# frozen_string_literal: true require "erb" require "json" require_relative "../dockerfile-rails/scanner.rb" class DockerfileGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base include DockerfileRails::Scanner BASE_DEFAULTS = { "bin-cd" => false, "cache" => false, "ci" => false, "compose" => false, "fullstaq" => false, "jemalloc" => false, "label" => {}, "link" => true, "litefs" => false, "lock" => true, "max-idle" => nil, "migrate" => "", "mysql" => false, "nginx" => false, "parallel" => false, "passenger" => false, "platform" => nil, "postgresql" => false, "precompile" => nil, "prepare" => true, "private-gemserver-domain" => nil, "procfile" => "", "redis" => false, "registry" => "", "rollbar" => false, "root" => false, "sqlite3" => false, "sqlserver" => false, "sentry" => false, "sudo" => false, "swap" => nil, "variant" => "slim", "windows" => false, "yjit" => false, }.yield_self { |hash| Struct.new(*hash.keys.map(&:to_sym)).new(*hash.values) } OPTION_DEFAULTS = BASE_DEFAULTS.dup @@labels = {} @@packages = { "base" => [], "build" => [], "deploy" => [] } @@vars = { "base" => {}, "build" => {}, "deploy" => {} } @@args = { "base" => {}, "build" => {}, "deploy" => {} } @@instructions = { "base" => nil, "build" => nil, "deploy" => nil } # load defaults from config file if File.exist? "config/dockerfile.yml" options = YAML.safe_load(IO.read("config/dockerfile.yml"), symbolize_names: true)[:options] if options OPTION_DEFAULTS.to_h.each do |option, value| OPTION_DEFAULTS[option] = options[option] if options.include? option end if options[:packages] options[:packages].each do |stage, list| @@packages[stage.to_s] = list end end if options[:envs] options[:envs].each do |stage, vars| @@vars[stage.to_s] = vars.stringify_keys end end if options[:args] options[:args].each do |stage, vars| @@args[stage.to_s] = vars.stringify_keys end end if options[:instructions] options[:instructions].each do |stage, value| @@instructions[stage.to_s] = value end end @@labels = options[:label].stringify_keys if options.include? :label end end class_option :ci, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.ci, desc: "include test gems in bundle" class_option :link, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.lock, desc: "use COPY --link whenever possible" class_option :lock, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.lock, desc: "lock Gemfile/package.json" class_option :precompile, type: :string, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.precompile, desc: 'if set to "defer", assets:precompile will be done at deploy time' class_option "bin-cd", type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS["bin-cd"], desc: "modify binstubs to set working directory" class_option "windows", type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS["windows"], desc: "fixup CRLF in binstubs and make each executable" class_option :cache, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.cache, desc: "use build cache to speed up installs" class_option :prepare, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.prepare, desc: "include db:prepare step" class_option :parallel, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.parallel, desc: "use build stages to install gems and node modules in parallel" class_option :swap, type: :string, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.swap, desc: "allocate swapspace" class_option :compose, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.compose, desc: "generate a docker-compose.yml file" class_option :redis, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.redis, desc: "include redis libraries" class_option :sqlite3, aliases: "--sqlite", type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.sqlite3, desc: "include sqlite3 libraries" class_option :sqlserver, aliases: "--sqlserver", type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.sqlserver, desc: "include SQL server libraries" class_option :litefs, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.litefs, desc: "replicate sqlite3 databases using litefs" class_option :postgresql, aliases: "--postgres", type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.postgresql, desc: "include postgresql libraries" class_option :mysql, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.mysql, desc: "include mysql libraries" class_option :platform, type: :string, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.platform, desc: "image platform (example: linux/arm64)" class_option :registry, type: :string, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.registry, desc: "docker registry to use (example: registry.docker.com/library/)" class_option :variant, type: :string, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.variant, desc: "dockerhub image variant (example: slim-bullseye)" class_option :jemalloc, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.jemalloc, desc: "use jemalloc alternative malloc implementation" class_option :fullstaq, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.fullstaq, descr: "use Fullstaq Ruby image from Quay.io" class_option :yjit, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.yjit, desc: "enable YJIT optimizing compiler" class_option :label, type: :hash, default: {}, desc: "Add Docker label(s)" class_option :nginx, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.nginx, desc: "Serve static files with nginx" class_option :passenger, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.passenger, desc: "Serve Rails application with Phusion Passsenger" class_option "max-idle", type: :string, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS["max-idle"], desc: "Exit server after application has been idle for n seconds." class_option :root, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.root, desc: "Run application as root user" class_option :sudo, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.sudo, desc: "Install and configure sudo to enable running as rails with full environment" class_option :sentry, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.sentry, desc: "Install gems and a default initializer for Sentry" class_option :rollbar, type: :boolean, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.rollbar, desc: "Install gem and a default initializer for Rollbar" class_option "migrate", type: :string, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.migrate, desc: "custom migration/db:prepare script" class_option "procfile", type: :string, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS.procfile, desc: "custom procfile to start services" class_option "private-gemserver-domain", type: :string, default: OPTION_DEFAULTS["private-gemserver-domain"], desc: "domain name of a private gemserver used when installing application gems" class_option "add-base", type: :array, default: [], desc: "additional packages to install for both build and deploy" class_option "add-build", type: :array, default: [], desc: "additional packages to install for use during build" class_option "add-deploy", aliases: "--add", type: :array, default: [], desc: "additional packages to install for deployment" class_option "remove-base", type: :array, default: [], desc: "remove from list of base packages" class_option "remove-build", type: :array, default: [], desc: "remove from list of build packages" class_option "remove-deploy", aliases: "--remove", type: :array, default: [], desc: "remove from list of deploy packages" class_option "env-base", type: :hash, default: {}, desc: "additional environment variables for both build and deploy" class_option "env-build", type: :hash, default: {}, desc: "additional environment variables to set during build" class_option "env-deploy", aliases: "--env", type: :hash, default: {}, desc: "additional environment variables to set for deployment" class_option "arg-base", aliases: "--arg", type: :hash, default: {}, desc: "additional build arguments for both build and deploy" class_option "arg-build", type: :hash, default: {}, desc: "additional build arguments to set during build" class_option "arg-deploy", type: :hash, default: {}, desc: "additional build arguments to set for deployment" class_option "instructions-base", type: :string, default: "", desc: "additional instructions to add to the base stage" class_option "instructions-build", type: :string, default: "", desc: "additional instructions to add to the build stage" class_option "instructions-deploy", aliases: "--instructions", type: :string, default: "", desc: "additional instructions to add to the final stage" def generate_app source_paths.push File.expand_path("./templates", __dir__) # merge options options.label.replace(@@labels.merge(options.label).select { |key, value| value != "" }) # gather up options for config file @dockerfile_config = OPTION_DEFAULTS.dup.to_h.stringify_keys options.to_h.each do |option, value| @dockerfile_config[option] = value if @dockerfile_config.include? option end %w(base build deploy).each do |phase| @@packages[phase] += options["add-#{phase}"] @@packages[phase] -= options["remove-#{phase}"] @@packages[phase].uniq! @@packages.delete