ensured?(conn) @@schema_mutex.synchronize do ensure_schema(conn) unless schema_ensured?(conn) end end prepare_statements(conn) end end end def schema_ensured?(conn) result = conn.exec('SELECT version FROM wcc_contentful_schema_version' \ ' ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1') return false if result.num_tuples == 0 result[0]['version'].to_i >= EXPECTED_VERSION rescue PG::UndefinedTable # need to run v1 schema migration false end def ensure_schema(conn) result = begin conn.exec('SELECT version FROM wcc_contentful_schema_version' \ ' ORDER BY version DESC') rescue PG::UndefinedTable [] end 1.upto(EXPECTED_VERSION).each do |version_num| next if result.find { |row| row['version'].to_s == version_num.to_s } conn.exec(File.read(File.join(__dir__, "postgres_store/schema_#{version_num}.sql"))) end end end end end