module Avo module TestHelpers # Finds the wrapper element on the index view for the given field id and type, and associated with the given record id # Example usage: # index_field_wrapper(id: "name", type: "text", record_id: 2) # index_field_wrapper(id: "name", record_id: 2) def index_field_wrapper(id:, record_id:, type: nil) base_data = "#{row(record_id)} [data-field-id='#{id}']" if type.present? find("#{base_data}[data-resource-index-target='#{wrapper_name_for(id: id, type: type)}']") else find(base_data) end end # Finds the wrapper element on the index grid view type for the given record id # Example usage: # grid_field_wrapper(record_id: 5) def grid_field_wrapper(record_id:) find("[data-component-name='avo/index/grid_item_component'][data-resource-id='#{record_id}']") end # Finds the wrapper element on the show view for the given field id and type # Example usage: # show_field_wrapper(id: "name", type: "text") # show_field_wrapper(id: "name") def show_field_wrapper(id:, type: nil) base_data = "[data-panel-id='main'] [data-field-id='#{id}']" if type.present? find("#{base_data}[data-resource-show-target='#{wrapper_name_for(id: id, type: type)}']") else find(base_data) end end # Finds the table on the show view for the given has_many field id and view # Example usage: # has_many_field_wrapper(id: :users) # has_many_field_wrapper(id: :users, view: :edit) def has_many_field_wrapper(id:, view: :show) related_field_context(id: id, relation: :has_many, view: view) end # Finds the table on the show view for the given has_and_belongs_to_many field id and view # Example usage: # has_and_belongs_to_many_field_wrapper(id: :users) # has_and_belongs_to_many_field_wrapper(id: :users, view: :edit) def has_and_belongs_to_many_field_wrapper(id:, view: :show) related_field_context(id: id, relation: :has_and_belongs_to_many, view: view) end # Finds the table on the show view for the given has_one field id and view # Example usage: # has_one_field_wrapper(id: :users) # has_one_field_wrapper(id: :users, view: :edit) def has_one_field_wrapper(id:, view: :show) related_field_context(id: id, relation: :has_one, view: view) end # Finds the label element on the index view for the given field id # Example usage: # index_field_label(id: "name") def index_field_label(id:) find("[data-component-name='avo/partials/table_header'] [data-table-header-field-id='#{id}']").text end # Finds the label element on the show view for the given field id # Example usage: # show_field_label(id: "name") def show_field_label(id:) within(show_field_wrapper(id: id)) { find("[data-slot='label']").text } end # Finds the value element on the index view for the given field id # Example usage: # index_field_value(id: "name", record_id: 2) def index_field_value(id:, record_id:, type: nil) index_field_wrapper(id: id, record_id: record_id, type: type).text end # Finds the value element on the show view for the given field id # Example usage: # show_field_value(id: "name") def show_field_value(id:, type: nil) within(show_field_wrapper(id: id, type: type)) { find("[data-slot='value']").text } end def empty_dash "—" end # Example usage: # click_resource_search_input # opens the first search box on the given page # opens the search box for the "users" resource # within(has_and_belongs_to_many_field_wrapper(id: :users)) { # click_resource_search_input # write_in_search("Bob") # } def click_resource_search_input first("[data-search-resource]:not([data-search-resource='global'])").click wait_for_search_loaded end def click_global_search_input page.find(:xpath, "//*[contains(@class, 'global-search')]").click wait_for_search_loaded end # Should use the click_global_search_input or click_resource_search_input method to open the search box first. # Example usage: # open_search_box(:users) # within(has_and_belongs_to_many_field_wrapper(id: :users)) { # click_resource_search_input # opens the search box for the "users" resource # write_in_search("Bob") # } def write_in_search(input) # Use xpath to find outside of within context if any find(:xpath, "//input[@class='aa-Input']").set(input) wait_for_search_loaded end # Should use the click_global_search_input or click_resource_search_input method to open the search box first and optionaly write_in_search. # Example usage: # open_search_box(:users) # opens the search box for the "users" resource # write_in_search("John Doe") # select_first_result_in_search def select_first_result_in_search type :down, :enter rescue find(".aa-Input").send_keys :arrow_down find(".aa-Input").send_keys :enter ensure wait_for_search_loaded end # Save a record and wait for the page to load # For most cases `.click` works # Sometimes other element may be overlapping the button so the `.trigger("click")` solves the issue # Trigger can't be used by default because it breaks on some feature specs def save button = find("button.button-component", text: "Save") rescue Capybara::Cuprite::MouseEventFailed button.trigger("click") ensure wait_for_loaded end def click_tab(tab_name = "", within_target: nil, **args) if within_target.present? within within_target do within find('[data-controller="tabs"] [data-tabs-target="tabSwitcher"]') do find_link(tab_name).trigger("click") end end else within find('[data-controller="tabs"] [data-tabs-target="tabSwitcher"]') do find_link(tab_name).trigger("click") end end wait_for_loaded end def tab_group(index = 0) find_all('[data-controller="tabs"]')[index] end def first_tab_group tab_group 0 end def second_tab_group tab_group 1 end def third_tab_group tab_group 3 end def