phase if @@packages[phase].empty? @@vars[phase].merge! options["env-#{phase}"] @@vars[phase].delete_if { |key, value| value.blank? } @@vars.delete phase if @@vars[phase].empty? @@args[phase].merge! options["arg-#{phase}"] @@args[phase].delete_if { |key, value| value.blank? } @@args.delete phase if @@args[phase].empty? @@instructions[phase] ||= options["instructions-#{phase}"] @@instructions.delete phase if @@instructions[phase].empty? end @dockerfile_config["packages"] = @@packages @dockerfile_config["envs"] = @@vars @dockerfile_config["args"] = @@args @dockerfile_config["instructions"] = @@instructions scan_rails_app Bundler.with_original_env { install_gems } template "Dockerfile.erb", "Dockerfile" template "dockerignore.erb", ".dockerignore" if using_node? && node_version =~ (/\A\d+\.\d+\.\d+\z/) template "node-version.erb", ".node-version" end template "docker-entrypoint.erb", "bin/docker-entrypoint" chmod "bin/docker-entrypoint", 0755 & ~File.umask, verbose: false template "docker-compose.yml.erb", "docker-compose.yml" if options.compose if using_litefs? template "litefs.yml.erb", "config/litefs.yml" fly_attach_consul end if File.exist?("fly.toml") && (fly_processes || !options.prepare || options.swap || deploy_database == "sqlite3") if File.stat("fly.toml").size > 0 template "fly.toml.erb", "fly.toml" else toml = fly_make_toml File.write "fly.toml", toml if toml != "" end end if options.sentry? && (not File.exist?("config/initializers/sentry.rb")) template "sentry.rb.erb", "config/initializers/sentry.rb" end if options.rollbar? && (not File.exist?("config/initializers/rollbar.rb")) template "rollbar.rb.erb", "config/initializers/rollbar.rb" end if @gemfile.include?("vite_ruby") package = JSON.load_file("package.json") unless package.dig("scripts", "build") package["scripts"] ||= {} package["scripts"]["build"] = "vite build --outDir public" say_status :update, "package.json" IO.write("package.json", JSON.pretty_generate(package)) end end @dockerfile_config = (@dockerfile_config.to_a - BASE_DEFAULTS.to_h.stringify_keys.to_a).to_h %w(packages envs args instructions).each do |key| @dockerfile_config.delete key if @dockerfile_config[key].empty? end if !@dockerfile_config.empty? template "dockerfile.yml.erb", "config/dockerfile.yml", force: true elsif File.exist? "config/dockerfile.yml" remove_file "config/dockerfile.yml" end end private def render(options) scope = (Class.new do def initialize(obj, locals) @_obj = obj @_locals = locals.yield_self do |hash| return nil if hash.empty? Struct.new(*hash.keys.map(&:to_sym)).new(*hash.values) end end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if @_locals&.respond_to? method @_locals.send method, *args, &block else @_obj.send method, *args, &block end end def get_binding binding end end).new(self, options[:locals] || {}) template = IO.read(File.join(source_paths.last, "_#{options[:partial]}.erb")) ERB.new(template, trim_mode: "-").result(scope.get_binding).strip end def platform if options.platform "--platform=#{options.platform} " else "" end end def run_as_root? options.root? end def using_litefs? options.litefs? end def using_litestack? @gemfile.include?("litestack") end def using_node? return @using_node if @using_node != nil @using_node = File.exist? "package.json" end def using_bun? return @using_bun if @using_bun != nil @using_bun = File.exist?("bun.config.js") || File.exist?("bun.lockb") end def using_redis? # Note: If you have redis installed on your computer, 'rails new` will # automatically add redis to your Gemfile, so having it in your Gemfile is # not a reliable indicator of whether or not your application actually uses # redis. # using_redis? is currently used for two things: actually adding the redis # gem if it is going to be needed in production, and adding a redis # container to docker-compose.yml. Neither of these actions should be done # unless there is an indication that redis is actually being used and not # merely included in the Gemfile. options.redis? or @redis or @gemfile.include?("sidekiq") end def using_execjs? @gemfile.include?("execjs") or @gemfile.include?("grover") end def using_puppeteer? @gemfile.include?("grover") or @gemfile.include?("puppeteer-ruby") end def using_passenger? options.passenger? or options["max-idle"] end def using_sidekiq? @gemfile.include?("sidekiq") end def parallel? using_node? && options.parallel end def has_mysql_gem? @gemfile.include? "mysql2" or using_trilogy? end def using_trilogy? @gemfile.include?