# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'al-test-utils' class TestSyntax < Test::Unit::TestCase include AlTestUtils include ActiveLdap::Helper SYNTAXES = \ [ "( DESC 'UUID' )", "( DESC 'RFC2307 Boot Parameter' )", "( DESC 'RFC2307 NIS Netgroup Triple' )", "( DESC 'Telex Number' )", "( DESC 'Telephone Number' )", "( DESC 'Supported Algorithm' " + "X-BINARY-TRANSFER-REQUIRED 'TRUE' X-NOT-HUMAN-READABLE 'TRUE' )", "( DESC 'SubtreeSpecification' )", "( DESC 'Printable String' )", "( DESC 'Postal Address' )", "( DESC 'Octet String' )", "( DESC 'Other Mailbox' )", "( DESC 'OID' )", "( DESC 'Numeric String' )", "( DESC 'Name And Optional UID' )", "( DESC 'JPEG' X-NOT-HUMAN-READABLE 'TRUE' )", "( DESC 'Integer' )", "( DESC 'IA5 String' )", "( DESC 'Generalized Time' )", "( DESC 'Facsimile Telephone Number' )", "( DESC 'Directory String' )", "( DESC 'Delivery Method' )", "( DESC 'RDN' )", "( DESC 'Distinguished Name' )", "( DESC 'Country String' )", "( DESC 'Certificate Pair' " + "X-BINARY-TRANSFER-REQUIRED 'TRUE' X-NOT-HUMAN-READABLE 'TRUE' )", "( DESC 'Certificate List' " + "X-BINARY-TRANSFER-REQUIRED 'TRUE' X-NOT-HUMAN-READABLE 'TRUE' )", "( DESC 'Certificate' " + "X-BINARY-TRANSFER-REQUIRED 'TRUE' X-NOT-HUMAN-READABLE 'TRUE' )", "( DESC 'Boolean' )", "( DESC 'Bit String' )", "( DESC 'Binary' X-NOT-HUMAN-READABLE 'TRUE' )", "( DESC 'Audio' X-NOT-HUMAN-READABLE 'TRUE' )" ] def setup @schema = ActiveLdap::Schema.new("ldapSyntaxes" => SYNTAXES.dup) @syntaxes = {} @schema.ldap_syntaxes.each do |syntax| @syntaxes[syntax.description] = syntax end end def teardown end priority :must def test_id_with_length id = "" syntax = ActiveLdap::Schema::Syntax.new(id, @schema) assert_equal([id, nil], [syntax.id, syntax.length]) syntax = ActiveLdap::Schema::Syntax.new("#{id}{128}", @schema) assert_equal([id, 128], [syntax.id, syntax.length]) end priority :normal def test_bit_string_type_cast assert_type_cast_without_validation(nil, nil, 'Bit String') assert_type_cast("0101111101", "'0101111101'B", 'Bit String') end def test_boolean_type_cast assert_type_cast_without_validation(nil, nil, 'Boolean') assert_type_cast(true, "TRUE", "Boolean") assert_type_cast(false, "FALSE", "Boolean") end def test_boolean_normalize_value assert_normalize_value("TRUE", true, 'Boolean') assert_normalize_value("TRUE", "1", 'Boolean') assert_normalize_value("FALSE", false, 'Boolean') assert_normalize_value("FALSE", "0", 'Boolean') end def test_dn_type_cast assert_type_cast_without_validation(nil, nil, 'Distinguished Name') assert_dn_type_cast("cn=test", 'Distinguished Name') end def test_generalized_time_type_cast assert_type_cast_without_validation(nil, nil, "Generalized Time") assert_type_cast(Time.parse("1994/12/16 10:32:12"), "19941216103212", "Generalized Time") assert_type_cast(Time.parse("1994/12/16 10:32:12Z"), "19941216103212Z", "Generalized Time") assert_type_cast(Time.parse("1994/12/16 10:32:12.345 +09:00"), "19941216103212.345+0900", "Generalized Time") begin Time.utc(1601) assert_type_cast(Time.utc(1601, 1, 1, 0, 4, 17), "16010101000417.0Z", "Generalized Time") rescue ArgumentError assert_type_cast(Time.at(0), "16010101000417.0Z", "Generalized Time") end begin Time.at(-1) rescue ArgumentError if $!.message == "argument out of range" assert_type_cast(Time.parse("1969/12/31 23:59:59 +00:00"), "19691231235959+0000", "Generalized Time") end end end def test_integer_type_cast assert_type_cast_without_validation(nil, nil, "Generalized Time") assert_type_cast(1321, "1321", "Integer") end def test_bit_string_validate assert_valid("'0101111101'B", 