require 'spec_helper' module Naf describe Application do let!(:app) { FactoryGirl.create(:application) } # Mass-assignment [:title, :command, :application_type_id, :log_level, :short_name, :deleted, :application_schedule, :application_schedule_attributes].each do |a| it { should allow_mass_assignment_of(a) } end [:id, :created_at, :updated_at].each do |a| it { should_not allow_mass_assignment_of(a) } end #--------------------- # *** Associations *** #+++++++++++++++++++++ it { should belong_to(:application_type) } it { should have_one(:application_schedule) } it { should have_many(:historical_jobs) } #-------------------- # *** Validations *** #++++++++++++++++++++ it { should validate_presence_of(:application_type_id) } it { should validate_presence_of(:command) } it { should validate_presence_of(:title) } it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:title) } it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:short_name) } ['', 'aa', 'aA', 'Aa', 'AA', '_a', 'a1', 'A1', '_9'].each do |v| it { should allow_value(v).for(:short_name) } end ['1_', '3A', '9a'].each do |v| it { should_not allow_value(v).for(:short_name) } end context "upon creation" do let(:app_base) {, command: "::Naf::HistoricalJob.test hello_world", title: "Test Hello World") } let(:incomplete_app_base) { :application_base) } it "should save with a command and title specified" do be_true end it "should not save without a command or a title" do be_true end context "with regard to the title" do it "should not save when another title is taken" do app_2 =, title: app.title) be_true app_2.should have(1).error_on(:title) end end end #-------------------- # *** Delegations *** #++++++++++++++++++++ context "with regard to delegation" do let(:application_type) { app.application_type } it "should delegate the script_type_name" do application_type.should_receive(:script_type_name) app.script_type_name end end #------------------------- # *** Instance Methods *** #+++++++++++++++++++++++++ describe "#to_s" do before do app.update_attributes!(title: 'App1') end it "return correct parsing of app" do app.to_s.should == "::Naf::Application" end end describe "#last_queued_job" do it "return correct queued job" do queued_job1 = FactoryGirl.create(:queued_job, application_id: queued_job1.historical_job.update_attributes!(application_id: queued_job2 = FactoryGirl.create(:queued_job, application_id: queued_job2.historical_job.update_attributes!(application_id: app.last_queued_job.should == queued_job2.historical_job end it "return nil when there are no jobs" do app.last_queued_job.should == nil end end describe "#short_name_if_it_exist" do it "return app's short_name" do app.update_attributes!(short_name: 'App1') app.short_name_if_it_exist.should == 'App1' end it "return app's title" do app.short_name = nil app.update_attributes!(title: 'Application 1') app.short_name_if_it_exist.should == 'Application 1' end end end end