("trilogy") || @gemfile.include?("activerecord-trilogy-adapter") end def keeps? return @keeps if @keeps != nil @keeps = !!Dir["**/.keep"] end def install_gems ENV["BUNDLE_IGNORE_MESSAGES"] = "1" gemfile = IO.read("Gemfile") unless /^\s*source\s/.match?(gemfile) gemfile = %{source "https://rubygems.org"\n} + gemfile end if options.postgresql? || @postgresql system "bundle add pg --skip-install" unless @gemfile.include? "pg" end if options.mysql? || @mysql system "bundle add mysql2 --skip-install" unless has_mysql_gem? end if options.redis? || using_redis? system "bundle add redis --skip-install" unless @gemfile.include? "redis" end if options.sentry? system "bundle add sentry-ruby --skip-install" unless @gemfile.include? "sentry-ruby" system "bundle add sentry-rails --skip-install" unless @gemfile.include? "sentry-rails" end if options.rollbar? system "bundle add rollbar --skip-install" unless @gemfile.include? "rollbar" end # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70500220/rails-7-ruby-3-1-loaderror-cannot-load-such-file-net-smtp/70500221#70500221 if @gemfile.include? "mail" %w(net-smtp net-imap net-pop).each do |gem| system "bundle add #{gem} --skip-install --require false" unless @gemfile.include? gem end end unless gemfile == IO.read("Gemfile") system "bundle install --quiet" end if options.lock? # ensure linux platform is in the bundle lock current_platforms = `bundle platform` add_platforms = [] if !current_platforms.include?("x86_64-linux") add_platforms += ["--add-platform=x86_64-linux"] end if !current_platforms.include?("aarch64-linux") && RUBY_PLATFORM.start_with?("arm64") add_platforms += ["--add-platform=aarch64-linux"] end unless add_platforms.empty? system "bundle lock #{add_platforms.join(" ")}" end end end def base_gems gems = ["bundler"] if options.ci? && options.lock? && @gemfile.include?("debug") # https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/47515 # https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/issues/6082#issuecomment-1329756343 gems += %w(irb reline) - @gemfile unless Gem.ruby_version >= Gem::Version.new("3.2.2") end gems.sort end def base_packages packages = [] packages += @@packages["base"] if @@packages["base"] if using_execjs? if node_version == "lts" packages += %w(nodejs npm) else packages += %w(curl) end end if using_puppeteer? packages += %w(curl gnupg) end # charlock_holmes. Placed here as the library itself is # libicu63 in buster, libicu67 in bullseye, libiclu72 in bookworm... packages << "libicu-dev" if @gemfile.include? "charlock_holmes" if @gemfile.include? "webp-ffi" # https://github.com/le0pard/webp-ffi#requirements packages += %w(libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libwebp-dev) end # Passenger packages << "passenger" if using_passenger? packages.sort.uniq end def base_requirements requirements = [] requirements << "nodejs" if using_execjs? requirements << "chrome" if using_puppeteer? requirements << "charlock_holmes" if @gemfile.include? "charlock_holmes" requirements.join(" and ") end def build_packages # start with the essentials packages = %w(build-essential) packages += @@packages["build"] if @@packages["build"] packages += %w(nodejs npm) if (node_version == "lts") && (not using_execjs?) # add databases: sqlite3, postgres, mysql packages << "pkg-config" if options.sqlite3? || @sqlite3 packages << "libpq-dev" if options.postgresql? || @postgresql packages << "freetds-dev" if options.sqlserver? || @sqlserver if (options.mysql? || @mysql) && !using_trilogy? packages << "default-libmysqlclient-dev" end # add git if needed to install gems packages << "git" if @git # ActiveStorage preview support packages << "libvips" if @gemfile.include? "ruby-vips" # Rmagick gem packages += %w[pkg-config libmagickwand-dev] if @gemfile.include? "rmagick" # node support, including support for building native modules if using_node? packages += %w(node-gyp pkg-config) unless using_execjs? || using_puppeteer? packages << "curl" packages << "unzip" if using_bun? end # module build process depends on Python, and debian changed # how python is installed with the bullseye release. Below # is based on debian release included with the Ruby images on # Dockerhub. case RUBY_VERSION when /^2\.7/ bullseye = RUBY_VERSION >= "2.7.4" when /^3\.0/ bullseye = RUBY_VERSION >= "3.0.2" when /^2\./ bullseye = false else bullseye = true end if bullseye packages << "python-is-python3" else packages << "python" end end packages.sort.uniq end def