'Bit String') assert_valid("''B", 'Bit String') value = "0101111101'B" assert_invalid(_("%s doesn't have the first \"'\"") % value.inspect, value, 'Bit String') value = "'0101111101'" assert_invalid(_("%s doesn't have the last \"'B\"") % value.inspect, value, 'Bit String') value = "'0101111101B" assert_invalid(_("%s doesn't have the last \"'B\"") % value.inspect, value, 'Bit String') value = "'0A'B" assert_invalid(_("%s has invalid character '%s'") % [value.inspect, "A"], value, 'Bit String') end def test_boolean_validate assert_valid("TRUE", "Boolean") assert_valid("FALSE", "Boolean") value = "true" assert_invalid(_("%s should be TRUE or FALSE") % value.inspect, value, "Boolean") end def test_country_string_validate assert_valid("ja", "Country String") assert_valid("JA", "Country String") value = "japan" assert_invalid(_("%s should be just 2 printable characters") % value.inspect, value, "Country String") end def test_dn_validate assert_valid("cn=test", 'Distinguished Name') assert_valid("CN=Steve Kille,O=Isode Limited,C=GB", 'Distinguished Name') assert_valid("OU=Sales+CN=J. Smith,O=Widget Inc.,C=US", 'Distinguished Name') assert_valid("CN=L. Eagle,O=Sue\\, Grabbit and Runn,C=GB", 'Distinguished Name') assert_valid("CN=Before\\0DAfter,O=Test,C=GB", 'Distinguished Name') assert_valid(",O=Test,C=GB", 'Distinguished Name') assert_valid("SN=Lu\\C4\\8Di\\C4\\87", 'Distinguished Name') value = "test" params = [value, _("attribute value is missing")] assert_invalid(_('%s is invalid distinguished name (DN): %s') % params, value, 'Distinguished Name') end def test_directory_string_validate assert_valid("This is a string of DirectoryString containing \#!%\#@", "Directory String") assert_valid("これはDirectoryString文字列です。", "Directory String") value = "これはDirectoryString文字列です。" if value.respond_to?(:encode) value = value.encode("euc-jp") else value = NKF.nkf("-We", value) end assert_invalid(_("%s has invalid UTF-8 character") % value.inspect, value, "Directory String") end def test_generalized_time_validate assert_valid("19941216103201", "Generalized Time") assert_valid("19941216103212Z", "Generalized Time") assert_valid("19941216103230+0900", "Generalized Time") assert_valid("20080107034615.0Z", "Generalized Time") assert_valid("20080107034615,123-0900", "Generalized Time") value = "1994" params = [value.inspect, %w(month day hour minute second).join(", ")] assert_invalid(_("%s has missing components: %s") % params, value, "Generalized Time") value = "199412161032" params = [value.inspect, %w(second).join(", ")] assert_invalid(_("%s has missing components: %s") % params, value, "Generalized Time") end def test_integer_validate assert_valid("1321", "Integer") assert_invalid_integer("13.5") assert_invalid_integer("string") end def test_jpeg_validate assert_valid([0xffd8].pack("n"), "JPEG") assert_invalid(_("invalid JPEG format"), "", "JPEG") assert_invalid(_("invalid JPEG format"), "jpeg", "JPEG") end def test_name_and_optional_uid_validate assert_valid(",O=Test,C=GB#'0101'B", "Name And Optional UID") assert_valid("cn=test", "Name And Optional UID") value = "test" params = [value, _("attribute value is missing")] assert_invalid(_('%s is invalid distinguished name (DN): %s') % params, value, "Name And Optional UID") bit_string = "'00x'B" params = [bit_string.inspect, "x"] assert_invalid(_("%s has invalid character '%s'") % params, "cn=test\##{bit_string}", "Name And Optional UID") end def test_numeric_string_validate assert_valid("1997", "Numeric