# 1.6.0 - [#40] Remove appending `status_code` to the parsed response and ensure the `response` for the last request is always accessible via the client # 1.5.0 - [#31] Allow for a user provided HTTPClient # 1.4.3 - [#34] Fix `Content-Type` header check # 1.3.5 - [#21] Added limit params to Paginator class # 1.3.2 - When retrying requests, the request is actually resent instead of just reparsing the response - [#12] Raise an error if the last API request retry is rate limited # 1.3 - [#10] Support fire_webhooks parameter in client # 1.2.3 - Return true for non-JSON responses # 1.2.2 - The retries parameter on a client should correspond to the number of retries, not total calls. # 1.2.1 - Include Paginator class in NationBuilder module # 1.2.0 - Native exception types - [#9] Exponential backoff when encountering rate limit # 1.1.0 - [#6] Pagination class for iterating through paginated sets