deploy_packages packages = %w(curl) # work with the default healthcheck strategy in MRSK packages += @@packages["deploy"] if @@packages["deploy"] # start with databases: sqlite3, postgres, mysql packages << "postgresql-client" if options.postgresql? || @postgresql packages << "default-mysql-client" if options.mysql? || @mysql packages << "freetds-bin" if options.sqlserver? || @sqlserver packages << "libjemalloc2" if options.jemalloc? && !options.fullstaq? if options.sqlite3? || @sqlite3 packages << "libsqlite3-0" unless packages.include? "sqlite3" end # litefs packages += ["ca-certificates", "fuse3", "sudo"] if options.litefs? # ActiveStorage preview support packages << "libvips" if @gemfile.include? "ruby-vips" # Rmagick gem if @gemfile.include?("rmagick") || @gemfile.include?("mini_magick") packages << "imagemagick" end # Puppeteer if using_puppeteer? if options.platform&.include? "amd" packages << "google-chrome-stable" else packages += %w(chromium chromium-sandbox) end end # Passenger packages << "libnginx-mod-http-passenger" if using_passenger? # nginx packages << "nginx" if options.nginx? || using_passenger? # sudo packages << "sudo" if options.sudo? if !options.procfile.blank? || (procfile.size > 1) packages << "ruby-foreman" end packages.sort end def base_repos repos = [] packages = [] if using_passenger? packages += %w(gnupg curl) repos += [ "curl https://oss-binaries.phusionpassenger.com/auto-software-signing-gpg-key.txt |", " gpg --dearmor > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/phusion.gpg &&", "bash -c 'echo deb https://oss-binaries.phusionpassenger.com/apt/passenger $(source /etc/os-release; echo $VERSION_CODENAME) main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/passenger.list'" ] end if repos.empty? "" else packages.sort!.uniq! unless packages.empty? repos.unshift "apt-get update -qq &&", "apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y #{packages.join(" ")} &&" end repos.join(" \\\n ") + " && \\\n " end end def deploy_repos repos = [] packages = [] if using_puppeteer? && deploy_packages.include?("google-chrome-stable") packages += %w(gnupg curl) repos += [ "curl https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub |", " gpg --dearmor > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/google-archive.gpg &&", 'echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list' ] end if repos.empty? "" else packages.sort!.uniq! unless packages.empty? repos.unshift "apt-get update -qq &&", "apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y #{packages.join(" ")} &&" end repos.join(" \\\n ") + " && \\\n " end end def base_env env = { "RAILS_ENV" => "production", "BUNDLE_WITHOUT" => options.ci? ? "development" : "development:test" } if options.lock? env["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] = "1" end if using_litestack? env["LITESTACK_DATA_PATH"] = "/data" end if @@args["base"] env.merge! @@args["base"].to_h { |key, value| [key, "$#{key}"] } end env.merge! @@vars["base"] if @@vars["base"] env.map { |key, value| "#{key}=#{value.inspect}" } end def build_env env = {} if using_execjs? && (node_version != "lts") env["PATH"] = "/usr/local/node/bin:$PATH" end if using_puppeteer? env["PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD"] = "true" end if @@args["build"] env.merge! @@args["build"].to_h { |key, value| [key, "$#{key}"] } end env.merge! @@vars["build"] if @@vars["build"] env.map { |key, value| "#{key}=#{value.inspect}" } end def deploy_env env = {} env["PORT"] = "3001" if (options.nginx? && !using_passenger?) || using_litefs? if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 7 || Rails::VERSION::STRING.start_with?("7.0") env["RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT"] = "1" env["RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES"] = "true" unless options.nginx? end if deploy_database == "sqlite3" if using_litefs? env["DATABASE_URL"] = "sqlite3:///litefs/production.sqlite3" else env["DATABASE_URL"] = "sqlite3:///data/production.sqlite3" end end if options.yjit? env["RUBY_YJIT_ENABLE"] = "1" end if options.jemalloc? && !options.fullstaq? env["LD_PRELOAD"] = "libjemalloc.so.2" env["MALLOC_CONF"] = "dirty_decay_ms:1000,narenas:2,background_thread:true" end if using_puppeteer? env["GROVER_NO_SANDBOX"] = "true" if @gemfile.include? "grover" env["PUPPETEER_RUBY_NO_SANDBOX"] = "1" if @gemfile.include? "puppeteer-ruby" if options.platform&.include? "amd" env["PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH"] = "/usr/bin/google-chrome" else