String") assert_invalid_numeric_string("-3") assert_invalid_numeric_string("-3.5") assert_invalid_numeric_string("string") end def test_oid_validate assert_valid("", "OID") assert_valid("cn", "OID") assert_invalid_oid("\#@!", "attribute type is missing") end def test_other_mailbox_validate assert_valid("smtp$bob@example.com", "Other Mailbox") value = "smtp" assert_invalid(_("%s has no mailbox") % value.inspect, value, "Other Mailbox") value = "smtp$" assert_invalid(_("%s has no mailbox") % value.inspect, value, "Other Mailbox") value = "$bob@example.com" assert_invalid(_("%s has no mailbox type") % value.inspect, value, "Other Mailbox") value = "!$bob@example.com" params = [value.inspect, "!"] reason = _("%s has unprintable character in mailbox type: '%s'") % params assert_invalid(reason, value, "Other Mailbox") end def test_postal_address_validate assert_valid("1234 Main St.$Anytown, CA 12345$USA", "Postal Address") assert_valid("\\241,000,000 Sweepstakes$PO Box 1000000$Anytown, " + "CA 12345$USA", "Postal Address") assert_valid("$", "Postal Address") assert_valid("1234 Main St.$", "Postal Address") assert_invalid(_("empty string"), "", "Postal Address") value = "東京" if value.respond_to?(:encode) value = value.encode("euc-jp") else value = NKF.nkf("-We", value) end assert_invalid(_("%s has invalid UTF-8 character") % value.inspect, value, "Postal Address") end def test_printable_string_validate assert_valid("This is a PrintableString", "Printable String") assert_invalid(_("empty string"), "", "Printable String") value = "abc!def" params = [value.inspect, "!"] reason = _("%s has unprintable character: '%s'") % params assert_invalid(reason, value, "Printable String") value = "abcあdef" params = [value.inspect, "あ"] reason = _("%s has unprintable character: '%s'") % params assert_invalid(reason, value, "Printable String") end def test_telephone_number_validate assert_valid("+1 512 305 0280", "Telephone Number") assert_valid("", "Telephone Number") value = "+1 5!2 305 0280" params = [value.inspect, "!"] reason = _("%s has unprintable character: '%s'") % params assert_invalid(reason, value, "Telephone Number") end private def assert_valid(value, syntax_name) assert_nil(@syntaxes[syntax_name].validate(value)) end def assert_invalid(reason, value, syntax_name) assert_equal(reason, @syntaxes[syntax_name].validate(value)) end def assert_invalid_integer(value) assert_invalid(_("%s is invalid integer format") % value.inspect, value, "Integer") end def assert_invalid_numeric_string(value) assert_invalid(_("%s is invalid numeric format") % value.inspect, value, "Numeric String") end def assert_invalid_oid(value, reason=nil) if reason message = _("%s is invalid OID format: %s") % [value.inspect, _(reason)] else message = _("%s is invalid OID format") % value.inspect end assert_invalid(message, value, "OID") end def assert_type_cast_without_validation(type_casted_value, original_value, syntax_name) syntax = @syntaxes[syntax_name] assert_equal(type_casted_value, syntax.type_cast(original_value)) assert_equal(type_casted_value, syntax.type_cast(type_casted_value)) end def assert_type_cast(type_casted_value, original_value, syntax_name) assert_type_cast_without_validation(type_casted_value, original_value, syntax_name) assert_valid(type_casted_value, syntax_name) end def assert_dn_type_cast(original_value, syntax_name) assert_type_cast(ActiveLdap::DN.parse(original_value), original_value, syntax_name) end def assert_normalize_value(normalized_value, original_value, syntax_name) syntax = @syntaxes[syntax_name] assert_equal(normalized_value, syntax.normalize_value(original_value)) end end