(function (tree) { tree.Media = function (value, features, index, currentFileInfo) { this.index = index; this.currentFileInfo = currentFileInfo; var selectors = this.emptySelectors(); this.features = new(tree.Value)(features); this.rules = [new(tree.Ruleset)(selectors, value)]; this.rules[0].allowImports = true; }; tree.Media.prototype = { type: "Media", accept: function (visitor) { if (this.features) { this.features = visitor.visit(this.features); } if (this.rules) { this.rules = visitor.visitArray(this.rules); } }, genCSS: function (env, output) { output.add('@media ', this.currentFileInfo, this.index); this.features.genCSS(env, output); tree.outputRuleset(env, output, this.rules); }, toCSS: tree.toCSS, eval: function (env) { if (!env.mediaBlocks) { env.mediaBlocks = []; env.mediaPath = []; } var media = new(tree.Media)(null, [], this.index, this.currentFileInfo); if(this.debugInfo) { this.rules[0].debugInfo = this.debugInfo; media.debugInfo = this.debugInfo; } var strictMathBypass = false; if (!env.strictMath) { strictMathBypass = true; env.strictMath = true; } try { media.features = this.features.eval(env); } finally { if (strictMathBypass) { env.strictMath = false; } } env.mediaPath.push(media); env.mediaBlocks.push(media); env.frames.unshift(this.rules[0]); media.rules = [this.rules[0].eval(env)]; env.frames.shift(); env.mediaPath.pop(); return env.mediaPath.length === 0 ? media.evalTop(env) : media.evalNested(env); }, variable: function (name) { return tree.Ruleset.prototype.variable.call(this.rules[0], name); }, find: function () { return tree.Ruleset.prototype.find.apply(this.rules[0], arguments); }, rulesets: function () { return tree.Ruleset.prototype.rulesets.apply(this.rules[0]); }, emptySelectors: function() { var el = new(tree.Element)('', '&', this.index, this.currentFileInfo), sels = [new(tree.Selector)([el], null, null, this.index, this.currentFileInfo)]; sels[0].mediaEmpty = true; return sels; }, markReferenced: function () { var i, rules = this.rules[0].rules; this.isReferenced = true; for (i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { if (rules[i].markReferenced) { rules[i].markReferenced(); } } }, evalTop: function (env) { var result = this; // Render all dependent Media blocks. if (env.mediaBlocks.length > 1) { var selectors = this.emptySelectors(); result = new(tree.Ruleset)(selectors, env.mediaBlocks); result.multiMedia = true; } delete env.mediaBlocks; delete env.mediaPath; return result; }, evalNested: function (env) { var i, value, path = env.mediaPath.concat([this]); // Extract the media-query conditions separated with `,` (OR). for (i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { value = path[i].features instanceof tree.Value ? path[i].features.value : path[i].features; path[i] = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]; } // Trace all permutations to generate the resulting media-query. // // (a, b and c) with nested (d, e) -> // a and d // a and e // b and c and d // b and c and e this.features = new(tree.Value)(this.permute(path).map(function (path) { path = path.map(function (fragment) { return fragment.toCSS ? fragment : new(tree.Anonymous)(fragment); }); for(i = path.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { path.splice(i, 0, new(tree.Anonymous)("and")); } return new(tree.Expression)(path); })); // Fake a tree-node that doesn't output anything. return new(tree.Ruleset)([], []); }, permute: function (arr) { if (arr.length === 0) { return []; } else if (arr.length === 1) { return arr[0]; } else { var result = []; var rest = this.permute(arr.slice(1)); for (var i = 0; i < rest.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < arr[0].length; j++) { result.push([arr[0][j]].concat(rest[i])); } } return result; } }, bubbleSelectors: function (selectors) { this.rules = [new(tree.Ruleset)(selectors.slice(0), [this.rules[0]])]; } }; })(require('../tree'));