import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import { usePaginationOptions } from 'foremanReact/components/Pagination/PaginationHooks'; import RelativeDateTime from 'foremanReact/components/common/dates/RelativeDateTime'; import { TableComposable, Thead, Tbody, Tr, Th, Td, } from '@patternfly/react-table'; import { Flex, FlexItem, Pagination } from '@patternfly/react-core'; import { decodeId } from '../../../../globalIdHelper'; import withLoading from '../../../withLoading'; <<<<<<< HEAD import { readableCron } from './JobsTabHelper'; import { preparePerPageOptions, refreshPage, } from '../../../../helpers/paginationHelper'; ======= import { readableCron, readablePurpose } from './JobsTabHelper'; >>>>>>> 5b01704 (Fixes #34458 - Show Hostgroup jobs on the Host Detail page) const PreviousJobsTable = ({ history, totalCount, jobs, pagination }) => { const columns = [ __('Description'), __('Result'), __('State'), __('Executed at'), __('Schedule'), ]; const handlePerPageSelected = (event, perPage) => { refreshPage(history, { page: 1, perPage }); }; const handlePageSelected = (event, page) => { refreshPage(history, { ...pagination, page }); }; const perPageOptions = preparePerPageOptions(usePaginationOptions()); return ( <React.Fragment> <h3>{__('Previously executed jobs')}</h3> <<<<<<< HEAD <Flex className="pf-u-pt-md"> ======= <Flex direction={{ default: 'column' }} className="pf-u-pt-md"> <FlexItem align={{ default: 'alignRight' }}> <Pagination updateParamsByUrl itemCount={totalCount} variant="top" /> </FlexItem> <FlexItem> <TableComposable variant="compact"> <Thead> <Tr> { => ( <Th key={col}>{col}</Th> ))} </Tr> </Thead> <Tbody> { => ( <Tr key={}> <Td> <a onClick={() => window.tfm.nav.pushUrl( `/job_invocations/${decodeId(}` ) } > {job.description} </a> {readablePurpose(job.recurringLogic.purpose)} </Td> <Td>{job.task.result}</Td> <Td>{job.task.state}</Td> <Td> <RelativeDateTime date={job.startAt} /> </Td> <Td>{readableCron(job.recurringLogic.cronLine)}</Td> </Tr> ))} </Tbody> </TableComposable> </FlexItem> >>>>>>> 5b01704 (Fixes #34458 - Show Hostgroup jobs on the Host Detail page) <FlexItem align={{ default: 'alignRight' }}> <Pagination itemCount={totalCount} page={} perPage={pagination.perPage} onSetPage={handlePageSelected} onPerPageSelect={handlePerPageSelected} perPageOptions={perPageOptions} variant="top" /> </FlexItem> </Flex> <TableComposable variant="compact"> <Thead> <Tr> { => ( <Th key={col}>{col}</Th> ))} </Tr> </Thead> <Tbody> { => ( <Tr key={}> <Td> <a onClick={() => window.tfm.nav.pushUrl( `/job_invocations/${decodeId(}` ) } > {job.description} </a> </Td> <Td>{job.task.result}</Td> <Td>{job.task.state}</Td> <Td> <RelativeDateTime date={job.startAt} /> </Td> <Td>{readableCron(job.recurringLogic.cronLine)}</Td> </Tr> ))} </Tbody> </TableComposable> </React.Fragment> ); }; PreviousJobsTable.propTypes = { jobs: PropTypes.array.isRequired, history: PropTypes.object.isRequired, totalCount: PropTypes.number.isRequired, pagination: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; export default withLoading(PreviousJobsTable);