env["PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH"] = "/usr/bin/chromium" end end if @@args["deploy"] env.merge! @@args["deploy"].to_h { |key, value| [key, "$#{key}"] } end env.merge! @@vars["deploy"] if @@vars["deploy"] env.map { |key, value| "#{key}=#{value.inspect}" }.sort end def base_args args = {} args.merge! @@args["base"] if @@args["base"] args end def build_args args = {} args.merge! @@args["build"] if @@args["build"] args end def deploy_args args = {} args.merge! @@args["deploy"] if @@args["deploy"] args end def all_args args = {} unless options.root? args[:UID] = "${UID:-1000}".html_safe args[:GID] = "${GID:-${UID:-1000}}".html_safe end args.merge! base_args args.merge! build_args args.merge! deploy_args args end def base_instructions return nil unless @@instructions["base"] instructions = IO.read @@instructions["base"] if instructions.start_with? "#!" instructions = "# custom instructions\nRUN #{@instructions["base"].strip}" end instructions.html_safe end def build_instructions return nil unless @@instructions["build"] instructions = IO.read @@instructions["build"] if instructions.start_with? "#!" instructions = "# custom build instructions\nRUN #{@instructions["build"].strip}" end instructions.html_safe end def deploy_instructions return nil unless @@instructions["deploy"] instructions = IO.read @@instructions["deploy"] if instructions.start_with? "#!" instructions = "# custom deploy instructions\nRUN #{@instructions["deploy"].strip}" end instructions.html_safe end def binfile_fixups # binfiles may have OS specific paths to ruby. Normalize them. shebangs = Dir["bin/*"].map do |file| IO.read(file).lines.first.encode("UTF-8", "binary", invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: "") end.join rubies = shebangs.scan(%r{#!/usr/bin/env (ruby.*)}).flatten.uniq binfixups = (rubies - %w(ruby)).map do |ruby| "sed -i 's/#{Regexp.quote(ruby)}$/ruby/' bin/*" end # Windows line endings will cause scripts to fail. If any # or found OR this generation is run on a windows platform # and there are other binfixups required, then convert # line endings. This avoids adding unnecessary fixups if # none are required, but prepares for the need to do the # fix line endings if other fixups are required. has_cr = Dir["bin/*"].any? { |file| IO.read(file).include? "\r" } if has_cr || (Gem.win_platform? && !binfixups.empty?) || options.windows? binfixups.unshift 'sed -i "s/\r$//g" bin/*' end # Windows file systems may not have the concept of executable. # In such cases, fix up during the build. if Dir["bin/*"].any? { |file| !File.executable?(file) } || options.windows? binfixups.unshift "chmod +x bin/*" end # optionally, adjust cwd if options["bin-cd"] binfixups.push %{grep -l '#!/usr/bin/env ruby' /rails/bin/* | xargs sed -i '/^#!/aDir.chdir File.expand_path("..", __dir__)'} end binfixups end def deploy_database # note: as database can be overridden at runtime via DATABASE_URL, # use presence of "pg" or "mysql2" in the bundle as evidence of intent. if options.postgresql? || @postgresql || @gemfile.include?("pg") "postgresql" elsif options.mysql? || @mysql || has_mysql_gem? "mysql" elsif options.sqlserver || @sqlserver "sqlserver" else "sqlite3" end end def node_version version = nil if File.exist? ".node-version" version = IO.read(".node-version")[/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/] end if !version && File.exist?("package.json") version = JSON.parse(IO.read("package.json")).dig("engines", "node") version = nil unless /\A(\d+\.)+(\d+|x)\z/.match?(version) end version || `node --version`[/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/] rescue "lts" end def yarn_version package = JSON.parse(IO.read("package.json")) if ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "test" # yarn install instructions changed in v2 version = "1.22.19" elsif package["packageManager"].to_s.start_with? "yarn@" version = package["packageManager"].sub("yarn@", "") else version = `yarn --version`[/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/] || "1.22.19" system "yarn set version #{version}" package = JSON.parse(IO.read("package.json")) # apparently not all versions of yarn will update package.json... end unless package["packageManager"] package["packageManager"] = "yarn@#{version}" IO.write("package.json", JSON.pretty_generate(package)) end version rescue "latest" end def bun_version version = `bun --version`[/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/] rescue nil version ||= `npm show bun version`[/\d+\.