module Api module V1 class FinancialTxnsController < BaseController def index sort = nil dir = nil limit = nil start = nil unless params[:sort].blank? sort_hash = params[:sort].blank? ? {} : Hash.symbolize_keys(JSON.parse(params[:sort]).first) sort = sort_hash[:property] || 'description' dir = sort_hash[:direction] || 'ASC' limit = params[:limit] || 25 start = params[:start] || 0 end query_filter = params[:query_filter].blank? ? {} : JSON.parse(params[:query_filter]).symbolize_keys # hook method to apply any scopes passed via parameters to this api financial_txns = FinancialTxn.apply_filters(query_filter) # scope by dba_organizations if there are no parties passed as filters unless query_filter[:parties] dba_organizations = [] dba_organizations = dba_organizations.concat( financial_txns = financial_txns.scope_by_dba_organization(dba_organizations) end if sort and dir financial_txns = financial_txns.order("#{sort} #{dir}") end total_count = financial_txns.count if start and limit financial_txns = financial_txns.offset(start).limit(limit) end render :json => {success: true, total_count: total_count, financial_txns: financial_txns.collect(&:to_data_hash)} end def show financial_txn = FinancialTxn.find(params[:id]) render :json => {financial_txn: financial_txn.to_data_hash} end end # BizTxnEvents end # V1 end # Api