click_on_sidebar_item(label) within main_sidebar do click_on label end end def set_picker_day(date) find(".flatpickr-day[aria-label=\"#{date}\"]").click sleep 0.2 end def set_picker_hour(value) find(".flatpickr-hour").set(value) end def set_picker_minute(value) find(".flatpickr-minute").set(value) end def set_picker_second(value) find(".flatpickr-second").set(value) end def open_picker end def close_picker find('[data-target="title"]').trigger("click") sleep 0.3 end # Click on the action from the panel (index and show above the table) # Pass list: nil to run an action outside of the list # Pass list: "List name" if list is not the default "Actions" # Example usage: # open_panel_action(action_name: "Dummy action") # open_panel_action(list: nil, action_name: "Release fish") # open_panel_action(list: "Runnables", action_name: "Release fish") def open_panel_action(action_name:, list: "Actions") open_action(action_name: action_name, list: list, context: first("[data-target='panel-tools']")) end # Open the action from the record_id row # Pass list: nil to run an action outside of the list # Pass list: "List name" if list is not the default "Actions" # Example usage: # open_row_action(action_name: "Dummy action") # open_row_action(list: nil, action_name: "Release fish") # open_row_action(list: "Runnables", action_name: "Release fish") def open_row_action(record_id:, action_name:, list: "Actions") open_action(action_name: action_name, list: list, context: row(record_id)) end # Click on submit action button if dialog is open def run_action within(find("[role='dialog']")) do find("[data-target='submit_action']").click end wait_for_action_dialog_to_disappear end def check_select_all find("input[type='checkbox'][name='Select all'][data-action='input->item-select-all#toggle']").set(true) end def toggle_collapsable(section) find("[data-action='click->menu#triggerCollapse'][data-menu-key-param*='main_menu.#{section.underscore}'] svg").click end # Example usage: # expect(add_tag(field: :tags, tag: "one")).to eq ["one"] # add_tag(field: :tags, tag: "two") def add_tag(field:, tag:) # Find the input field for the specified field and click it find("[data-field-id='#{field}'] [data-slot='value'] [role='textbox']").click # Enter the specified tag into the input field type tag, :return wait_for_tag_to_appear(tag) # Return an array of the current tags tags(field: field) end # Example usage: # expect(remove_tag(field: :tags, tag: "one")).to eq ["three"] # remove_tag(field: :tags, tag: "one") def remove_tag(field:, tag:) # Within the specified field within("[data-field-id='#{field}'] [data-slot='value']") do # Find the tag with the specified text and click the remove button for the tag page.find(".tagify__tag", text: tag).find(".tagify__tag__removeBtn").click wait_for_tag_to_disappear(tag) end # Return an array of the current tags tags(field: field) end # Example usage: # expect(tags(field: :tags)).to eq ["one", "two", "three"] # expect(tags(field: :tags)).to eq [] def tags(field:) # Find all elements with class 'tagify__tag' # Map the elements to their 'label' attribute values and return the array of labels page.all(".tagify__tag").map { |element| element[:label] } end # Example usage: # expect(tag_suggestions(field: :tags, input: "")).to eq ["one", "two", "three"] # expect(tag_suggestions(field: :tags, input: "t")).to eq ["two", "three"] def tag_suggestions(field:, input:) # Find the input field for the specified tag field input_area = find("[data-field-id='#{field}'] [data-slot='value'] [role='textbox']") # If the input argument is present, enter it into the input field # Else, set input to "open" than to " " to trigger dropdown if input.present? input_area.set(input) else input_area.set("open") input_area.set(" ") end wait_for_tag_suggestions_to_appear # Find all elements with class 'tagify_dropdown_item' within the dropdown # Map the elements to their 'label' attribute values and return the array of labels page.all(".tagify__dropdown__item").map { |element| element[:label] } end def type(...) page.driver.browser.keyboard.type(...) end private # Returns the name of the wrapper element for the given field id and type def wrapper_name_for(id:, type:) "#{id.camelize(:lower)}#{type.camelize}Wrapper" end # Finds the context element for the related field with the given id, relation, and view # ex: has_and_belongs_to_many_users = related_field_context(id: :users, relation: :has_and_belongs_to_many) # Now on the returend element you can do: # first_name_wrapper = within has_and_belongs_to_many_users do # index_field_wrapper(id: "first_name", type: "text", record_id: 7) # end def related_field_context(id:, relation:, view: :show) turbo_frame = "#{relation}_field_#{view}_#{id}" find("[id='#{turbo_frame}']") end def main_sidebar find('[data-sidebar-target="sidebar"]') end # Opens an action. If a list is provided, it will click on the list first # and then find the specified action name within the panel. # If no list is present, it will directly click on the action link. def open_action(action_name:, list:, context:, &block) within(context) do if list.present? sleep 0.1 click_on list within("[data-toggle-target='panel']") do find("a[data-action-name='#{action_name}']").click end else click_link(action_name) end end expect(page).to have_selector(modal = "[role='dialog']") # Within the dialog, ensure that the action name is present within(find(modal)) do expect(page).to have_content(action_name) end end def row(id) "[data-component-name='avo/index/table_row_component'][data-resource-id='#{id}']" end end end