\d+\.\d+/] rescue nil version end def depend_on_bootsnap? @gemfile.include? "bootsnap" end def api_only? Rails.application.config.api_only end # scan for node clients. Do a wide scan if api_only?, otherwise look # for specific directories. def api_client_dir if api_only? scan = "*/package.json" else scan = "{client,frontend}/package.json" end file = Dir[scan].find do |file| JSON.load_file(file).dig("scripts", "build") end file && File.dirname(file) end def api_client_files client = api_client_dir return unless client Dir["#{client}/{package.json,package-lock.json,yarn.lock,bun.lockb}"] end def dbprep_command if !options.migrate.blank? options.migrate elsif Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 6 "./bin/rails db:prepare" else "./bin/rails db:migrate" end end def procfile if using_passenger? { nginx: "nginx" } elsif options.nginx? { nginx: '/usr/sbin/nginx -g "daemon off;"', rails: "./bin/rails server -p 3001" } else { rails: "./bin/rails server" } end end def fly_processes return unless File.exist? "fly.toml" return unless using_sidekiq? if procfile.size > 1 list = { "app" => "foreman start --procfile=Procfile.prod" } else list = { "app" => procfile.values.first } end list["sidekiq"] = "bundle exec sidekiq" list end def more_docker_ignores more = "" if @gemfile.include?("vite_ruby") lines = IO.read(".gitignore")[/^# Vite.*?\n\n/m].to_s.chomp.lines - ["node_modules\n"] more += "\n" + lines.join end more end def max_idle option = options["max-idle"] if option == nil || option.strip.downcase == "infinity" nil elsif /^\s*\d+(\.\d+)\s*/.match? option option.to_f elsif /^\s*P/.match? option ActiveSupport::Duration.parse(option.strip).seconds else option.scan(/\d+\w/).map do |t| ActiveSupport::Duration.parse("PT#{t.upcase}") rescue ActiveSupport::Duration.parse("P#{t.upcase}") end.sum.seconds end rescue ArgumentError nil end # Takes the domain of the private gemserver and returns the name of the # environment variable, as expected by bundler. # # For example, if the domain is "gems.example.com", the environment variable # name will be "BUNDLE_GEMS__EXAMPLE__COM". def private_gemserver_env_variable_name option = options["private-gemserver-domain"] return nil if option.blank? "BUNDLE_#{option.upcase.gsub(".", "__")}" end # if running on fly v2, make a best effort to attach consul def fly_attach_consul # certainly not fly unless there is a fly.toml return unless File.exist? "fly.toml" # Check fly.toml to guess if v1 or v2 toml = File.read("fly.toml") return if toml.include?("enable_consul") # v1-ism return unless toml.include?("primary_region") # v2 # see if flyctl is in the path paths = ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) cmds = %w(flyctl) exts = ENV["PATHEXT"] ? ENV["PATHEXT"].split(";") : [""] flyctl = Enumerator.product(paths, cmds, exts). map { |path, cmd, ext| File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") }. find { |path| File.executable? path } return unless flyctl # see if secret is already set? begin secrets = JSON.parse(`#{flyctl} secrets list --json`) return if secrets.any? { |secret| secret["Name"] == "FLY_CONSUL_URL" } rescue return # likely got an error like "Could not find App" end # attach consul say_status :execute, "flyctl consul attach", :green system "#{flyctl} consul attach" end def fly_make_toml toml = File.read("fly.toml") list = fly_processes if list if toml.include? "[processes]" toml.sub!(/\[processes\].*?(\n\n|\n?\z)/m, "[processes]\n" + list.map { |name, cmd| " #{name} = #{cmd.inspect}" }.join("\n") + '\1') else toml += "\n[processes]\n" + list.map { |name, cmd| " #{name} = #{cmd.inspect}\n" }.join app = list.has_key?("app") ? "app" : list.keys.first toml.sub! "[http_service]\n", "\\0 processes = [#{app.inspect}]\n" end end if options.prepare == false deploy = "[deploy]\n release_command = #{dbprep_command.inspect}\n\n" if toml.include? "[deploy]" toml.sub!(/\[deploy\].*?(\n\n|\n?\z)/m, deploy) else toml += deploy end end if deploy_database == "sqlite3" if not toml.include? "[mounts]" toml += "[mounts]\n source=\"data\"\n destination=\"/data\"\n\n" end end if options.swap suffixes = { "kib" => 1024, "k" => 1024, "kb" => 1000, "mib" => 1048576, "m" => 1048576, "mb" => 100000, "gib" => 1073741824, "g" => 1073741824, "gb" => 100000000, } pattern = Regexp.new("^(\\d+)(#{suffixes.keys.join('|')})?$", "i") match = pattern.match(options.swap.downcase) if match size = ((match[1].to_i * (suffixes[match[2]] || 1)) / 1048576.0).round toml += "swap_size_mb = #{size}" end end toml end end