CONSTRUCTOR_VERSION = '1.0.4' #:nodoc:# class Class #:nodoc:# def constructor(*attrs, &block) call_block = '' if block_given? @constructor_block = block call_block = 'self.instance_eval(&self.class.constructor_block)' end # Look for embedded options in the listing: opts = attrs.find { |a| a.kind_of?(Hash) and attrs.delete(a) } do_acc = opts.nil? ? false : opts[:accessors] == true do_reader = opts.nil? ? false : opts[:readers] == true require_args = opts.nil? ? true : opts[:strict] != false super_args = opts.nil? ? nil : opts[:super] # Incorporate superclass's constructor keys, if our superclass if superclass.constructor_keys similar_keys = superclass.constructor_keys & attrs raise "Base class already has keys #{similar_keys.inspect}" unless similar_keys.empty? attrs = [attrs,superclass.constructor_keys].flatten end # Generate ivar assigner code lines assigns = '' attrs.each do |k| assigns += "@#{k.to_s} = args[:#{k.to_s}]\n" end # If accessors option is on, declare accessors for the attributes: if do_acc add_accessors = "attr_accessor " + attrs.reject {|x| superclass.constructor_keys.include?(x.to_sym)}.map {|x| ":#{x.to_s}"}.join(',') #add_accessors = "attr_accessor " + {|x| ":#{x.to_s}"}.join(',') self.class_eval add_accessors end # If readers option is on, declare readers for the attributes: if do_reader self.class_eval "attr_reader " + attrs.reject {|x| superclass.constructor_keys.include?(x.to_sym)}.map {|x| ":#{x.to_s}"}.join(',') end # If user supplied super-constructor hints: super_call = '' if super_args list = do |a| case a when String %|"#{a}"| when Symbol %|:#{a}| end end super_call = %|super(#{list.join(',')})| end # If strict is on, define the constructor argument validator method, # and setup the initializer to invoke the validator method. # Otherwise, insert lax code into the initializer. validation_code = "return if args.nil?" if require_args self.class_eval do def _validate_constructor_args(args) # First, make sure we've got args of some kind unless args and args.keys and args.keys.size > 0 raise end # Scan for missing keys in the argument hash a_keys = args.keys missing = [] self.class.constructor_keys.each do |ck| unless a_keys.member?(ck) missing << ck end a_keys.delete(ck) # Delete inbound keys as we address them end if missing.size > 0 || a_keys.size > 0 raise,a_keys) end end end # Setup the code to insert into the initializer: validation_code = "_validate_constructor_args args " end # Generate the initializer code self.class_eval %{ def initialize(args=nil) #{super_call} #{validation_code} #{assigns} setup if respond_to?(:setup) #{call_block} end } # Remember our constructor keys @_ctor_keys = attrs end # Access the constructor keys for this class def constructor_keys; @_ctor_keys ||=[]; end def constructor_block #:nodoc:# @constructor_block end end # Fancy validation exception, based on missing and extraneous keys. class ConstructorArgumentError < RuntimeError #:nodoc:# def initialize(missing,rejected=[]) err_msg = '' if missing.size > 0 err_msg = "Missing constructor args [#{missing.join(',')}]" end if rejected.size > 0 # Some inbound keys were not addressed earlier; this means they're unwanted if err_msg err_msg << "; " # Appending to earlier message about missing items else err_msg = '' end # Enumerate the rejected key names err_msg << "Rejected constructor args [#{rejected.join(',')}]" end super err_msg end end