Stoor provides a Gollum (wiki) server with a few other bells and whistles, such as authentication against GitHub OAuth. ## Rationale In our environment, the contents of our wiki are confidential and should not be pushed up to GitHub. We keep the wiki on a local machine (behind a firewall), and put the wiki contents into a directory that is sync'd to ( is useful for confidential data, because they will sign a HIPAA BAA.) Meanwhile, we'd like to authorize access by some means: we like GitHub Oauth, so that we can constrain access by GitHub Organization Team membership. ## Requirements Ruby 1.9.2 or greater. An operating system other than Windows (because Gollum doesn't work on Windows, because grit doesn't work on Windows . . .). Unfortunately, Stoor will no longer work on Ruby 1.8.7, because `gollum-lib` now wants Nokogiri 1.6.0 ([see?](, and 1.8.7 isn't supported. That's too bad, because it was nice that this would work on the system Ruby on a Mac. ## Setup gem install stoor (On occasion I have had to `rbenv rehash`.) ## Usage examples (Relax, the client id and secret below are fake.) ### The 'stoor' command To get started, change directory to your git repo where your wiki content lives, and type the `stoor` command: cd wiki stoor This will run your gollum wiki on port 3000, though it will decorate the footer with a message saying who the committer is. When not authenticating against GitHub, the default options for the wiki repo is used (i.e., the values for the GitHub commit will be what you see in `git config -l`). The `stoor` command is a thin wrapper around the `thin` web server, and takes all `thin` options (`-p `, etc.). If you don't have a repo yet for your wiki . . . mkdir mywiki cd mywiki git init . stoor ### Specify the Wiki repo location STOOR_WIKI_PATH=/Users/admin/wiki stoor The `STOOR_WIKI_PATH` environment variable provides for locating the wiki contents in a differet repo from the Stoor application. It is strongly advised that you do this so that you can keep your wiki code and wiki content separate. ### GitHub authorization Require authorization via GitHub to the GitHub application with the given client id and secret STOOR_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=780ec06a331b4f61a345 STOOR_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=f1e5439aff166c34f707747120acbf66ef233fc2 stoor Access to the wiki will first run through GitHub OAuth against the app specified by the id and secret. For information on setting up an application in GitHub and obtaining its id and secret, see . If you are running Stoor on localhost with the `stoor` command, the typical settings would be:
Application Name Main URL Callback URL
YourAppName http://localhost:3000 http://localhost:3000/auth/github/callback
**NOTE:** No matter what your domain and port, the callback path must be `/auth/github/callback`. **NOTE:** See also `STOOR_DOMAIN` below: The domain specified for the cookie should match the domain in your GitHub application settings. ### Prefer a certain email domain If there is more than one email associated with the GitHub user, prefer the one from the specified domain (otherwise the first email will be used) STOOR_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=780ec06a331b4f61a345 STOOR_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=f1e5439aff166c34f707747120acbf66ef233fc2 stoor ### Require GitHub team STOOR_GITHUB_TEAM_ID=11155 STOOR_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=780ec06a331b4f61a345 STOOR_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=f1e5439aff166c34f707747120acbf66ef233fc2 stoor If the user is not a member of the specified team, they aren't allowed access. ### Specify the domain (this is to ensure that cookies are set for the correct domain) STOOR_DOMAIN=wiki.local # default: localhost ### Specify the cookie secret STOOR_SECRET="honi soit qui mal y pense" # default: stoor ### Specify the cookie timeout STOOR_EXPIRE_AFTER=600 # In seconds; default: 3600 ### Wide display STOOR_WIDE=y # Main wiki content will take 90% of browser width; widens tables as well ## How I run it I like having my own personal wiki. Since Apache is ubiquitous on Macs, I run the Wiki with configuration in `/etc/apache2/httpd.conf`, and some Ruby provided by rbenv, and Passenger. I create an extra name for in `/etc/hosts` such as `wiki.local`. Then: gem install passenger passenger-install-apache2-module Then in `/etc/apache2/httpd.conf`: LoadModule passenger_module /opt/boxen/rbenv/versions/1.9.2-p320/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/passenger-4.0.19/buildout/apache2/ PassengerRoot /opt/boxen/rbenv/versions/1.9.2-p320/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/passenger-4.0.19 PassengerDefaultRuby /opt/boxen/rbenv/versions/1.9.2-p320/bin/ruby NameVirtualHost *:80 SetEnv STOOR_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID 780ec06a331b4f61a345 SetEnv STOOR_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET f1e5439aff166c34f707747120acbf66ef233fc2 SetEnv STOOR_GITHUB_EMAIL_DOMAIN SetEnv STOOR_DOMAIN wiki.local SetEnv STOOR_EXPIRE_AFTER 60 SetEnv STOOR_WIKI_PATH /Users/jgn/Dropbox/wiki ServerName wiki.local DocumentRoot "/opt/boxen/rbenv/versions/1.9.2-p320/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/stoor-0.1.4/public" Allow from all Options -MultiViews and finally: sudo apachectl -k restart Now browse your wiki at