// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== // Create anonymous subclass of SC.RunLoop to add support for processing // view queues and Timers. SC.RunLoop = SC.RunLoop.extend( /** @scope SC.RunLoop.prototype */ { /** The time the current run loop began executing. All timers scheduled during this run loop will begin executing as if they were scheduled at this time. @property {Number} */ startTime: function() { if (!this._start) { this._start = Date.now(); } return this._start ; }.property(), /* Override to fire and reschedule timers once per run loop. Note that timers should fire only once per run loop to avoid the situation where a timer might cause an infinite loop by constantly rescheduling itself everytime it is fired. */ endRunLoop: function() { this.fireExpiredTimers(); // fire them timers! var ret = sc_super(); // do everything else this.scheduleNextTimeout(); // schedule a timout if timers remain return ret; }, // .......................................................... // TIMER SUPPORT // /** Schedules a timer to execute at the specified runTime. You will not usually call this method directly. Instead you should work with SC.Timer, which will manage both creating the timer and scheduling it. Calling this method on a timer that is already scheduled will remove it from the existing schedule and reschedule it. @param {SC.Timer} timer the timer to schedule @param {Time} runTime the time offset when you want this to run @returns {SC.RunLoop} receiver */ scheduleTimer: function(timer, runTime) { // if the timer is already in the schedule, remove it. this._timerQueue = timer.removeFromTimerQueue(this._timerQueue); // now, add the timer ot the timeout queue. This will walk down the // chain of timers to find the right place to insert it. this._timerQueue = timer.scheduleInTimerQueue(this._timerQueue, runTime); return this ; }, /** Removes the named timer from the timeout queue. If the timer is not currently scheduled, this method will have no effect. @param {SC.Timer} timer the timer to schedule @returns {SC.RunLoop} receiver */ cancelTimer: function(timer) { this._timerQueue = timer.removeFromTimerQueue(this._timerQueue) ; return this ; }, /** @private - shared array used by fireExpiredTimers to avoid memory */ TIMER_ARRAY: [], /** Invokes any timers that have expired since this method was last called. Usually you will not call this method directly, but it will be invoked automatically at the end of the run loop. @returns {Boolean} YES if timers were fired, NO otherwise */ fireExpiredTimers: function() { if (!this._timerQueue || this._firing) { return NO; } // nothing to do // max time we are allowed to run timers var now = this.get('startTime'), timers = this.TIMER_ARRAY, idx, len, didFire; // avoid recursive calls this._firing = YES; // collect timers to fire. we do this one time up front to avoid infinite // loops where firing a timer causes it to schedule itself again, causing // it to fire again, etc. this._timerQueue = this._timerQueue.collectExpiredTimers(timers, now); // now step through timers and fire them. len = timers.length; for(idx=0;idx 0 ; timers.length = 0 ; // reset for later use... this._firing = NO ; return didFire; }, /** @private Invoked at the end of a runloop, if there are pending timers, a timeout will be scheduled to fire when the next timer expires. You will not usually call this method yourself. It is invoked automatically at the end of a run loop. @returns {Boolean} YES if a timeout was scheduled */ scheduleNextTimeout: function() { var timer = this._timerQueue ; var ret = NO ; // if no timer, and there is an existing timeout, cancel it if (!timer) { if (this._timeout) { clearTimeout(this._timeout); } // otherwise, determine if the timeout needs to be rescheduled. } else { var nextTimeoutAt = timer._timerQueueRunTime ; if (this._timeoutAt !== nextTimeoutAt) { // need to reschedule if (this._timeout) { clearTimeout(this._timeout); } // clear existing... // reschedule var delay = Math.max(0, nextTimeoutAt - Date.now()); this._timeout = setTimeout(this._timeoutDidFire, delay); this._timeoutAt = nextTimeoutAt ; } ret = YES ; } return ret ; }, /** @private Invoked when a timeout actually fires. Simply cleanup, then begin and end a runloop. This will fire any expired timers and reschedule. Note that this function will be called with 'this' set to the global context, hence the need to lookup the current run loop. */ _timeoutDidFire: function() { var rl = SC.RunLoop.currentRunLoop; rl._timeout = rl._timeoutAt = null ; // cleanup SC.run(); // begin/end runloop to trigger timers. } }); SC.RunLoop.currentRunLoop = SC.RunLoop.create();