# # Things we are not going to include in RW2.0 # - PersonToContact # - Occupation # xml = builder path = "renalware/api/ukrdc/patients" # or "." xml.Patient do xml.PatientNumbers do xml.PatientNumber do xml.Number patient.nhs_number xml.Organization "NHS" xml.NumberType "NI" end Renalware.config.patient_hospital_identifiers.values.each do |field| next if (number = patient.public_send(field)).blank? xml.PatientNumber do xml.Number number xml.Organization "LOCALHOSP" xml.NumberType "MRN" end end end xml.Names do render "#{path}/name", builder: xml, nameable: patient end xml.BirthTime patient.born_on.to_datetime if patient.dead? && patient.died_on.present? xml.DeathTime(patient.died_on.to_datetime) end xml.Gender patient.sex&.nhs_dictionary_number address = patient.current_address if address xml.Addresses do if address.present? render("#{path}/address", builder: xml, address: address) end end end xml.FamilyDoctor do xml.GPPracticeId patient.practice&.code xml.GPId patient.primary_care_physician&.code end if patient.ethnicity.present? xml.EthnicGroup do xml.CodingStandard "NHS_DATA_DICTIONARY" xml.Code patient.ethnicity&.rr18_code end end if patient.language.present? xml.PrimaryLanguage do xml.CodingStandard "NHS_DATA_DICTIONARY_LANGUAGE_CODE" # ISO 639-1 plus braille an sign xml.Code patient.language&.code xml.Description patient.language end end if patient.contact_details? xml.ContactDetails do if patient.email.present? xml.ContactDetail(use: "NET") do xml.Value patient.email end end if patient.home_telephone.present? xml.ContactDetail(use: "PRN") do xml.Value patient.home_telephone end end if patient.mobile_telephone.present? xml.ContactDetail(use: "PRS") do xml.Value patient.mobile_telephone end end end end xml.comment! "Inclusion of CountryOfBirth causes XSD error so temporarily excluded" # Inclusion strangley causes an XSD error # if patient.country_of_birth.present? # xml.CountryOfBirth patient.country_of_birth.alpha3 # end if patient.dead? xml.Death true end # The CommonMetadata group xml.UpdatedOn patient.updated_at&.to_datetime xml.ActionCode "A" # A = added/updated. If we are posting this XML isn't only going to be 'A'? xml.ExternalId patient.ukrdc_external_id end